the ruby | Teen Ink

the ruby

October 30, 2019
By Anonymous

Chapter 1 
It was a late night in Iowa.  Sam and I were walking Dug. When all the sudden a tall black figure came at us. It just kept getting closer and closer. Then everything went dark.  
The day before  
It was a Thursday and I am walking home from school. Then I pass the antic store, and something caught my eye. I walk in and walk over to it.  
“How can I help you?” the worker asks me. 
“Oh, can I see that ring?” I ask 
“Yea sure.” 
“Thank you.” 
He gives it to me, and it fit me like it was made for me.  
“How much?” I ask. 
“I’ll give it to you for free.” he said. 
I think it is a little weird, but I want it so bad.  
I walk out of the store and start to walk home again. Suddenly, the gem on the ring starts to glow. I look down at it not watching where I was going and there is a banana peel right under my foot. I don’t even slip on it. I didn’t think anything of it, so I just keep walking.  
“Hey Mom.” 
“Hey Anna, what took you so long?” 
“I stopped at the antic store. I saw an amazing ring and had to have it.” I say as I am showing my mom. 
“How much was it?” 
“He gave it to me for free. Can you believe that?” 
“No way! Go get cleaned up and come down and help me with dinner.” 
After dinner I go up to my bed. I take off the ring to go to bed and it starts to glow and hover.  
 Chapter 2  
  The next morning. I wake up to my alarm going off. I get out of bed to go wake up Sam and let out Dug. After I woke Sam up and let Dug out, I went to the kitchen to get breakfast. After I ate breakfast, I went to get ready. I only had 5 minutes left until my bus comes so I put my ring on and grab my school bag and run out the front door. I yell “Come on Sam it's time to go.” He come’s running out the door.  
We were on the bus I am sitting next to my best friend Morgen when I fell a tingle throughout my body. That’s when I start to realize that something is wrong. I don’t want to think about it.  
We finally get to the school and I go to find Sam. Then I finally found him.  
“Sam something is happing.” 
“I think my ring is like magical or something like that!” 
“Anna, magic isn't real. ” 
“Sam, trust me” 
“Anna, I think your overreacting” 
I am so mad right now but also confused. What if something is wrong? What if I was just imagining it? I start to get dizzy. I just keep walking to class. As I was walking everything went black.  
I wake up in the nurse's office, wondering why I was here. Wondering how I got here.  
“Why am I here? What happened?” 
“I don’t know. Someone brought you in here.” 
“Well can I go?” 
I go back to class. I make it through the rest of the day and got home. Sam and I have to walk Dug so we take him on a walk. Halfway through the walk someone starts to walk up to us. It’s a large black figure. It is so tall it could crush me. 
Sam, Dug and I wake up in a van and everything was black.  I remember waking up in the van being really scared. I don’t know what happened or who took us. All I could think about is that we were kidnapped, and I probably would never see my mom again. I am also thinking about how Sam and I will never met our real dad. I start to cry thinking about how I probably won't ever meet him. All the noise wakes Sam because he starts to move around. 
“Where are we?” he asked me. 
“I don’t know I think we were kidnapped.”  
“What are we going to do?” 
My ring started to glow again. I’m starting to think it glows when I'm in some kind of situation or if I'm in trouble.  
Chapter 3  
The car came to a screeching stop. It is so loud it’s like we are on a roller-coaster. A guy come’s up and got us out.  
“Do everything I say, or something will happen!” the guy said. 
By that point I am bawling my eyes out. He puts duct tape on our hands it hurts so bad. Pulling out all the hair in my arm. The pulled us into this dark building and through us. I hurt my arm. I cried some more. He walked out of the dark room we are in. 
“Sam I’m really scared.” I said 
“Me too, we have to try and get out of here.” 
“how are we supposed to do that?” 
“I have an idea” 
           “Where is Dug?’’ I asked 
As I said that he came running in. 
“What's your idea Sam” 
“Stay quit and follow me” 
We quietly got up and started to tip toe down the hallway. We got out of the building without it noticing us.  
“What now” I asked  
“we run as fast and for as long as we can. We don’t stop until we get somewhere safe” Sam said 
We started to run again. I was so scared I had some many questions, but I knew if I asked them Sam would be annoyed so I kept quiet. I started to get really tried. We had no clue where we are going or if we are even going the right way. All I wanted was to see my mom. I wanted to be in her arms.  
     We finally figured out where we were and we made it home. It was 12:00 at night. When we got home we saw mom asleep on the chair. I knew she had been up all night looking for us. Sam and I were so tried we just went up to our room and feel asleep.  
The next morning 
I woke up hoping that what happened was all a dream. I went downstairs to get my breakfast and my mom was sitting there.  
“morning mom” 
“hi sweetie” 
She acted like nothing happened. I was so confused. I went up to my room again. I took off my ring and never put it back on. I walked to school and I went to my locker. I opened my locker and a piece of paper falls out.  
“Dear Anna, I will get that the ring no matter what. Nothing will stop me. You may have escaped once. - Bob”  
I read it and started to freak out.  

The author's comments:

I had to write a short story in Language arts class.

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