My Magic shop | Teen Ink

My Magic shop

January 16, 2019
By shelbiecook06 BRONZE, Attleboro, Massachusetts
shelbiecook06 BRONZE, Attleboro, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

From the outside my magic shop would appear as a modest, almost innocent, ordinary 3 story building that could perhaps contain pocket-sized trinkets and weathered books. In reality this is merely a facade draped across a hidden world. The other side of the veil takes your breath away the moment you step through it...

Fairy-sized bells tinkle softly when you cross the threshold and the door closes behind you, gently pushing you inside. Jewel-toned shelves bursting with magical objects line the walls of the shop, the vaulted ceiling makes the inside seem cavernous. Magician’s hats and wands; fireworks and whiz-bangs; instant color powders and noise-makers crowd these shelves. Rolling ladders stand on tiptoe to reach the top shelves soaring above the floor. Jars of brightly colored and sweetly-smelling candies along one wall trap your attention. Objects for pulling off any practical joke imaginable fill in gaps, bins, and shelves all around the shop. Surprisingly there are a fair amount of people crowded among the aisles and filling the stairways leading up to the top balcony-style level. You are enchanted by the bright colors of the magical objects and lights shining down from ornate chandeliers on the ceiling; the noises coming from the laughter of children, magical sparklers being lit, and jovial music dancing from speakers hidden among the shop. Fizzing potions emitting bubbles and fruity scents wait to be tested and experienced. Above your head origami dragons spitting sparks and smoke lazily float through the air on what seems to be pure imagination.

Above it all a tall, young man with dark hair and bright eyes, dressed in a smart, gray, three-piece suit glides among the customers with an ageless grace and a twinkle in his eye. He makes his way from one end of the shop to the other, plucking lollipops from stands and handing them to wide-eyed children who scamper sheepishly away; slyly suggesting the latest practical jokes and pranks to rascally boys; magically producing flowers from his sleeves to pretty, blushing girls; and politely directing eager adults to beautiful decks of cards and magic sets. Seeing you standing dumbstruck in the doorway he turns, winks at you and nods his head towards a wall in the back stocked with richly colored, leather-bound “spell books.” Overwhelming curiosity and wonder is what causes you to tentatively step away from the door and make your way deeper into the depths of this wonder-filled, magical world.  

The author's comments:

I have always loved reading about the magical world authors create so when my English teacher asked me to read a short story about a magic shop and write about my own I jumped at the chance. My shop is a representation of my active childhood imagination and the dreams I had about what a magical world would be like if it were real. 

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