Down the Well | Teen Ink

Down the Well

January 19, 2016
By ForgottenMemories BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
ForgottenMemories BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be happy or unicorns and butterflies will eat your face off." by my dad.

 Verona hated it, she hated her clumsy nature, she hated her bad luck that seemed to follow her around by her heels, she hated that the old stone walls seemed to enclose on her and they were to high for her to climb up, she hated that her hands hurt and she had bruises and scrapes everywhere, but most of all she hated that she was down here with the person she hated the most, and she hated that he was down there because he had tried to help her.
She turned away from where he was and faced the cold stones that encircled them. She crossed her arms and hoped someone would come by and soon. She didn’t know how long she could last.
Edison stole many glances at Verona without her knowledge, and with many successes he didn’t stop. He couldn’t help it if the girl he liked hated his guts even though he tried on many occasions to change that. The main reason she hated him was because her older sister, (who he refused to think anything remotely decent about), who claimed that he threatened her shortly after they entered the ninth grade, because she was bored of him and apparently didn’t think their friendship, that started from second grade, mattered. He hated Rosaline, and she ignored anyone she didn’t feel was fit to be next to her. Including Verona.
The strange silence where one could hear each breath wasn’t something Edison was used to. He secretly distressed that she might hear his heart thumping in his chest if sound wasn’t added soon. “So… um… are you okay?...” The words rang throughout the old dried up well.
“What do you want? A thank-you note? Well you aren’t getting one from me..” Venom in the word impaled his heart as he turned to face her back.
“No, I wanted to see if you were okay. That was a monster fall and you could have gotten seriously hurt.” That wasn’t true, though he was a little worried, her movements proved she was sturdy enough.
“Why? You didn’t care about Rosaline when you threatened her..” knives hid in her words as she mercilessly chucked them at him.
“Come on!” his voice pleaded, “Please tell me you don’t still believe that whopper! Have you ever seen me do anything like that?”
Truth be told, Verona had haggled over this whenever she saw Edison help a kid up when the jocks shoved him or when he helped the lunch ladies after everyone rushed off to class. “Why should I believe you?”
“Why do you believe Rosaline? She lies to you more than anyone.”
“Because she’s family!!” her voice held more pain than he anticipated.
“Verona? Is that you?” familiar voice turned their attention up to the opening. May, Verona best friend since childhood, was peering down the well with her pet, Chicken, who was a goat. “Chicken dragged me over here, guess she knew you were down here.” She laughed nervously. “Anyway, I’ll go get help now. Wait for me to get back…” She rushed out of view.
A few minutes more of dead silence and several people came to help. Once out Verona and Edison sat side by side in the ambulance. “Thank you...” Her voice was barely audible, but the small smile on his face proved that he received her message.

And So It Begins...

The author's comments:

I wrote this for my class, thinking of the basic formula for a good story. I tried to make the characters as relateable and believeable so that they could cause you to laugh and understand them. I really enjoyed writing it, and I hope you enjoy reading it.

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