Come Back To Me | Teen Ink

Come Back To Me

March 9, 2015
By cookiemonster789 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
cookiemonster789 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I'm sitting on the couch, slowly drinking a cup of coffee, wearing leggings and a tank top. My blonde hair is pulled up into a messy bun. The TV's on, but I'm not watching it. I can hear the rain falling on the roof of the house. Rainy days like this used to make me happy, but now I just feel sad. It's been six months since we broke up. I've gotten over it but some days it's worse than others. The thing is that we were happy, or at least I thought we were. We had been dating for around a year when suddenly he started pulling back. We stopped going on dates and we didn't talk as much anymore. Then one day he came and told me it wasn't working out and left. He never gave me a reason. I was head over heels in love with him and when he left he took part of me with him. But it's not like I've been totally miserable. I still have my friends and most of the time they're  all I need to cheer me up. It's just that sometimes I still think about what it was like for that one year and how I was happier than I had ever been.

I'm taken out of my misery fest when the doorbell rings. That's odd. No sane person would be going outside in the rain right now. I put my coffee on the counter and head to the door, opening it. I feel my eyes widen as I look at the person standing in the doorway. The person who I had last seen six months ago, his face a mask, as he walked away from me. He looks different now. There are bags under his eyes and his light brown hair is darkened from the rain. He's shivering in a short sleeved shirt and jeans. He gives me a weak smile and says, “Hey Kathy, long time no see."

I glare at him. "Get your sorry ass inside before you get pneumonia."

"Good to see that you haven't changed a bit."

Once he's inside, I sigh and say, "What are you doing here James?"

"Is it a crime to want to see you?"

"It is considering that you broke up with me," I reply bluntly. He winces slightly and I realize that he's probably freezing in his wet clothes.

"Come on. I think I have some old clothes of my brother's for you to change into." I get him the clothes and show him where the bathroom is so that he can get dry. When I'm by myself again I realize the extent of what I just did. I don't know why he really came, but he knew this was my house. He could've gone anywhere else and he came here. But it's not like I could've left him out there, and he'll leave once he gets warm again. Right?

He comes out of the bathroom, almost completely dry except for his hair.

"You want coffee?" I ask.

"Yeah. Sure." I pour him a cup and grab my own cup and sit down on the couch. He sits down at the other end of the couch, looking at me tentatively. After a few minutes of sitting in silence and avoiding eye contact, he says, "So how's your family?"

Small talk. He's making small talk. I can't believe we're at this point. I still reply though. "They're good. What about yours?”

"They're good too. They miss having you around," I look down at that. I miss them too but I can't tell him that. For the next half an hour, we just talk and I think maybe that's what I missed about him the most. Just being able to talk to him. I mean we don't talk about anything serious, but it takes me out of the mood I was in before. But soon enough our coffees are finished and reality sets in. I get up and say," I think the rain has slowed. Do you have a way of getting home?"

He looks disappointed and he's trying not to let it show, but I figured how to see through him a long time ago. I don't comment though. That would just make it harder for me to let him leave. He looks at me sheepishly and says,"Oh. Uh yeah. My cars out front. I drove here."

He what?! And here I was thinking that he was stuck walking in the rain. But to be honest I had a good time talking to him, so I just roll my eyes without saying anything. I tell him that he can get his clothes from the bathroom and let himself out. That was probably impolite but I don't think I would be able to last through saying goodbye to him again. When I hear him open the door to go outside, I walk to the bathroom. When I go in I notice his wallet on the floor.

"James, wait!" I yell to him, hoping he's not gone yet.

"You left your..." I trail off as I notice the picture in the pocket. I see my smiling face looking back at me. There's an arm slung around my shoulders that belongs to James. He's not looking at the camera, though, he's looking at me. There's a ghost of a smile on his face as he looks at me with barely concealed happiness. I'm looking at the picture so intently that I don't hear James come in. He coughs a little to get my attention.

"Kathy?" He says softly.

"Oh. Sorry. You left your wallet. Here." But he doesn't take it. He just looks at me, the same way he was looking at me in the picture.

"Remember that day? It was when I first realized I loved you." I do remember. We had gone to a fair and I had dragged him over to a photo booth to get our picture taken.


"Kathy I know I screwed up. I was an idiot. I had a good reason for leaving, but I don't really care at this point. I left because I didn't think I deserved you. Because all I'm going to do is hold you back from everything you want do with your life" I tried to say something, anything to make him stop and listen, but he just held up his hand and kept talking.

"You always talked about your dreams of doing something your life, changing the world. But honestly all I wanted to do was spend my life with you. I didn't, still don't, care about anyone else other than you and my family. And I know that sounds selfish but that's who I am. That's why I left, because I didn't want you to give up on your dreams because of me. But I can't bring myself to care anymore. Will you take me back?" I stood there in shock for a few seconds. This is definitely not how I was expecting my relaxing Saturday to go. He must of seen something in my face because suddenly he turns away.

"I'm sorry. I never should have come."

I finally come out of my shock realizing he's about to slip out of my grasp again.

"Wait!" He pauses but doesn't turn around.

"Yeah, I think I might be able to do that."

He turns around and his face lights up like a child on Christmas morning.


"Yeah." I smile. "But you can't pull anything like you did when we broke up. I don't think I would be able to take that a second time"

He chuckles under his breath.

"Never." he says softly. And then we're kissing. I take back what I said about just missing talking to him. I missed this too. A lot. But then I pull back because I'm not finished talking yet.

"You said that you would hold me back from my dreams. But that's not going to happen. Because I'm going to go through with them no matter what you say and if you really love someone then you support them. It doesn't matter if you don't want the same things as me. We're completely different, wonderful people who love each other and that will get us through it."

He smiles, looking somewhat relieved.

"Well as much as I want to keep kissing you, I do actually have to go. I have to go meet my friends."

"Alright. Go. But you’re coming back tomorrow. Ok?" He laughs softly.

"Where else would I go?"

I push him out the door and watch him get into his car and drive away. The last time I saw him drive away he was breaking up with me, but now as I watch him I realize that whether I like it or not, he's always going to come back. And I'm pretty sure I like it.

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