You Never Know Who You'll Fall In Love With | Teen Ink

You Never Know Who You'll Fall In Love With

June 1, 2015
By emmclements BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
emmclements BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Allie was a waitress at the local cafe in her home town. Noah, going into the cafe just for a drink, never thought he would have met the girl of his dreams in there. 


Noah and Allie go on many amazing dates that bring them closer than any other couple you will have ever seen, all leading up to Noah's big secret reveal...

Chapter 1: You Never Know Who You'll Fall In Love With

Allie had a part time job as a waitress at the local cafe. Her parents were filthy rich, but she liked to earn her money, not just get it all from her parents. She was 17 years old with beautiful golden hair and sparkling blue eyes. Noah was a vampire. He is now 1,894 years old, but in reality, he looks 18. He had very dark brown hair, almost black, with eyes just the same. This is their story on how they came to be…

Allie was working at the cafe on a cold december day when Noah first walked in. She was in the back fixing her apron as he sat down. Allie was told that a customer had just walked in and that she needed to go serve him. As soon as she walked over to that booth and saw those piercing eyes staring right in to hers, she became weak. She couldn’t even get her words out to take his order. Noah had cast his spell on yet another girl, but he knew that this girl was different. This girl, he actually had feelings for. Noah knew this girl was different from all the rest. He liked that, he actually more than liked that.

After a few minutes of flat out staring at Noah, Allie finally found the words to ask him what he would like to eat and drink. Now, Noah was a gentleman, he wasn’t one of those guys that acted like he could get any girl he wanted and he didn’t walk all over people. He told Allie that all he wanted to get from her today was a date. Allie was very hesitant and she didn’t know what to say. I mean, she had only just met him, and oh my gosh what would her parents think of a boy like this? All of these things were running through her mind and the whole time, Noah couldn’t stop smiling, he couldn’t get over just how beautiful she really was. He blew her mind, and he blew hers, but she just didn’t know what to say. Noah told her to think about going out and then to get back to him. He wrote down his number on a napkin and handed it to Allie. Their hands touched when he gave it to her, and his skin sent a rush through Allie. Now, she already knew what she was going to say, but she just wanted to make him wait a little longer.

A few days passed until Allie finally decided to call Noah and tell him that she wanted to go on a date with him. Her heart raced as she called him, and when he answered she lost her train of thought. She couldn’t find the words to tell him that she wanted to go out, so he found them for her. He made the dinner plans while she just sat there in silence, listening to the sound of his voice and wishing that he was right there in front of her. Allie could not believe that she had just got a date with Noah, she felt like she was on top of the world. Allie knew she had to get the perfect outfit to blow Noah’s mind, and believe me, she found the perfect outfit. Because, when Noah came to her house that night to pick her up, he was the one at a loss of words. I bet you he told her a million times that night how great she looked. And everytime he did, Allie’s face would blush and she felt like the luckiest girl on the world.

After Noah dropped Allie back off at her house that night, he hated himself for not having the courage to tell her that he was a vampire. The reason he didn’t tell her is because he thought that she would’ve gotten so frightened, that she would run away from him. He had never told anyone his secret before, but he felt that Allie was different. They had really connected on that date and he just knew that she was the one, he could feel it. He could feel that he was going to spend the rest of her life with her, if she was okay with his big secret.

A few weeks had passed and Noah and Allie had been on a lot more amazing dates with each other, but he still hadn’t told her about him being a vampire. Guilt followed him around everywhere he went because he knew not telling Allie was very wrong. Noah knew that he couldn’t wait any longer. They were going on another date that night and he planned to tell her then. He picked her up at 8:00, and like always, he told her how amazing she looked. Noah absolutely adored her and he knew that if she didn’t want to be with him because of his secret, his heart would be broken forever. Finally, when they we parked in the parking lot and getting ready to get out of the car, he told Allie that he had to tell her something very important. With curiousness in her eyes, she listened to every word that came out of Noah’s mouth. At first, she was scared. But then, Allie looked deep into Noah’s eyes, and she knew that he would never hurt her. She had fallen in love with a so called beast, and she didn’t even know it. She had always thought that people like that were freaks and that they were dangerous, but with Noah, he was the absolute sweetest person she had ever met. And she could feel, at that very moment, that they were going to be together for a very long time.

That was in the year 1956. Today, on May 31, 2015. Noah and Allie have been happily married for 55 years now, and they have 2 kids that look exactly like their mother. Who knew that an ordinary rich city girl could fall in love with a vampire and have such a beautiful story to go with it.

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