One Of Them | Teen Ink

One Of Them

May 10, 2019
By AnaMarie BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
AnaMarie BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I tried running from them but the further I ran the quicker they got. They were destroying everything in their path. I turned a corner to try and sneak away, but as soon as I rounded the corner, I realized the huge mistake I had just made, they were all around me, they were swinging off the fire escapes, jumping down from the roofs of the tall buildings, a jump that should have certainly killed them. I tried to find an escape but there was nowhere to go, the beads of sweat were quickly mixed with streams of tears as I said my final prayers; I'm done for. Out of nowhere, there was that all too familiar flash of red and blue lights. “Help me!” I shouted as he stepped out of his car and shined his flashlight in my direction.

“What seems to be the problem ma’am” as soon as he spoke they all vanished. Just gone, in a sudden puff of a silver powder-like substance.

“They’re gone,” I mumbled to myself in amazement, this had never happened before. What was going on?

“Who’s gone?” he questions as he scanned the area.

“You didn’t see them?” How could he have not seen them, they were everywhere?

“I’m afraid not. Who was here?” his eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

“The aliens, they’re trying to kill me,” I whispered making sure that if they were still around that they couldn’t hear me.

“Ohh, I see.” He said as if he was talking to a five-year-old.

“You don’t believe me. You know, nevermind it’s fine, I don’t need you to believe me. Can you just give me a ride home?” Almost no one ever believed me, I don’t care anymore, I know I’m not crazy, I’m tired of people calling me crazy.

“How about we go down to the station, then a nice lady can help you sort things out.” He said, still talking to me like I was a five-year-old.

“I’m not crazy!” I shouted

“Okay, okay, just calm down. I’ll... give you a ride home.” he sighed

“Thank you,” I said as he held the back door of the car open for me. About 5 minutes into the drive I realized that I didn’t recognize any of my surroundings, then I realized that I didn’t even tell him where I lived. “Um?” I asked, my palm sweating with the sudden burst nervousness

“Yes.” He said immediately with a firmness that wasn’t previously there.

“ Um… do… do you know where I live?” I stammered, my chest growing tight.

“No; but I do know where you’re going to live.” He said as he turned to show me an evil grin on his big slimy snot green head; he was one of them.

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