Dreaming | Teen Ink


December 13, 2018
By Anonymous

A scream comes across the sky, as I’m running through the forest.  I hear footsteps close behind but I’m scared to look. I need to keep my eyes in front of me and figure out my next move.  I hear gunshots and screams in the distance, I can’t imagine what’s happening. It sounds as if the screams are coming from every direction.  It feels like i may never escape what’s chasing me, and if I do what else awaits for me. I’m starting to lose my breath, and I feel as though my heart is beating out of my chest.  I decide to take a quick look behind me, and I see nothing. Just trees, trees everywhere. I’m not sure where I am or how I got here. My jeans are torn at the knees and covered in dirt.  My shoes are gone and I realize how bad my feet hurt and burn. I stop running and hide behind a large tree. I try to think but I can’t remember. I start to get angry. This is insane and ridiculous.  This can’t actually be happening. I can’t remember anything, out of nowhere I was just running in a field from something, and now I’m sitting behind a tree scared for my life. I think about my family and friends. I wonder if they are safe or even alive.  I hate not knowing what’s-
    “Scoot over,” A tall brown haired boy around my age whispers.  I scoot over and give him a weird look.
    “Who are you? What is happening? Do you know what is happening?” I ramble on with all the questions I have. He looks overwhelmed and scared.  I don’t really think he knows what’s happening either.
    “You don’t know?” he asks.
    “Know what.”
    “Holy sh*t you don’t know.”
    “I just told you that, can you tell me?”
    “A plague hit, a really bad plague, and everyone is dead or insane.”
    “Why are we still alive?”
    “I don’t know, some people are just immune.  I’m Jake by the way.” He held out his hand with a smile.
    “I’m Izzy,” I said as I shook his hand.  All of a sudden I hear the screams, they are everywhere.  I peak around the tree and see no one. When I come back, Jake is gone and everything is spinning.  The screams are back and I feel as though I’m going to faint. That’s when I woke up.

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