The Man In Black | Teen Ink

The Man In Black

October 25, 2019
By Anonymous

        Once upon atime it was cold and dark like someone's basement during the winter.Marcus a 24 year old was at his home on a late night in october.Marcus had just got back from the hospital where he seen his sick mother.Maybe I should go and go to bed i'm really tired anyway says Marcus.I sure hope my mother is okay I was going to stay over night but the nurse acted like I was a weirdo.

Ever Since dad died mom has been feeling like she is the reason he is dead after that night nothing has been the same my moms ex husband shot him and he only got 10 years of jail time.But my mom feels like she cause that to happen I do not know why but this was years ago when I was little.Marus talking to himself trying to go to sleep finally dazes off into his pillow goes out as light.


…..2 hours later.Marcus wakes up at 2:00 looking lost.Suddenly he hears knock knock at first he thinks that was just the trees hitting the door.Then the knocks get louder KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK,what is that says Marcus,I think someones at the door.So marcus gets up and looks to see who's at the door he opens the one is there.So Marcus closes the door with worry so he goes back to his room and tries to go back to sleep then KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK.Marcus screams and is worried now.So Marcus gets up slowly and goes to the door and looks through the peephole and he sees a man.Who is that?Says Marcus with curiosity.I swear i feel like I know him but I don't know.


   So marcus being curious as he opens the door but as soon as its open the man is gone.Where did he go,he just disappeared suddenly he hears a window CRASH BANG Marcus runs to see what happened and there is the man sitting there with glass all on the floor.The man is dressed in all black just staring at Marcus,what do you want says marcus,you……..says the man in black.Remember me the man says,no who are you replies marcus...the man who killed your father.Marcus looking scared like a lost puppy why why did you do it.Because he deserved it your father was a menace who deserved to die.Marcus charges at the man in black and they have a tussle and then the man in black pulls out a gun the same gun he killed marcus's father with.He shoots but misses then Marcus kicks the man takes the gun from him then points it at him and shoots.He is dead.


5 months later...


             THE END

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