Time Travelers | Teen Ink

Time Travelers

April 10, 2019
By emmanuel0828 BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
emmanuel0828 BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 It was a dark and stormy night on a weekday 2018 and a flashing beam out of nowhere,filled up so bright ,was seen from a distance in my bedroom window with flashing lights----so i quietly opened my window softly and got my jacket and climbed out peacefully and quietly. Before i even reach the thing that came from the light i saw two men coming out of what looks to be like a pod from like the future cause it was not as big from the ones we have today that are massive theres was like medium size and was way shinier and way more technology advanced.but as i was examining the pod one of the guys yelled out and said “hey you there” as i look in fear and he came to me and said “yes you there what year may we happen to be in” as i looked confused looking at the man and i say “this is year 2018 why”and the man looks out in the sky with delight and yells to his friend that he has came in with him on this journey saying “we did it we really did it’’. While they were yapping on i was still so confused i yelled “ayyyyeeee” and ask what are you guys talking about and what do they mean why we did it and all they was was look at me and say “come with us we need to show you something that is very important” so i followed them and they were taking me to the pod where it was landed at and they took me inside the way it looked was marvelous and how technology advanced it was was out of this world or should i say this timeline. Once we were done with the tour they told me that they where here on an important mission where the world wouldn’t be as bad as how it is in the future and i asked what is there about it and he said that in 1 year there will be a sun flare heading for the one very spot which will burn this whole field  and spread throughout the world which will make global warming much more dangerous and that oxygen will be very little cause of trees disappearing and burning so they said that there here to build a machine that will stop the flare from hitting here or anywhere on earth. So once they were done explaining i asked “but where are we gonna find that technology here” and they just laughed and said “easy” so they went back in the pod and brought out a little building and looked like a very small lap and they set it down and told me to move back and i did while they pull out a remote with a red button on it and once they pushed it, it was right before my eyes the build was as big as a laboratory should be and then all you heard was “we can get the tech here so let’s get to work” and i was so surprised when i went inside cause how dope it was all there technology was way better than what we have now. By now all three of us are coming up with ideas and i asked them we can use a solar panel and as quick then just looked at me and asked me “whaaaaaaaaat”. After a couple minutes of explaining what a solar panel was they was like “i get it” but they wanted to make improvements to make it not take it in but make it bounce off and so we started coming up with ideas and started on working on it. 3 months have already went by and we already have our first prototype so we set it up and had a lazer right on it and once we were ready we shot it and the lazer bounced off for only a second then it started burning threw the panel so we stopped the test and knew that we had to add more panel’s and add more to the adjustment that we added cause it has to last for at least 5 minutes for the flare to bounce off and head back the way it was coming from. 7 months have flew by and that's where a brand new idea hit me and i said what if we create a cube around the solar panel and have -500 degrees weather circulating it so when the flare its it it can was well cool down and they only said that would never work cause then it would cause a way bigger disaster and they showed me what could happen and in one of the future papers they showed me is that instead of the flare burning everything down and if we was to use the cold then we would have created one of the largest tornado the world has ever seen and it would go all around the world and leave tons of destruction. Another one they showed me is that we would of started a world where one side is covered in ice and the other in flames and after they showed me those two documents i thought about making a solar panel that has a big fan and absorbs it for we can use that's flares energy for something else. After the year has came by and we had everything done and it was only minutes before the flare was about to hit so we started the panel up to medium power and we could see the flare a  mile away while it was blinding our eyes and that's when it hit-----While the flare was trying to burn threw the fan was actually working then the machine was going out of control and we were lucky enough to where the fan shot the flare but it wasn't long enough until when we checked the computer and it said we only have a 2 month span before the flare returns and we have made it way hotter then it actually was so now we have more on our plate to come of with ideas and we had to make a new machine cause the one we had barely made it. So 2 months have went by and we have made one of the worlds largest fans every created with technology advanced coolers built in and backup systems so we were ready for this flare. As soon as we seen the flare a mile away again we started the fans on slowing and as it got closer we turned up the power way more until it reached us and we put it on full power and once it hit it started to absorbing like we wanted to and it worked but once we checked it out it wasn't able to shoot the flare back in space instead we seen that all the three fans absorbed the flares power and we seen that the flare wasn't from the sun it was from somewhere else but whatever it was gave us power that is out of this world. As we were observing the flare we used it on our tech and it truly changed it one sample of the flare can easily power a whole country that's how great it was. But as we were done they said it was time to go home and that they enjoyed staying here and they had a great time working with me and as before they were about to hop in the pod they gave me a communication device to keep in contact with them even if there from a whole timeline. And they where of it was seconds before the light i saw in the beginning appeared again and they went up at poof they were gone.Throughout time we would keep in touch and they told me all the great stuff that has been going on how the world is a better place now that they took the flares technology and used it for the world and now there one of the world's richest people cause of it but as well the world is way safer. It was an amazing ride but like every story there's always an end.

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