Forgiving Love's Pain | Teen Ink

Forgiving Love's Pain

May 24, 2014
By chicki825 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
chicki825 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Hey mom can I go to the library? I need books for school.” Mara asked. Her mom dropped her off and told her to walk home afterwards. As Mara went to get more books, she was surprised when she saw Charlie. Charlie was the most popular and smartest boy in 8th grade, Mara considered him to be a friend, but she also had a crush on him. When Charlie saw her, he began to worry and tried to leave. “Wait don’t leave, I didn’t mean to startle you, I’m sorry.” Mara said. “I didn’t know you came to the library?” Charlie looks around; they both know he wouldn’t respond if his friends were around. Charlie thought Mara was pretty but not enough to be seen hanging with. Don’t get him wrong, he talked to her every now and then.

Mara was still talking when Charlie came back from his daydream. “Are you going to leave or are you going to help me look for my book.” Mara asked again. “Yeah sure okay.” They spent hours laughing and reading. “You know, I never thought I could have this much fun with you.” Charlie told Mara, who was starting to blush. “I like you Charlie, I always have.” Mara said in response. Charlie looked at her to see if she was lying, when he saw she wasn’t he leaned in to kiss her. Just when he was about to lean in, his phone vibrated and surprised him. He quickly straightens and told her he was sorry. “This never should have happened, you’re amazing and all but please forget any of this ever happened.”

“Sure you’re asking me to forget the most amazing day of my life.” Mara said sarcastically. “Whatever I don’t care.” Mara had gathered her books and was just about to exit, when Charlie stopped her and asked, “Do you really like me?” Mara said “No I don’t like you, I like the smart you.” Mara now had tears running down her face in rivers. “What do you mean?” Charlie asked. “I don’t like the popular you, I have always loved the smart you. If you don’t understand you’ll figure it out, after all you’re smart right?” and with that she left Charlie standing there. “The library is going to close soon.” A lady said frightening Charlie. As he was walking home, he checked his phone to see who had called him. He saw it was his best friend Jose, he decided to return the call. “Hey why didn’t you answer when I first call?” Jose said practically yelling. “Sorry, I was just walking and put my phone on silent.” Jose said interrupting him. “Yeah I know right.” Charlie said, thinking it was an amazing day.

“Hello, Mara what’s wrong?” Sammy had been Mara’s best friend since 4th grade. Mara had just called to tell her everything. As Mara finished her story, Sammy asked, “You want me to talk to him.” “No don’t, I’ll get over him.” Mara said. Sammy knew she would never let anything hurt Mara. Soon after Mara hung up, Sammy called Charlie and asked, “How could you be so mean? Why Mara of all people? ” “What the heck?” was the first thing Charlie said. Look Sammy, I really like Mara but you know how it is being popular and stuff.” Charlie heard silence at the end of the other line. “Sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you or Mara, I’m sorry.”
“Would you be willing to help me win Mara over?” Charlie asked hoping for one answer that Sammy said instantly, “Yes!” “WHAT!” Sammy was covering her ears from hearing Charlie’s girlfriend ex-girlfriend scream. She had told Charlie the first step to win over Mara was to break up with Joana, his girlfriend. “You’re dumping me, for her?!” Mara saw Joana point at her but she couldn’t hear a thing. She had her earphones in so she didn’t have to hear Charlie call her name. She was glad when she made it to homeroom.
“Yeah but we can always be friends.” Charlie said hoping to bring her voice down. Everyone in the hallways were staring at them, even the teachers. “Okay fine. I don’t care.” Joana said calmly even though she was furious. “Bye.” After the bell rang for first period, Charlie was glad Mara was in her class. “Ring!” “Okay class today we’re going to start on our history projects. You will pick a partner and it will be due next year. Now let’s start choosing partners. Charlie?” said Mr. Lorre. “I chose Mara.” Charlie said. Mara and Joana were both surprised. Joana whined but she lost in the end. Joana was pissed that Charlie was partners with Mara. “What are you going to do?” Lacy asked. “Something that will make Mara regret she ever met Charlie.” Joana said thinking of something. She smiled when she came up with something.
“… and that is our history project.” Mara finished. After class ended, Mara heard a lot of snickering. “Hey, Mara! Can I talk to you? ” Jose said coming up behind her. “Is it true?” “What’s true?” Mara asked trying to figure it out what he wanted. “Is it true that you had sex with Charlie?” Mara was frustrated thinking that Charlie was a monster. “Some kids are saying that you forced Charlie so that he could have some credit on the project, others said that you raped him.” Mara ran away from him all the way to second block.
Charlie had no idea why everyone was being sorry; he also had no idea why Mara screamed at him during dismissal when he asked if he could walk her home. “Hey, Charlie, did you start those rumors about Mara? ‘Cause that’s NOT the way to show you love her.” Charlie said no having no idea about any rumors and became quiet as Sammy explained. “If it wasn’t you, then it was Joana. I heard Lacy talking about it in the bathroom but I didn’t hear enough to be certain. Anyways you have to something to stop them. Bye.” Sammy said while unlocking her door. All the way home, Charlie kept ignoring Joana’s calls and messages. He starting thinking he didn’t have to stop the rumors, they would just die off.
“Mara, how was school? I have some good and bad news!” Mara’s mom said. “Today was okay. We received a form to go to Atlanta in March for four days. Can I go?” “Yes, oh, tell her before I do!” Her dad started smiling and said, “We bought a house. The only thing is it on the other side of the city and move the Monday after you come back.” Mara didn’t know how to react and of nowhere said, “That’s good. I’m glad.” She was wondering whether she was glad or not. One thing she did know was no one could know, not even Sammy.
Charlie realized he was wrong, it was already time to go to Atlanta and the only friend Mara had was Sammy. Sammy was mad at Charlie but still helped him win over Mara. When everyone got to Atlanta, they wanted to go swimming, except Mara. She made an excuse to go to her room and sulk. It was her trip with her friend. She knew she would have to tell her but she would wait until the Spring formal. Sammy had a plan and told Mara to order room service for later. The doorbell rang and when Mara opened the door it was Charlie. “Can I come in?” Mara let him in and decided she wouldn’t be mean to him today.
As Sammy got home from the trip, she tried to get ready fast. Mara said he could only stay for an hour, and that she had something important to tell her. She knew something was wrong because Mara never left early from a dance. Sammy decided to text Charlie to come to the dance. When Charlie received the message he got ready for the dance (something he had never done before).Time went real fast while he got ready, by the time he showed up, Mara was getting ready to leave.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before but I didn’t want to hurt you.” Mara told Sammy. “My mom got transfer papers today. I’m going to miss you nut we’ll talk on Facebook. I have to go. Bye.” Sammy was starting to worry that Charlie wouldn’t show. “Mara wait, don’t go, I love you!” Charlie said trying to stop her from leaving. “Charlie I have to GO! Let go, I gave you so many chances and you did nothing. I’m going to give you one more chance, tell me to stay and I will, say nothing and I’ll leave.” Charlie didn’t know what to do and stayed quiet. “That’s what I thought.” Mara said, finally pulling free.

Through the rest of 8th grade they both were miserable. Mara met two girls named Alize and SaVannah. She told them everything and they told her to go out with guys. She met a guy named Austin and started to go out with him, they continued to go out through 9th grade. Charlie started to go out with Joana again. When he couldn’t forget Mara, he looked her up and saw that her school was holding a dance. He went to her school and left a note on her locker, asking her to meet him before the dance. She decided to meet him thinking it was Austin.

When she saw it was Charlie she got furious, “What do you want now? Can’t you leave me alone?” she didn’t want him to leave though. “I’m sorry but I love you.” “I don’t love you, I love my boyfriend. Just leave me alone, you think I don’t know that you’re for California in December? Look here, I’ll forget you if you forget me. Deal? Why do you have to make it so hard for the both of us?” Charlie was stunned that Mara had forgotten him and moved on. Mara was getting impatient and told they had a deal. Charlie tried to reach over and touch her face but she backed away. “I’m really sorry.” “No, I’m sorry that we ever met.”
Over time Charlie moved on and kept Mara’s deal. Though they still cared for each other, they lost contact. Once they came up to each other but didn’t recognize one another. Soon they were both heading to college. Mara decided to stay in Raleigh and later move and Charlie applied to Harvard. After a year at the University of Raleigh, Mara applied to Harvard. She was relieved when they even gave her a scholarship. As she came out the office, she saw a familiar face of someone and “accidently” crashed into him. He didn’t recognize Mara because she had changed drastically. “Excuse me, could you help me find my class?” Mara said hoping he did recognize her. “Hey you’re new here right? What’s your name, mine is Charlie.”
She didn’t want to tell him right away so she said her name Alexa. He was disappointed they didn’t have any of the same classes but homeroom. Over the next few months he kept asking her out but neglected him. “Why” She decided it was time for him to know, “You really don’t recognize me? It’s me, Mara.” Charlie started smiling and said “I knew I never like this unless you were around.” After graduating, they got married. “Mara, what are you doing outside?” Charlie asked leaning in to kiss her. “Telling our grandchildren how we first met and about forgiving love’s pain.”

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