The Mystical Chapter Six: Wolf Heart | Teen Ink

The Mystical Chapter Six: Wolf Heart

December 15, 2014
By Anonymous

After what i'de just seen, i didnt want to continue the game without asking questions, so i didn't. "How are you..." surprised from the minutes-earlier event. "The question is," Cole interrupts, "how are you a Transer?" "A what?" "It's what we call people who can change. We're all Transers, but as you can see none o-," i cut him off, "none of you are female," i finish for him. "Exactly." "That means we're no longer a dying breed." "And we were before?" "You still are. It is very rare that Transers of different breeds mate without the child dying."

"Pretty and special... she doesn't seem to have a boyfriend so..." I try to pounce on Mavrick, but Cole and Jack are stronger than i am. "She is part of our pack now Mavrick. And being that she is the only female, she will be heavily protected, so don't try and pull any stunts. And she has a boyfriend." "Whose the lucky guy i'm up against?" shrugging off the boys, "He's currently in the hospital." "Oh pitty." "Because of you." His eyes glare with the yellow of a harvest moon.

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