September 2, 2015
By Anonymous

Knock…knock…knock.”Amy opens this door please. Amy, this is your best friend, Peter. You know that you have been in your room for a long time. Come out, please. You have not eat yet, right? I have brought your favorite food, pepperoni pizza and double cheese burger. I know you want them badly so you better open this door right now. I will count down from ten and if you still do not want to open it, I will eat this delicious food that is in front of me right now. Oh, it is really tempting me to eat them….” said me, Peter to my best friend since we were five years old. Amy is really mad with her parents as they forced her to go learn at a new high school which is far from our neighborhood but it is near to her aunt’s house.  They told her that she has to live with her aunt until she graduates from the school. Her parents have a business to do in Italy for almost ten years. So she must has a guardian to always look after her.

Suddenly, the door opens. She looks very sad and her face is very dull. I show the food to her and it has light up her face a little bit. She looks at me and said thank you. She gives me a hug and I hug her back. I tell her that she has to think why her parents ask her to transfer to a new place and there must be benefits from that. She takes the food and starts to eat it. She eats likes she has never eaten for many years. She was really hungry, I thought. After that, I ask her to go sleep or take some rest in her bedroom. I wave at her and go out from her bedroom. I meet her parents and tell them that she is okay and resting or sleeping in her bedroom. They thank me for helping them persuade their only child. I just smile and said “It’s okay”.
Tomorrow morning, I come to Amy’s house. We go to school together by bus. Amy tells me that she has decided to agree with her parents’ decision. She thinks that there must be benefits for her to stay with her aunt. I am happy when she has thought like that but I also feel sad too as she will leave me. It is hard to let her go as we have been friends for a long time and she is also my best friend. I do not know who else will cheer me when I am upset, do stupid things together, always tease me and many other things. I ask her when she will transfer to her new high school. She tells that she will transfer two weeks later. I have to spend good memories with her during these two weeks.

After the school hours over, we quickly go back home by the same bus we go to school. We change stories about interesting things happen in school. I tease her during we are in the bus as she got a letter from an unknown person. I tell her that, the letter must be from her secret admirer. She asks me stop say that as it is really embarrassing for her, she said. I found that she looks cute when she is shy. I ask her what the letter’s contents but she said that she wants to keep it as a secret from me. I am shock as it is very rare for her to keep something from me. But suddenly, I realized that we have been grown up and there must be some changes happen. But I really want to know the letter’s contents.

After we arrived at our house, we got out from the bus and go into our house. I wave at Amy before I enter my house. She waves me back. I tease her again with that ‘secret admirer things’. She yells at me to stop and her face turns red. It shows that she is really shy. I just laugh and go inside my house. My mother is busy preparing the lunch while my father has not come back yet from his work. He usually joins us having lunch at home. I go to my bedroom and change my outfit. I go to kitchen and help my mother a little bit to serve the meal.
Not long after that, my father arrived at home. He quickly joins us having lunch. He looks really hungry. I immediately finish my homework after having my lunch as I want to spend the left time with Amy. I ask her if she wants to go to the park nearby. She agreed with it. We go there using our bicycles. We are really enjoying our time there. We go back home in the evening, at six o’clock. She tells me that she gets a really good time with me. I always spend time with her during the two weeks just to make her happy.

A day before she transfers, I help her to send some things that belong to her to her aunt’s house. Amy also shows me her new high school to me. It is bigger than our high school. I really hope that she will enjoy and happy to have her learn here. In the night, I give her many advices. She said that I have turned to be like her father. I do not are what she wants to think about me as long as I can say what I want to say to her.

The day Amy transfers to her new school, I wake up early. I go to her house and greet her parents when I am in front of their house’s gate. I ask Amy’s mother where is Amy, and she tells me that Amy is still sleeping. I ask her if she can help me to send my gift to her when she wakes up. She tells me that she will do it. I thank her and go to school early. During the time I go back from school, it is really boring as there is no one I can talk with. Usually Amy and I will change our stories and I will probably tease her again with the ‘secret admirer things’. But when I thought about the ‘secret admirer things’, I feel jealous. I do not know why but I always hide that feeling by teasing her.

I arrive at home and I quickly go into my bedroom. I feel empty and really bored. I do not know what to do as usually I will spend time with Amy, but right now she is in her aunt’s home, probably. I really miss Amy right now. I wish that I can meet her right now. Suddenly, my mother shouts my name and asks me to go down. I quickly go to her and ask what is happening and why she calls me. She gives me a letter that has my name on it. I take and read it.

I am very surprised with what I have read. I get a letter from Amy’s parents. They wrote that they have enrolled me into the same school with Amy and ask me to take good care of her at school. They also wrote that I can live with Amy’s aunt’s house. I ask my parents and they just let me choose what I want. I tell them that I will go to the same school with Amy and I will stay for a while at her aunt’s house. They agree with it and tell me to pack my things. I am very happy and an not wait to meet Amy.

I have done pack my things. I do not know if Amy knows that I will be at the same school with her. If she knows she must have called me to ask about it. I bet that she still does not know about it. If like that, I can make this as a surprise for her. My parents tell me that they will help me to take care about the school. I really appreciate it and thank them. They also tell me that I can start learn there tomorrow. I am very excited and a little bit nervous at the same time. I hope that everything will go well.

Tomorrow, my parents send me to the school. I enter the school while they send my things at Amy’s aunt’s house. I follow a teacher that brings me to my classroom. I enter the classroom and I am shock as I in the same class with Amy. She looks very surprised to see me here. After the school hours over, Amy quickly ask me why I am here. I tell her everything and she looks very happy to see me again. I think that I also feel the same way. I realize that I will feel very dull if I cannot see or talk to her face-to-face although it is just a day. I do not know if my feeling towards her has become more than feeling as a friend should. If that has happened I think that it will take a long time to tell her about it. But it is okay as long as she is always near me and I am the one who protect her. ALWAYS.


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