The mountain | Teen Ink

The mountain

December 17, 2015
By Grace02 BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
Grace02 BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

“I can’t do this anymore I’ll serve you with a divorce by the end of the day” I shout in an angry rage. My husband looks at me longingly but he had to know this was coming we had been fighting for months and neither one of us was giving up or apologizing. I storm out of the room and get in my car, the roads are slick from slet and on top of that my vision is blurry from tears. I am starting to regret saying what I said because I know I can never take it back and nothing will ever be the same. I don’t know where I am going but I find myself in the parking lot of a law firm. I get out of just as I pull in because my car smells like him, fresh and clean but cozy. I walk into the building and a plump woman in a suit asks me how she can help. “I am filing for a divorce I squeak out and the tears start coming again.” “Okay give me a minute and I’ll have all the paperwork for you if you can just give me your name.” She says like it's no big deal. “I lift my head to look her in the eyes like a dignified woman only to see the identical ocean blue eye the Jack my husband has. I can’t take it anymore I tell myself and just fall down on my knees in a puddle of tears. The woman squats down beside me and pats my back. I pull myself together taking a deep breath, making sure to not look her in the eyes not knowing if I can handle it. I notice a platter of cupcakes on the bar of what I assume is the kitchen. I little boy is shoveling them in with both hands,giving me the courage to suck it up. “My name is Emily Snow.” Saying my husbands name is almost too much. The woman gets up and walks away I can hear her heels clicking thru the hall. I just sit there slouched over not knowing where to go. That night I went home and packed my stuff and handed Jack the papers.
I felt like I needed to get out of that town and clear my head. I pick a city on a green sign and drove until I was to tired to go on I pulled over and slept in my car not wanting to leave the comfort of something that can’t fight with me. And that is how I ended up here. My father and I used to hike this mountain in the summer time but never when it had snow on it and now that he is gone it is the only place that I feel close to him. I guess I came here because it is easier to talk to someone that isn’t here to judge you. The sun was just peaking over the mountains.  The snow was already a couple inches high. I have a late start today so I need to make up for the hour I lost I think in my mind. Here I come I say aloud. Then I look around a little embarrassed that I was talking to myself then I realize no one's around to hear me. as I take the first step of my long journey and exhale and see the breath in front of me and can no longer feel my nose. I start up the first slope I feel my calf muscles start to work like they have never worked before. As I make it up the first hill I can feel my body start to sweat and I sweat to take my coat off but I know I can't for would surely die from frostbite. I start up the second hill as the spikes on my snow boot dig into the mountains side. A couple of tiny snow ball spill down.Soon my breathing became heavy. My father and I used to be able to hike it in 7 days. My goal is 10 I need extra time because then I can talk to him longer and because of the snow. After a couple hours the sun was fading away and I start setting up camp. As I start to hammer in the steaks for the tent my boot catches on the zipper of my coat but before I can stabilize myself I’m falling down the steep slope little snow ball rolling along side of me. All I can think about is Jack and how much I miss him and the thought of if I had just given him one more day maybe none of this would have happened. that's when I see him Jack is standing at the bottom of the mountain ready to climb. When he see’s me rolling down the hill his face flashes from happiness to concern but when I reach the bottom I lie there smiling up at him and he is smiling down at me he gently kneels down and kisses me. Then he gets down on one knee and says
“Will you take me back?”

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This article has 2 comments.

Grace02 BRONZE said...
on Jan. 22 2016 at 4:20 pm
Grace02 BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Thank you for the feed back

on Dec. 29 2015 at 8:26 pm
spinnerofyarns GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
13 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nobody but a reader ever became a writer." -- Richard Peck

Not the ending I was expecting, but certainly along the lines of what I was hoping for!