OFF TO MARS | Teen Ink


October 17, 2021
By cg0332805 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
cg0332805 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If we could travel to different planets there would be new creatures and aliens’ people have never seen in their lives. In the year 3020, A family decides to travel to a new planet as a trip and see what its like, and hopefully stay for a few days and get a new experience. The government has made spacecrafts so people can get to these planets in just a few hours.

“Hey, would you guys like to travel to Mars?” asked curious Betty.

“That would be a cool experience so see what it would look like and maybe see new things in other places,” said adventurous Jen.

“They are allowing for people to go up to five people per spacecraft, lets make a plan to go for a few days,” said Betty.

They have decided that they are going to Mars and they are going to be there for four days.

“Today we pick up the spacecraft and drive it to Mars and see what they have out there,” says excited Betty.

“Let’s load up everything to get ready to go, we have to fly for three hours.” Says annoyed Alex.

During the flight they pass throughout space and see all the stars closer, and they can see things they have never seen before. During the trip everyone is complaining because they are tried of sitting down and waiting for the arrival.

2 hours into the trip.

“When are we going to get there,” asked curious Jen.

“We should be arriving in the next hour we are almost there, thank god for the spacecrafts or else it would take way longer with the ones they used to use back in the days,” says Betty gladly.

1 hour later they arrive to Mars and they can already see all the things from where they are. They can see all the houses and the people driving around.

“WOW! Look at all these people here they have normal houses and cars like how it is on earth,” says excited Jen.

“Yes, it looks normal but is it?” asked wonderous Alex.

They have arrived at the house they have in Mars and they start unloading and getting ready to go explore what this planet has to adventure. As they get ready to drive around, they see aliens. They are curious to see what they are like and if they are friendly. They approach the aliens, and they are nervous as to what they will do but they still go towards them.

“The aliens look mean, do y’all think this is a good idea,” says scared Jen.

The aliens were friendly, but they looked intimidating, when they went up to the aliens, they were speaking English. Alex and Betty were confused because they though they would be speaking a different language. They said “Hi” to the aliens not expecting them to greet them back, but they did. The aliens were nice, and they offered the family to take them around to show them how the planet was or what was there. The aliens and the family became friendly neighbors and helpers to get around the town.

The author's comments:

Would you want to travel to another planet? I would and i would expect to see aliens and other extrterrestrials that wouldn't be on planet Earth. I wrote this story about a family goig to Mars because they're in the year 3020 and there government has created spacecrafts for people to take to travel and that would be awesome if one day people could go to other planets and discover new things.

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