Love Story | Teen Ink

Love Story

November 16, 2015
By AbsoluteZeroCraze BRONZE, Wichita, Kansas
AbsoluteZeroCraze BRONZE, Wichita, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It starts as a young lady goes to a dance/hoedown, She meets a young man, Glorious eyes, And heart of a true feeler. But things turn as an accident occurs, what will happen? read on to find the mystery of what happens in this fantastic love story that will touch your heart from within.

Chapter 1: Forthcome love

In a small town, in the backwoods of Tennessee a young gal by the name of Stacy was thinking of going to town with her friends Ann and Andy. Ann and Andy pulled to the front of her house in their brother’s pickup truck. Andy told Stacy that there was a hoe down at Big Stan’s barn and wanted to know if she wanted to go.  Stacy, after thinking for a few minutes thought it would be nice to do so she agreed to go. When she finally got there a mysterious gentleman walked up to her and asked would you like to dance so they dance 2 dances.  The mysterious gentleman wanted to know if she wanted a drink, Stacy said “But I don’t even know your name”. The mysterious gentleman told her that his name was Casey Johnson from Indiana visiting family. Stacy took a second look and realized that she and Casey used to play down by the creek when she was just knee-high to a tadpole. They talked and danced for a few hours and suddenly Casey leaned over and kissed her. She was nervous about the kiss and flew out faster than a barn owl chasing a rabbit.  Ann ran out after her and asked what the matter was.  Stacy said that she had to go back home to her grandfather’s house and then said call me. So he called the next day looking for her and she wasn’t there. Then the doorbell rang he went to the door and smiled.  It was Stacy and she told him that she had to move tomorrow and that she will try to keep in touch.
Then a couple days passed and Casey was worried that he would never see her again. So he turned on the TV and she was on the news.  She had been hit by a semi-truck passing through.  He gasped loudly and yelled, OMG. He called up her parents and asked what hospital she was at. The parents were in tears while telling him that she was at St Paul's in eastern Tennessee over by the medical center. So, he went to the hospital to see her doctor and the doctor told him that she might not make it.  He burst into tears. He went up to her room and cried by her bed silently while she lay there in pain. Casey whimpered why did it have to be her? Why couldn't it have been me? She suddenly speaks, "I love you" one last time and goes silent. He cries with anger, and despair, He hears the monitor suddenly come to a stop and hears a constant line of "Beep", He cries more than he can handle, He holds her hand crying on her beautiful face, and kissing her forehead, He yells "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" WHY LORD! WHY! He stops when her parents walk in. He sees there intense depression and asks for permission to come to her funeral, They reply with "Please do, She talked about you all the time and loved you more than herself, She believed you were the one for her and the one she needed" 2 weeks pass, It's time for her funeral her mother says, He walks up to the coffin, puts a bundle of roses upon her coffin and says, I will love you from my heart to the end of the creek and beyond from which we met. He listens to the ceremony, crying within his heart. He whispers "I love you" one last time.

The author's comments:

This story is actually a little bit of my past but in a different perspective, and different nature than what actually happened. I was in a relationship in which my girlfriend later had difficultys

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