Until Dawn | Teen Ink

Until Dawn

October 7, 2021
By Anonymous

        Sunny woke up like usual and did his normal routine, washing his face, brushing his teeth, eating breakfast, and taking his dog out to use the restroom. When he was making breakfast he noticed it was still dark throughout the window. He thought nothing of it, he just thought it was daylight savings. After eating his breakfast he went to wash his plate and It was still dark outside. He called Ray, his best friend to see if he was still seeing dark and he said yeah and to turn on the tv so Sunny turned on his tv and was in shock.

         There was an alert on the tv saying 48 hours of power left because the whole city used solar energy. Sunny went on the news channel and the reporter said the sun just disappeared. Sunny was scared because there is no more fossil fuels left. It's just solar panels he called all of his friends to meet at his house. Ray arrived within minutes with all of his stuff and his dog because he lived down the street. Then Luna, Sunny’s girlfriend, came over with Sky, Ray’s girlfriend. They were all fresh out of high school living in a new city and all they had was each other. They came up with a plan that they would stick together for as long as they can hoping the sun came back or the government did something. 

        One day passed by and everyone was quiet and scared then out of nowhere there was a bang on the door. “Police open up” they check the peephole and they can't see anything. So they just stayed put waiting until they heard glass break. Sunny found a bat and stayed put on the other side of the door waiting for someone to pass by. Then Sunny grunts and all you hear is a guy screaming in pain. “Bang bang” two shots go off and Sunny screams “run” they all ran and they heard a guy say “let them go get their stuff”. They started to run until they felt safe Luna was sobbing and saying what are we going to do. Then they heard a flick and all the street lights turned off.

       They are all there in silence “All the power is running out, be careful” the speaker says they move to a neighborhood park. The crew is in shock and doesn't know what to do then Ray said let's go back to the house Sunny thinks he is crazy. They start to argue Ray thinks it’s best to go to the house and be ready for anything. On the other hand, Sunny wants to stay at the park and wait for the guys to leave. Sunny never liked to fight unless he had to but Ray was persistent and wouldn’t leave him alone so they went together to have a better chance in case anything goes wrong.

      They sneak up to the house quietly, the guys are still there and Ray just goes in then Sky and Luna start screaming and there are two guys grabbing them. Sunny calls Ray to help but Sunny heard two pops and Ray screaming for Sunny's name. Sunny goes after the girls but they start heading into the woods. Sunny tries his best to find them but the girl's screaming starts fading and fading. Sunny just falls to the floor and lays there and eventually falls asleep with the only light being the moon. Sunny wakes up and goes to his house and finds nobody there so Sunny just stays at his house for days waiting for something to happen then Ray comes back in pain saying that that shot him in the stomach and they took him to the Dawn.

     “The Dawn” Sunny died inside when he heard that he told himself he is going to get the girls back no matter what. Ray couldn’t go back he could barely even walk so Sunny had to by himself when he got there. The moon highlighted the building Sunny was ready for anything he sneaked up on a guard and knocked him out then he entered the building he heard screaming across the building he headed to the sound and he heard Luna screaming for help. Sunny opened the door quietly and found them tied up to a chair together. He starts to untie them and then Luna screams “Sunny behind you”. It's the guy that broke into his house Sunny gets whacked in the back with the same bat Sunny hit him with.

        The guy now has all three of them tied up and starts telling them how easy it was to break into his house and steal his supplies. Then Ray came from behind and shot the guy Ray saved the day and untied them and as soon they got untied the sun rose at dawn.

The author's comments:

I got inspired to write this piece because it reminded me of multiple video games and movies.

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