Vietnamese Cinderalla | Teen Ink

Vietnamese Cinderalla

September 28, 2018
By Anonymous

A long time ago, there was a girl named Tam, she lived happily with her parents, even though they were poor but they still love each other. But then one day, Her mother catch a disease and past away. Her father remarried a woman who also has a child named Cam. The stepmother had Tam do all of the housework while Cam doesn’t have to do anything.

One day the stepmother ask two girls to go and pick apples, whoever picks the most apple get a nice dress for the upcoming festival. The dress is yellow, has sprinkle with a flower on the side, it's like a dress from a fairy tale, both were very excited. Cam who never did anything since her mother married Tam’s father, she could not pick as many as Tam. But then she told Tam that her hair is dirty from all the work she did and ask her to wash it in the river right next to the apple farm. While Tam is washing her hair, Cam takes all Tam’s apple and ran home to her mom and get the dress that he cheated to get it. Tam came back and find out that all of her apples are gone, hopeless Tam go to the river and cry, suddenly an old man who has a long beautiful long white beard run down to his stomach, his hair is white and tie into a bun, he appears out of the river and ask why she was crying. Tam told him the story then the man feels bad for her then gave her a red cloth with some yellow magic words glowing on it and told her, that each time you run into problems then read this cloth beside a well, then her problems will be solved.

She went home happy but skeptical about the cloth but she went to test it out, she stands next to a well and says the word, then a goldfish suddenly appear in the well.

The fish asked: “What's wrong girl?”

Tam sobbed: “ I went to pick up apple, and when I come back, it was all gone!”

The fish promised: “ If you feed me every day then all of your problems will be solved”

So every day, she spends a little time in the afternoon to feed and talk to the fish. Her stepmother is suspicious of Tam’s action lately so she decided to figure it out what is going on with her. So one afternoon she hides behind a tree to watch Tam summon the goldfish from the well with the cloth on her hand. Later that night, When Tam as sleeping Tam’s stepmom with Cam stole Tam’s cloth and summon the fish, then they killed it, hide the fish’s bone under Tam’s bed and return the cloth back to Tam. The next afternoon, the king declared that the spring festival will be in a few days. Tam went to the well as always but nothing appears, she tried again and again but still, nothing came up from the well. Hopeless she ran to the river and cried, The old man reappear out of the water and ask her: “Girl why are you crying?”

Tam mumbled: “The fish you gave to me disappear”

The old man instructed: “The fishbone is under your bed, so now you buried it under Acera tree”

Tam listens and does exactly what he said, the next day she found a beautiful dress under the tree, just in time for the spring festival. So she rushes to the festival and when she crossed the bridge, she drops her slipper. When the king crosses the same bridge, the elephant which the king rides growls and stop, curious the king step down from the elephant and notice Tam’s slipper. So he will find the girl who will fit this slipper and will marry her. So he orders the soldier to find the girl who fits the slipper, after a while, Tam came back to bridge and notice her slipper on display, she came to claim it and try it on. The king immediately takes her back to his palace and married her, Tam passes her stepmother and Cam envious and jealous eyes.

Tam and the king are happily married together, Tam not forgetting her father’s death day, she returns to her old house to meet her stepmom and Cam. Her stepmom orders her to climb the Acera tree and get its fruit to leave it on her father altar as a sign of respect. When Tam is climbing the tree her stepmom chop down the tree as the result is the death of Tam.

Tam’s stepmom plan Cam to be the king’s wife as a replacement for Tam, but she didn’t expect Tam to reincarnate as a beautiful yellow oriole. The king is not happy as he used to because Tam is dead but the oriole sing every day in the king’s palace to cheer him up. The oriole voice reminds the king of Tam so one day he talks to the oriole: “If you are my wife then fly into my hand” The oriole do so and Cam saw that also. That afternoon she catches the oriole and butcher it and buried it in the garden inside the palace. The king always walks through the garden, from the place that Cam buried the oriole a bamboo tree line from it, the king also thinks that is a sign of Tam and order the soldier to make a bed under the tree so he can sleep under it. Cam witness it also and after a few days she chops it down and burn it and believing that Tam won’t come back from that.

But she was wrong, outside of the palace suddenly golden apple tree growing out of nowhere. An old lady, who lived by always walk pass the road where the tree just grows notice something strange about it on the big green tree, it only has one golden apple on it. So one day she brings out a bag and the apple just fall right in there, she brings it home and leaves it on her bed like a little furniture in her house. But the strange things is when she goes to work and came back the house is always tidy and clean every day. She starts noticing it and then one day she pretended to go to work and hide at the window and what the apple. Inside the golden apple, a girl suddenly appears, shock the woman, she then went in and act like she has seen a goddess. But it just actually Tam, Tam return to the palace shock Cam and the king, Cam asks Tam what is her beauty secret, then Tam show Cam a hole and tell her to jump in there. When Cam was down there, Tam orders the soldier to cover it up with dirt, leaving Cam there to die. Then she went back to her old house, noticing Tam was still alive and Cam is dead Tam stepmom was so angry that she ended up committing suicide.

After all the event that Tam has been through, she lives happily with the king.

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