Little Red Riding Hood Remix | Teen Ink

Little Red Riding Hood Remix

May 14, 2019
By Anonymous

I think that the only thing that should change throughout the fairy tale would be the setting and I would change how Red gets to grandma. She drives instead of walking through the woods. after she leaves moms house, she hits a long gravel road with spooky willow trees. After a long bumpy ride in a red tesla, she finally stops at a gas station to get a drink and to charge her car. as she waits, wolf pulls up on a cheap electric scooter. He asked, "What are you doing out here all alone?" 
As he puts his kickstand down on his scooter and walks to Red slowly. 
" I'm on my way to Grandma's. I must go now. Momma said I can't talk to strangers." Red takes her drink off the roof of her car and zooms off into the distance before Wolf even asked another question. He watches her lights disappear over the hill in the dark. Little does she know, Grandma is the only house closest to the gas station. He takes a shortcut through a dirt road, following Red's headlights from afar. 
Before Red arrived at Grandma's, she spotted Wolf walking down the road as if his scooter didn't make it. She passes by him but steers clear so he can't see it was Red driving. When she arrives, Grandma is nowhere to be seen when Red walks in. "Grandma?" 
No response. When she turns the corner... WHACK! Grandma hits Red with a cookie sheet and she falls to the ground. Minutes later, Wolf walks through the door and they are happy to see each other. He takes off Red's cape and hood and puts it on. Grandma was flattered that Wolf came over to have dinner with her. "That's why you keep your doors locked. Don't let strangers in your house." Grandma explains holding a fresh pan of chocolate chip cookies.

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