Unrequited Love | Teen Ink

Unrequited Love

August 27, 2014
By walkingcontradiction BRONZE, Allison Park, Pennsylvania
walkingcontradiction BRONZE, Allison Park, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The strange mischief I see in your eyes and words, appealed to me in a way I cannot describe.

The way you giggle in such a delicate manner.The way you take pride in who you are, or what you aspire to be. The way you deny social allegations with wit that is not rude, but respectable in the highest manner.

It is not your physical beauty that I long for, though that may be reason enough for me, but the sparkling personality I yearn for. I doubt you will ever realize what I feel for you.

The depths with which I feel cannot be compared to any lovers, or denied by myself.

I will not say I love you, because I believe love is only accomplished and fulfilled, when both people involved, are aware of it.

So I hope you accept my love, not as to return it, but merely to acknowledge it, as i hope that will be enough satisfaction for me.

That is all I ask of you.

Just that, and nothing more.


The author's comments:

We've all loved someone who hasn't loved us back. It's selfish to expect someone to love you back. Be okay with the fact that maybe they won't ever love you.

It's okay to be sad.

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