The last princess | Teen Ink

The last princess

December 19, 2018
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was a lovely princess who lived in a castle in the middle of the woods. Every Saturday her parents would ride into town because the King and Queen’s attendance was always needed for the towns meetings. The girl was perched outside her bedroom window singing hymns when she realized what a beautiful day it was. A smile sprung onto her face and she had the grand idea to go horseback riding through the forest. She told the guardsmen she’ll be back before dusk and headed out. She took the north trail leading to a huge ravine where she hopped off her horse and sat with her legs dangling off the cliff. She loved nature so much and closed her eyes to the sounds of water rushing past her and the sun radiating through the trees keeping her warm. No worries at all on this perfect day she slowly fell asleep. What felt like a few minutes was actually a couple of hours when she was startled awake by the sounds of cannon shots and the smell of gunpowder. What in the world was going on? The princess got back on her horse and headed back to the castle. By the time she got back to her castle all the guardsmen were gone she ran through the halls calling for them, but no one answered. She grew weary and decided to go into town. As she was riding into town she saw the guardsman's horse and everything around was burnt. All in one day the town she loved was in ashes, she thought what monster would do such a thing and then the one name came to mind. The evil witch who was threatening the town for centuries realized people had stopped taken her seriously and decided to get revenge on the town.  

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for a class and I played around with the genre and created this.

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