To My Best Friend | Teen Ink

To My Best Friend

February 14, 2017
By paigepratt11 BRONZE, Freeport, Michigan
paigepratt11 BRONZE, Freeport, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear friend,
How did I get so lucky? Usually people spend an entire lifetime trying to establish a connection with someone on a deep, subconscious level, so how in the world did I find it so soon? I don’t like to think about that, because it makes me think that everything will vanish somehow. I hope that never happens.
I still cannot wrap my head around how a stranger walked into my life and changed everything. I was gray. Everything was rushing past me and I saw nothing. Life felt like a void. I feared simple human interaction because I felt so uncategorized. I didn’t know that the stranger in the orange hoodie would become my best friend, changing everything.
You’ve told me how you saw me too, when I rushed passed your group of friends into the art room. Why was I so shy? I still think of how dumb it was to look, but never say a word to you. When I looked at you, the gray cloud that had formed around me is electrified. Your energy fills me with the purest emotion I could ever encounter. I can see that energy in your smile, it always encompasses my full attention.
I don’t think anyone could meet someone who speaks with more passion behind their words quite like you do. Thinking about this makes my stomach perform the most amazing dance. You make me excited. You don’t see yourself the way I do, and in that way we are alike. You get the same anxiety that I get around my peers, but when we are alone, we transform into  adventurous children.
I love the way you care about my family. You treat my sisters just as good as you treat me, and no one I’ve been with has ever done that. You ask Ashleigh if I’m okay when I don’t respond fast, it’s the cutest thing ever. You encourage me to get my work done and praise me when I do well. You are such an angel.
I can tell you anything, too. I’ve never become so comfortable around anyone in my life. You’ve seen the ugliest photos, know the ugliest memories, and listen to all of my ugly thoughts. I always ask myself why you still like me. You think I am joking when I ask, but I truly do wonder. You’ve begun to show me the not-so-pretty side of you too, slowly, and I enjoy it because I get to learn more and more about who you are as a person.
You have become my best friend. You have become my rock. I hope I have become yours too. I want to be able to reciprocate everything you’ve given to me and more. The time we have spent together seems little to others around us, but it feels as if I’ve known you my whole life. You astonish me. You are beautiful in every way. I know you’re the one I’m going to fall in love with, and I hope one day you fall in love with me too.

-Your Punk

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This article has 1 comment.

antea GOLD said...
on Feb. 21 2017 at 7:01 am
antea GOLD, Tirana, Other
11 articles 0 photos 37 comments
I feek the same way, I too feel lucky to have a best friend too! Good job it's a really good essay!