The revenge | Teen Ink

The revenge

October 6, 2021
By MarcoVera2687 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
MarcoVera2687 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One normal day in New York in a High school was Arthur, a normal kid with a normal life. Arthur is a very independent kid since his parents work all day that the only time that they see Arthur is when they arrive from work that is very late like 10 pm and they live at 5 am so Arthur does not see his parents that much and their house is always alone. It started like a normal day. Arthur weakened up for the school day and left his house walking since he lives very close to the school. Arthur arrived 10 minutes early like always but his time was different. When I arrive 5 minutes later all the electronics stop working all the power, devices everything stop working. This situation started panicking all the school including the teachers because if it was an electrical issue why the phones did not even turn on they would be completely shut down. The teachers say that waited that everything will back to normal in an half hour but instead 1 hour and 30 minutos pass and  everything was the same so the school star taking the kids outside like if there were an fire situation but the surprise was that the cars were stop in the middle of the road with people unable to turn on the cars because they did not work either like the phone and electricity. Arthur instead of staying in the school he left to his house because it was like 10 minutes walking but everywhere nothing was working. When he was on the way home the cars had the same situation like the cars in the school. When he arrived to his house the door was unlocked but he did locked the door in the morning when he opened the door there was a weird smell like burn and there was a strange looking and antique machine with a lot of cables and look like it explode because its was very hot and dark looking, he notice something a convolute  note in a side with the name of Steve. The note starts with the words I am Steve, the one who has suffered, suffered and suffered by the government so now I take my revenge. The note continued saying that he will take all the electricity as well as any electric device or anything that uses electricity such as cars, phones, etc.

Arthur, who was stunned after reading this note left by Steve, did not know what to do. He was not available to contact any one, not his parents or neither the police, this could be like a terrorist attack commanded by Steve which Arthur did not know who he was. This terrorist attack  surely killed people  because of the loss of electricity. The hours passed and the parents of Arthur arrived walking since their cars did not work, when they entered and saw the machine they were equally stunned as Arthur when they saw it. Arthur shows them the note but their faces have a horror face like they saw a dead person, when Arthur asks them if they know someone whose name was Steve, but his parents could not say a word Arthur like they get emotional, continues asking if they know someone named Steve his mom with tears said it's your older brother. Arthur's parents with tears in their eyes and  elevated tone start saying the story of his older brother Steve. Arthur's mom says that Steve was brilliant. He likes to hack a lot of confidential things from the government and all the people's privacy stuff that they keep in their phones until the government finds where we live and take Steve away from us, and told Arthur that all this happened when he was pregnant.  By the time all of them process all of what happen find another note saying “All of you will never see me again because I am already dead because I commited suicede right after taking the electricity”. But my plan was to make the government pay by making a lot of time by calculating 2 years out of electricity if everything goes as planned to have a crisis and see society fall. O last thing I never met you but sorry for making Arthur bye. After reading the two notes nobody believed what they just saw and all of society was going to suffer from the revenge of Steve. Steve predicted everything went according to plan and left society without electricity 2 whole years to accomplish his revenge and let his brother Arthur know that because the government he did not was available to meet him and say hello. 

The author's comments:

I was inspiredin the apocalypse of walking dead. I chosse this history because is the revenge of one person to the society

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