Forever Darkness | Teen Ink

Forever Darkness

October 6, 2021
By 303373 BRONZE, Pearland, Texas
303373 BRONZE, Pearland, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Sun shining all across the neighborhood in Glenwick flowers blooming, plants as well. Night coming home from a long shift at the motel sits on his patio admiring the view of the sky, as he rocks in his chair, he notices a shadow starts to cover the sky little by little. Night settles in for bed and drifts off into a deep sleep “ding ding” the sound of his message notifications woke him up Rose, Shadow and Luna messaged and called him many times his phone read the time 7:30 p.m. the time he first went to sleep. Night seen the time and restarted his phone, he thought to himself that something must be wrong with his phone, once it turned back on it read 7:32 p.m. Night decided to just leave it alone and make him a cup of coffee he dragged himself out of bed and turned on his coffee make the sweet smell of coffee beans filled the room, he went to open his front door to sit on his porch. Beyond the door was the darkest sky he had ever seen Night felt like he felt like he was in a dream he went inside to turn on the news everyone on the news was in disbelief. The whole world was pitch black; nobody had any answers, Night thought the best thing to do was just to go back to sleep he didn’t know what a horrible outcome that would be.      

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