A Foxes Wedding | Teen Ink

A Foxes Wedding

April 4, 2018
By Anonymous

The day has come for, the fox couple, Anakin and Padme, to get married.  All the animals in the area have gathered for this long awaited day. 6 months ago Anakin picked Padme up for a special date. She asked, “Do I look alright?”
He replied, “Yes, you look wonderful tonight. Are your ready for the best night of your life?”
“A night with you, I couldn’t imagine anything better.”
They headed out. Anakin had planned a moonlight picnic by the river. There is a lot of history in this spot for them. They had their first date and first kiss here. They had dinner and then took an evening stroll down the bank. They reached a spot that had rose petals scattered and was lighted by lightning bugs. Anakin gets on one knee and asks, “Will you marry me?”
“Yes. Of course I will. I love you.”
Then next day Padme started to plan the wedding. She hired a wedding planner to help keep everything organized. Bridal party selections had to be made, her dress had to be bought, venue arranged, a minister chosen, colors selected, and so many other things had to be done.
4 Months later… Padme says to Anakin, “The wedding planner and I are handling everything. Have you chosen a best man yet? Also, did you ask Yoda to perform the ceremony?”
“I was just headed over to Yoda’s hut today, so I will ask him. I also have decided to ask Obi-Wan to be my best man.”
“Great. Make sure you tell both of them, especially Yoda. That the wedding is at 5:30pm on March 23rd.”
Anakin headed out to Yoda’s hut where he was raised by the wise tortoise when he was a child. This is where he met Obi-Wan and many of his other friends. “How are you doing, young Skywalker? Are you eager for the wedding day to come?” Yoda asked.
“I am doing well, Yoda. The wedding is actually part of the reason why I am here. Padme and I were wondering if you would perform the ceremony for us?”
“You want me to marry the two of you. I am honored by this and I gladly accept this offer.”
“I am happy to hear that and Padme will be too. The ceremony is at 5:30 on March 23rd. But if you could be there earlier, that would be good.”
“Yes. I will make sure to be there early.”
They finished catching up on other things that had been happening and then Anakin had to leave so he could pick Padme up for dinner at Obi-Wan’s den. When they arrived Padme reminded him to ask Obi-Wan about being his best man.  They walk up to the door and are greeted by Obi-Wan and Satine, his wife, who is Padme’s good friend. The table was set and all of the food was ready. While they were eating dinner, Satine asked, “So how are the wedding arrangements coming along?”
“They are going good. Anakin, asked Yoda to perform the ceremony today and he said yes. So that is one less thing to worry about now. Which that reminds me, Satin would you be my maid of honor?” Padme replies. 
“I would love to be your maid of honor, Padme. Anakin, have you chosen your best man yet?”
“Actually, I wanted to ask Obi-Wan if he would be my best man?”
“It would be my pleasure, to be your best man Anakin.”
2 Months later…The big day is here. Everything is being set up, food is being made, flowers arranged and everyone is getting excited. However, with only an hour till the ceremony begins, Yoda is nowhere to be found. Padme asks Anakin, “Where is Yoda?”
“I don’t know, I told him the wedding was at 5:30pm. He said that he would be here early.”
“Well he isn’t here.”
“If he isn’t here by 5, then I will find someone else. There are several people here qualified and important to us that can do it.”
5pm comes, growing very worried that Yoda won’t make it, Padme asks Anakin to find someone else capable of preforming the ceremony. Anakin remembers that Mace Windu is qualified to perform the ceremony. Mace willingly accepts the offer to do it.  Twenty minutes into the ceremony Yoda arrives, surprised to see Mace has taken his place. He sits in an empty seat, while the ceremony finishes. Everyone claps and cheers for the new couple. Anakin goes up to Yoda afterward, “Where were you?”
“I got stuck in traffic and I wasn’t fast enough to make up the time. I also thought the wedding was at 6:30pm.” Yoda replies.
“No, it was at 5:30. The reception is at 6:30. I didn’t have a choice but to ask Mace to perform the ceremony. I know you don’t move as fast anymore, but I thought you had learned to leave earlier.”
“I understand. I have learned to leave early, but I still don’t move fast enough to beat rush hour traffic.”
They talk it out and smooth things over. All that matters to Anakin was that he was married to Padme and that they got their happily ever after.

The author's comments:

I think it was my love of star wars and my love of nature that inspired this piece. My love of star wars is what inspired the characters names. However, my love of nature and animals is what inspired the setting and other details. I also love writing romance stories and so that is why the story is about a wedding.

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