A Sad Love Story | Teen Ink

A Sad Love Story

February 17, 2016
By AriaBeauty BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
AriaBeauty BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

A girl and a boy. Once madly in love with each other, fall to the ground in despair.

Chapter 1: 1......There was a girl and a boy who were happily in love, they were in high school and when the boy entered the room he walked past the girls desk and placed a note between her books and walked to the back of the room to his own desk. She picked the note up and read it,


'Please meet me behind the school, on the football field, underneath the bleachers. We need to talk.'

The girl turned around and looked at him smiling, but he looked at her for a second, then looked away almost crying.

After school she waited, and waited, and waited. About an hour later, she was standing up to leave, when she sees the boy walking towards her.

"Hey." She smiles. "What'd you want?"

He mumbled something. She gave him a concerning look.

"Are you okay?"

He looks up at her.

"I'm leaving you."

Shock hits her face. "What do you mean?"

"I'm breaking up with you," he said. "I stopped loving you 2 years ago."

"Why didn't you say anything?" She asked.

"Because I didn't want to hurt you."

She stands up and grabs his shirt.

"You can love me again! I can make it happen!" She cried. "Just PLEASE honey.... don't leave me!"

He pulls her hands off him and sets them at her sides.

"I'm sorry." He said.

He turns and leaves.

Chapter 2: 2...... She sat here for another hour crying. Until she gets up -still crying- and heads home.


On her way is starts to rain, shes completely drenched by the time she gets home. Instead of saying hello to her parents, she goes up to her room.

Months went by and she stopped talking, stopped learning. Her grades started to fall.

A year went by and shes in deep depression. Her parents took her out of public school and tried homeschooling her.

Never worked. She'll always be up before then and out the door. Finally it was a year since the boy left her, and she couldn't get over him. She had enough.

Her parents were out town for a friends birthday. She sits at the dinning room table with piece of paper and a pencil. She begins to write;

'To my love,

I know you stopped loving me, but i never stopped. I couldn't no matter how much I try, you're always on my mind. And I cant take it anymore. I'm leaving this world, by the time you're reading this, Ill be dead.

I love you so much and Ill never forget you.


The girl you left behind.'

Chapter 3: 3...... She tapes the note to her houses front door and walks into the kitchen and grabs the sharpest knife that they had, which was a sliver steak knife. She walks into her room and stares at the knife. She sets it down by her and picks up her phone.



"Hello?" Said a voice.

"Come to my house." She said.

"Wait why?"

"Just please come." She said. "Its important."

"Okay...." pause. "Be there in 5."

She hangs up the phone and puts a picture of the boy as her home screen. She stares at the pic as she picks up the knife. She stabs her stomach, blood gushed out and stained the sliver knife. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she falls back dead. The phone falls from her hand and onto the floor. She lays motionless, blood sprawled across the bed, her body.

There was a knock on the door.

Chapter 4: 4...... The boy finally saw the note, he read it, and gasped. He threw open the door and runs to the room. He flings the door open and runs over to the bed. His foot lands on the phone making it light up, he leans down and sees the picture of them together. He cry's, then sees her lifeless body lying on the bed. He takes the knife out of her stomach and lays it on a pillow, he sits on the soaked bed and holds her bloody body. It was sticky, oozy, and wet.


He leaned down and kissed her forehead, crying.

"I'm so sorry...." he whispered through tears. "I shouldn't of left you. The minute you stopped working in school I knew you were upset, then when you stopped coming to school, I started to miss you."

He looked up and turned his head towards the knife. He takes a deep breath, knowing he had to do it.

Chapter 5: 5...... "I love you, and shouldn't of stopped. I'm not myself without you." He said. "And now look at you.... you're dead and its all my fault."


He gets up and grabs the knife, he holds its up to his throat. Tears rolled down his cheeks with sadness. His eyes full of pain. He looks at the girl with love. He smiled and spoke his final words.

"I'll be with you soon, my love." He said.

He slowly slid the blood stained blade across his neck, blood pouring out like a waterfall. His hand reached out for the girls, and as he fell forward, he had only enough strength to grab her hand as his head hit the bed and landed by her head. He closes his eyes and lets out his last breath.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Her parents came home the next night and found both of them dead, they had a funeral two weeks later for both of them. They were put into the same casket, as for they didn't want the young ones to be apart. There was a photo of them, protected in plastic, on their tombstone. It was them sitting in a field of flowers on a sunny day together, looking happy, just as they both were before that day, behind the school, on the football field, under the bleachers.....

?The end?

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