SPACE X | Teen Ink


October 8, 2021
By Anonymous

What if no one ever died in this compact world? What if the government found a way to make everyone immortal? It was the year 2037, NASA, the government at that time, had been trying for many years to create a vaccine that would make everyone immortal. After experimenting with vaccines, NASA would accidentally create many severe diseases such as the Flu, Ebola, and the worst case of them all, COVID. While killing and hospitalizing millions of people, the government would soon create the best and worst thing the world has ever seen....

The government would go house by house giving people the highly foreshadowed vaccine named Apollo 37. They were going to force everyone to get the vaccine and if you didn't get it you would be sent to prison where you would soon be killed and turned into food. After weeks of knocking on billions of doors, they finally reach Dr. Musks door. Dr. Musks always imagined leaving Earth and heading to Mars knowing what the world would soon become. He had an underground bunker filled with food, water, and other necessary supplies, but the most important of them all was the huge rocket he had started building back in 2024. 

After seeing how there isn't any more free land and how there is barely 10 percent of the ocean left he knew they would have a shortage in natural resources. The world would soon start to overpopulate and cause chaos with all the people roaming around cities. So when they knocked on his door, he knew it was time to execute his plan. He would rush to his underground bunker and pack all the supplies into the rocket. While packing everything up, NASA realized what he was doing and sent a swat team to his house. Once they arrived, they all tried to find him and found the bunker. The bunker was reinforced with super duty walls. They kept trying to get in but they had no chance. That gave Dr.Musk enough time to prepare and get the rocket ready. GO TIME.

The 100 foot rocket shot up into the air with ease, all you could hear was the loud roar the rocket let out. The bright fire illuminated the sky and all that was visible was the huge rocket with the words “Space X” on the side. With the rocket going more than 20,000 miles an hour, NASA couldn't do anything to catch up to him. Dr.Musk was already on his way to Kepler, a habitable planet where he would start his own civilization.

The author's comments:

My name is Juan, im a highschool student that wrote this short story as a reading project. I hope you enjoy it!

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