Forever Living | Teen Ink

Forever Living

October 6, 2021
By maryannh77 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
maryannh77 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

        What if no one ever died?  Living in a world where everyone knows they’ll live forever would honestly be difficult. Why? People would take advantage of this unforeseeable phenomenon. Viata’s family was from Romania, her name meant life, given by her now-deceased parents. They were all strange and secretive, especially her mother.

            Viata lived with her friends Dhruv, Aadhya, and Alydia. They’ve all known each other ever since they were toddlers. Ever since Viata’s recent loss, she had been more distant from her friends, they had noticed. She was always so open with everyone, except Alydia. Alydia wasn’t fond of Viata, she thought she was odd. Later that day, Viata had left to visit her parent’s graves, and Alydia had found herself lurking around her messy room. At that moment, she knew it wasn’t right, it was an invasion of Viata’s privacy, though it didn’t stop her urge to go through her things. Alydia always had a feeling about Viata’s whole family, they were very secretive and never really socialized with people other than their own daughter, Viata.

            While looking through her things, she found an old beat-up diary hidden in the corner of the closet, which felt strange. Though it wasn’t Viata’s diary, no, it was her mother’s. Alydia pondered, “Why was she carrying her now-deceased mother’s diary?” At this point, she didn’t know if she was going too far or if she was doing the right thing by scurrying through her things. She proceeded to open the diary but heard Viata talking to Dhruv and Aadhya downstairs.  Immediately Alydia returns the diary to its original spot, even though she didn’t end up reading anything. Some days pass by and Alydia’s urge of reading the diary never died. Viata was going out of town with Dhruv for “soul searching reasons”, once Alydia heard that she knew it was something suspicious, though never questioned it because it’d buy her some time with the diary. Once they left for their trip, she waited a couple of hours to make sure they were gone. 

Alydia ran to Viata’s room and took the diary out of its original spot. As she flipped through the pages things were getting strange in the air. Viata’s mom was mentioning how there are people that don’t have a lifespan. And if they were to mention that they don’t have a lifespan then they would instantly die. “Speaking death into existence is how it’ll manifest into one’s reality.” Its as if, bragging about living forever, triggers the universe to kill you off. Viata’s mom studied this for the time being and didn’t even realize that she was part of this different species. What if Viata is part of it too? What if I am? How do we know who is part of this? 

            The day was coming to an end and Alydia didn’t finish reading the diary, so she decided to take it home to finish it. When she walked into her house she was confronted by her parents for being out too late. During dinner, Alydia decided to ask some questions about her new discoveries. “What happens when we are no longer alive?” Her parents, shocked, looked at her as if she were a ghost. Finally, her father interrupted the silence “What makes you ask such a thing?” Alydia realized that she never questioned what would happen after we were done with this life. She never even questioned if there was an end at all. “I just wanted to know if we are able to live forever, or if there is a place we go to when things don’t go as planned.” Alydia cautioned herself because using words like death, or die would manifest her fate in this world. “Alydia,” her dad started, “I think there’s something you need to know about how things are.” 

            Viata and Dhruv were on their way back to the house. They stopped at Aadhya’s house to spend some time with her. “How is Alydia? I’ve been trying to reach her during our trip and she hasn’t gotten back to me.” Viata asked, worried about her friend. “I haven’t talked to her since school on Friday.” Aadhya answered, unfazed. Viata wondered if her friend was grounded or just busy. “Let’s go see how she’s doing.” Viata and her friends were out the door to see Alydia.

            When they got to the door, it was slightly opened. Concerned and befuddled, Viata pushed the door open just a little and peeked behind it. The house was silent. As if the presence of a ghost was near. The friends creeped through, slowly looking around as if they have never been in Alydia’s house before. “Alydia?” Viata half-shouted. Dhruv and Aadhya jumped by Viata’s tone. They went through the kitchen and they saw plates on the table. Their dinner was already attracting flies from the open window that Alydia’s mom always had open when she cooked. The scene was frightening because Viata knew that Alydia’s family was never the messy kind. 

            Viata started upstairs, Dhruv and Aadhya following. Slowly they’d reached the hall where all the rooms doors were shut. “Alydia?” Viata shouted, again, there was no answer. The friends went into each room. Finding them empty and deserted. Until finally, they were in front of Alydia’s parent's room. Viata reached for the doorknob slowly. Before she even touched it, it started to turn. Viata, Dhruv, and Aadhya were frozen in front of the door as it opened slowly. 

            “Viata?” Alydia jumps surprised. “What are you doing here?” Viata doesn’t react at all. Unfazed, Viata and her friends walk right through Alydia. “What-” Alydia is shocked that her physical state is nonexistent and that her friends don’t even realize that she is in the same room as them. “My mom’s diary…” Viata says, puzzled. She opens to the bookmarked page, “Phase 1: The Invisible Being” Viata reads out loud. “What does that even mean?” Aadhya asks. Before anyone can answer, a vase falls onto the floor and shatters. Everyone jumps from the sound. Alydia starts to make letters out of the shattered pieces from the vase. Its Alydia, it reads.

The author's comments:

It's a dystopian story about Forever Living, which is a phenomenon. 

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