Airplane Crash and a UFO sighting | Teen Ink

Airplane Crash and a UFO sighting

October 10, 2019
By Anonymous

        It is time for me to head to the airport. Am I ready? No. I have to go either way. It is time for me to grow up. My mom is devastated, but I have to move on. I drive to the airport, and once I arrive, I have a very eerie feeling. 

    “Something is not right,” I say puzzled.  

       I realize it is Friday the 13th! How could I possibly fly on Friday the 13th. It is a cursed day.

    I go through security and wait for my plane. 

      “The plane is now boarding,” stated the lady calmly.

      I get up and go, unaware of what is about to happen. As I board, I pray to God hoping for the best. I sit in my seat, trying to calm my nerves. 

    “I will be fine,” I whisper to myself. 

    The pilot then comes on and says the plane is departing in five minutes. In the back of my mind all I can think about is, I chose a bad day to fly. I breathe in and out, telling myself that God has my back. The plane starts down the runway and the next thing I know, we are in the air. The flight is going smoothly until the pilot comes on and makes my worst fear come true. 

    “The plane is going down,” the pilot confirms calmly,  adding, “There is nothing more I can do.” “All engines are in failure,'' stated the pilot.

    My first thought was to repeat the Bible verse Philippians 4:13 in my head, which says. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. After I say that verse, the person beside me nudges my arm and whispers, 

    “Hey, what are you doing? Put your life vest on. We are going down.” 

    “I was quoting a favorite Bible verse,” I say quietly, adding, “I’ll get it on now.”     

    Thrilled, the lady spoke “You’re a Christian I see”.

    “Yes, Ma’am, I am,” I respond back. 

    “How long have you known Jesus?” 

    “Since I was seven, but I did not have a strong faith until my sophomore year of high school,” I state proudly.

    “That’s great, I’m so thrilled you know the Lord.At least if we die today,” she swallows “we will go to heaven.” 

    “Yes, I have faith in that for sure,” I say positively.

    My hands shaking the lady next to me says, “ I guess we better finish putting these life vests on.”  to

    The pilot comes back to say that we are going to land in the Atlantic Ocean within a few minutes.  The pilot goes to say, “Everyone brace yourselves for impact in about three minutes.” He continues to apologize for the situation and reminds everyone to remain calm and help each other.

    I look out the window and gasp in realization, we are going down at about a hundred miles per hour. The lady beside me tries to get the situation off my mind by asking my name.

     Shaking in fear I tell her, “My name is Sophie. What is your name?”

     “My name is Betty,” she states nervously.

     “Nice to meet you Miss Betty,” I reply frantically.

    “No need to call me Miss dear. I’m not married anymore and we are friends now.”    

    “Betty,” I say, “I’m terrified for this plane to go down”. 

    “Don’t worry, she says softly, “remember God’s got our backs. How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

     “I am 18,” I respond back.

     “The plane is going down now,'' articulated the pilot, “brace yourselves for impact”.      

    “Please keep me safe God, please keep me safe God,” I chant to myself. 

     Betty looks over at me and notices that I am scared, she tells me everything will be okay, just trust in the Lord. Boom, crash, that is the sound of metal crushing as the plane hits the water. We all fall forward and freeze for a moment in shock and despair.

    Betty looks over and whispers to me, “Breathe. We will be fine.”

     I breathe in and out trying to figure out what I should do. Before I can think, I am blinded by a green light in the sky. 

    “What is that,” I shout loudly.

     “I have no clue,'' says Betty. 

    Before I can look away, I notice people randomly floating around the aircraft. I look up and some of them disappear. Am I just imagining things, I think to myself.

     Betty looks at me and says,”did you see that?”

     “Yes I did,.” I say breathlessly.

     I look down and notice that the plane is filling up with water quickly. 

    “We have to get out,'' I shout to everyone, starting to panic more.

    “We can’t,'' says a random lady adding, “there’s some type of odd aircraft out there.”    

    “It looks like a UFO”, says the man sitting right across from me. 

    “Yes.” I scream, “I realize that but if we do not get out we will drown!”

    “She has a good point,” adds Betty. 

    The pilot then comes on a few seconds later shouting, “Escape now while you can, I do not know what kind of aircraft that is”.

     Everyone breaks out in horrific screams, the kind you would hear in a horror movie. We run out and notice that people are floating five feet above our heads. Green lasers come out of nowhere and start aiming at people. I dodge them the best I can, swimming is a horrendous task for me. It is loud and chaotic for one minute and then it’s pure silence. I look around and everyone seems calm, except I do not know where the pilot is. I swim to the front of the plane very cautiously, and then I start to feel a horrible migraine coming on. I close my eyes and wake up confused. How did I get to the hospital? Was this all just a dream? I look over at my mom who is very concerned and says

 “Oh my, I am so thrilled to know you are okay. Are you in any pain my sweet child? You were in a really horrific plane accident.” 

    “I am in pain at the moment mom, I respond sadly.  Yes I know the plane accident was horrific mom, I reply sassily, “but I saw green lasers and I was fine”. 

    “You have a concussion for sure;' we know that aliens are not  real”.

     The doctor comes in and assures me that after the plane fell in the water, I went unconscious and was dreaming.

     “I drowned,” I say sobbing.. 

    “Sadly yes you did but luckily a lady was able to do CPR on you and revive you.”

    “What? This is crazy, how was I dreaming! It all seemed so real”.

     “We are going to monitor you overnight, but you should be okay,” says the doctor.    

    A few hours later, Sophie's heart stopped and the medical staff  could not revive her. Her vital organs all shut down. 

The author's comments:

This piece of writing came from my interests in aliens and wanting to write something different than what I usually do. 

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