The Accident | Teen Ink

The Accident

April 17, 2014
By Kayce_kosanda BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
Kayce_kosanda BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember losing control of my truck after a drunken semi driver ran through the red light as Kallie and I were coming back from dinner. I remember her looking beautiful, just like she did when we first started dating, and after three years of being married my heart still skips a beat when her sparkling blue eyes stare back at me. It’s been a while since we’ve gone out on a date. I was just walking in the door from my long day of work and she came down the stairs. Her blonde hair was curled and her perfect figured body under my favorite purple dress she wore for special occasions. She stumbled a little on the last step and tried to play it off like she could actually walk in those heels. I went upstairs got changed and came back down and got the keys.
I remember spiraling off the road and rolling into the ditch. The car was spinning for what seemed like forever but it finally stopped with a jerk and we landed upside down. I opened my eyes and tried to move but I couldn’t my body was in so much pain and my head was killing me. I could feel the blood running down my face. I gently moved my head over to see if Kallie was okay. Her body was motionless and her blonde curls covered her face. There was blood and a lot of it. I tried to speak but no words came out. It didn’t take long until I heard the blades of a helicopter getting closer and closer. I closed my eyes for a second and was awakened by a bright light shining through the car window. People were rushing towards my truck. They pride the door open and lifted me out. They put me on a gurney and all I could see was bright lights. I saw more people rushing towards the passenger side of the truck where we were hit. They got Kallie out and there was a lot of blood. All I was thinking was, God please let her be okay. I didn’t know if she was dead or not.
They put me in the helicopter and I couldn’t see what they were doing with Kallie. My head was killing me when they finally got Kallie in the helicopter with me. Her head was faced away from me but I could still see the huge cuts in her arms. I could tell that her right arm was broke but I didn’t know how much other damage there was.
I woke up in a hospital room. I was hooked up to different machines and there was a cast all around my right leg. There was a bandage around my head and stitches under my left eye. I probably hit the window or something. I looked around the room and saw nothing. There was no one there, but then a nurse who looked like she was probably around 60 came in.
She looked at me surprised, “Oh, hi Mr. Jacobson, Nice to see you’re awake. I wasn’t expecting to see you up this early.”
I looked at her puzzled, “Where’ Kallie?”
“It’s only 8 Mr. Jacobson; I thought you would sleep in later than that. Your family was contacted about the accident and should be here tonight. They were getting the first flight they could” She said dodging my question.
I just looked at her. My family was coming? I haven’t talked to my family since my dad and I got in a fight. We went separate ways; I moved to Colorado and left my family behind in New York. I was never really a city guy and like wide open spaces more. And this is where I met Kallie. I didn’t need my family. I had all I needed which was her.
The Nurse came closer to the bed I was laying in handed me what I believe was pain medicine. “Where is Kallie?” I repeat again hoping for an answer this time. It was like she didn’t hear me. She just went along changing the bandage on my head. I raised my voice a little and this time I demanded for an answer, “Where is Kallie!”
“Mr. Jacobson… I’m sorry to tell you but your wife…” She paused for a second and then began again, “She is in a coma… the damage to her brain was much greater than we thought it was. We don’t know if she will survive.”

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