unconditional | Teen Ink


March 12, 2015
By austin salazar BRONZE, Modesto, California
austin salazar BRONZE, Modesto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 As a teenager love is a word that most never get the grasp of the true meaning. You say it to some one and they think your wired because they think by saying love your obsessive over them and a stalker, but some teens are mature and seasoned. They have had love around them there whole life or maybe none at all and have learned growing up about how important love is through there hard ships. Most teen relationships are fare from love in today’s world they are strictly based on two attractive people only with the other due to the popularity they have or how they look not who they are.

   Brett is a senior in high school he is Caring, Honest, not a bad looking kid who doesn’t think like the normal teenage boy who only care about how women look, and pushing authority. He is well mannered, and has the maturity level above those of his peers. His idea of a good time on a weekend would be hanging out with friends in a small group instead of going to a party. As a senior in high school he hasn’t had a girlfriend or even a kissed a girl, but it’s not because he can’t it’s by choice.
  Brett has a lot of friends that are girls whom are very attractive but he has no feelings passed that, but there is one girl Rose. The first time he saw her was at summer camp when he was 12, her beauty and whole presents made his body feel like jello, and he couldn’t stop sweating, and his heart was racing. He was so affected by this he needed to take a seat and relax for a while. Brett knew this feeling about Rose was special but couldn’t get the nerve to go up and talk to her while at camp and before he knew it was over and so was summer and she went back to her school and he to his. He still though about her all the time though he knew he couldn’t tell any one because he thought they would never understand how he felt, but then high school came around and the memory of Rose still ate at his heart like a painful parasite, even though he knew theses next four years could very well determine his adult life it was hard to get excited. Brett and his group of friends took a seat in the bleachers waiting for orientation to start as they got situated a group of very attractive girls walked in. Brett’s friends necks snap towards the group of freshmen girls, Brett soon followed and as he laded eyes upon the group it was as if the earth’s rotation had slowed there she was, Rose walking in the group of girls. All of them were attractive, and to any other teenage boy amazing, but they were not Rose and that was who had Brett’s heart. Brett was in complete shock, and was extremely nervous so nervous that he wasn’t even able to say a word. He was just floored the girl he thought he would not likely see again was in his class now. After orientation Brett and his friend walk over to the group of girls and started to talk to them. Brett stood in the back trying not to do anything stupid, he didn’t  know how to act around very pretty girls and, as school started Brett didn’t talk to Rose even though they had almost every class together, he was too nervous and afraid until one day she came up to him and started talking. At first he wasn’t listening he just looked into her eyes and thought about how beautiful and brown they were. HE then started to freak out a little on the inside because he would have to respond to her eventually he said to himself; don’t mess this up stay cool. He took a deep breath and was now relaxed and began to listen, it turns out she was just a normal girl who happened to be extremely gorgeous, and as Brett realized this fear went away and he began to hangout with her. The two became fast friends over the next two years and Brett thought that he was only struck by her beauty before and it was just a Crush, yet as the two became more close he realized that he was in love, not just the cupid spell kind of love but the serious love. Where he would sacrifice any thing to make her happy. Many people told Brett that Rose actually like him, his friends, her friends, even people who he did not know as well said it, yet Brett never could tell when a girl was flirting with or just being nice, so as Brett finally worked up the courage too express his true feelings for Rose the best he could for her to understand it was too late and went horribly wrong. She had liked someone else from another school and she even knew that Brett felt something for her and would never meet with him face to face so he could try and explain in person so he finally just texted her. Brett thought that she like him because her friends were telling him she did, so Brett rushed and only made it seem as if he was interested in her. Brett knew he made a huge mistake and when she texted him back she rejected him but also gave him hope saying it was bad timing because of the other guy and that Brett would be the perfect guy. That summer Brett got down on himself as Rose and the guy she liked began a relationship, Brett knew he still needed to tell her his true feelings but knew he couldn’t tell her right now because of how messed up it would be to just throw it on her as she had a boyfriend and knew it would only drive a wedge between Brett and her. Senior year is almost over and Brett still just wants to get it off his chest but sees that she is happy and if she is happy he is happy because his love for her is unconditional.

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