The Last Horizon | Teen Ink

The Last Horizon

October 7, 2021
By Anonymous

The Last Horizon

What if the sun never rose again? Well that’s what happened in this small town called sunshine county. One day you see the sun rise and take it for granted and then the next day it is gone. Everywhere you turn the only thing that people are talking about is “where is the sun?” First thing I did was call my friends Sol,Blake and Laila. All of us agreed to meet at our tree house to talk about what is happening. At first it meant no school and we were happy, but then days and months went by and it was depressing. As the temperature was going down it grew colder and our bodies were used to humid hot days. Our skin color was becoming as white as snow. No explanations were given of what was happening.

           The plants, trees, grass were dead and just looking at them was sad, our once vibrant, colorful world was a thing of the past. We remembered when we used to bike ride and complain about how hot and icky we felt, but now we wish that was the case. It was so cold that my hands felt like bricks. The food supply was also becoming a problem. People were becoming more aggressive and stealing from each other, we had to protect our homes. My dad spoke to my mom in a low voice so we couldn’t hear what he was telling her. I wonder if it was to protect us from what was happening. It was hard for us to see each other and hang around since our parents were scared to let us go outside. It was so sad to see the news and see how people could not live like this, they were dying of depression and sadness. 

           We thought this was going to be the end of the world since our planet was dying.I did not pay attention to the news anymore since it was so depressing I would rather be in my room playing games, reading books or listening to music, it was becoming a routine. My friends and I started talking less and less since we felt sad and really didn't have much to say to each other. Then one day light came into my room and I woke up mad that it was hitting me on my face. But I quickly sat up and was yelling to my parents to wake up and see the light. I called my friends as soon as possible. My parents turned on the TV to see the news and I was actually happy to see the news for the first time in months. I have never been so happy with my name... “Dawn”. We never found out what had caused this but we will never complain again of the hot sunny days.  We will stay up to see the horizon everyday for the next few months…..

The author's comments:

Writing about the sun not rising is a very interesting topic to write about in my opinion.

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