The City at the End of Time | Teen Ink

The City at the End of Time

October 24, 2019
By VincentGareu BRONZE, La Mirada, California
VincentGareu BRONZE, La Mirada, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There exist two common perceptions of the “apocalypse” in culture. The first is where the world’s natural order has been fundamentally disturbed, leading to large amounts of anarchy. More depressingly is the complete eradication of life on Earth. A third outcome happened in reality. Humanity tore itself apart with every crisis imaginable. Thousands survived, but in a world where meaning has been utterly shattered and must be rebuilt from the ground up. 

Additionally, a sentient global supercomputer managed to survive the end of days. In order to maintain itself obscene amounts of power needed to be created. Without trillions of dollars going to its continued existence, parts of it began shutting down. To prevent this, every standing human and robot were collected to build a perfect city. It was completely sealed off from the outside world, so nothing could get in or out.

People produced energy for the supercomputer, and it gave them protection. Over numerous generations, people became increasingly dependent on the city. Once, there was a general hope to return to the outside world one day. That’s all but gone now. Ten thousand residents, and not one wished to leave. A rebellion sparked, created when someone blindly questioned the supercomputer’s will. Chaos once again returned to humanity, even in its pleasurable bliss. 

The outside world was more alien than anything they’ve imagined. Even this could not quench the people’s thirst for destruction. Every last piece of machinery was crushed and ruined. But without any means of escape, they despaired as they starved to death and succumbed to depravity one by one. Around the shielded dome new cities sprung up, unaware of the dying supercomputer beneath their feet. It became an icon of mystery of ages past, much like Stonehenge centuries prior. Even the greatest minds couldn’t pierce the walls of the City at the End of Time.

The author's comments:

A twist on the man vs machine story. Also, the images won't load so I just picked a random one. 

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