Crow | Teen Ink


October 25, 2021
By NooraKiiski564 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
NooraKiiski564 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have flown square over square, and I’ve finally found a thing unlike all other squares. It’s shaped like a big octagon surrounded by small squares, and while I have flown over similar places the ground between squares is usually dotted with peach blobs. I land on top of the unusual square, but as I look around, I notice another crow has landed beside me. Though I don’t mind. Sometimes it's nice to have company. As I listen, I notice it’s getting weirdly quiet, as if the peach blobs are sleeping. But, as if to just prove me wrong, I notice one of those peach blobs inside a square, scratching a white rectangle with a stick. What a ridiculous way to use a stick! Even if I had a stick I wouldn’t do that! But now that I look at the peach blob, it seems to be very intent on scratching, so its best leave it to its scratching. Now that I look around the square again, I see that a lot of my relatives have appeared. Great, it's time to go. You can stand your relatives for only a few seconds. After that they start getting all nosy about your business. It has gone eerily quiet. No doubt the peach blobs are planning an attack.

The author's comments:

This story is my try  on Personification, which means giving human characteristics to something of the writer's choice. I choose to use personification on a crow, giving us a listen into its thoughts of school, and humans. Some of the terms might confuse you. So, I'll tell you about them now. I used the term “peach blobs” for humans, as well as “square” shapes to explain buildings. Also in the story when I mention an octagon, I mean the pavilion so you can get some context. I have to say though, my favorite point in the story is the last few sentences.

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