A Moment | Teen Ink

A Moment

December 15, 2021
By Emoreeoconor BRONZE, College Station, Texas
Emoreeoconor BRONZE, College Station, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a gloomy night in downtown Chicago. The buildings were lit up all over the city. The streets were loud from cars and trains passing by. Then, there was a man walking down the sidewalk not knowing that he would have an interaction with another man that would change his life forever. The man, Lucas, was home after being stationed in Hawaii for 5 years. Lucas was away from regular life and he barely knew the world around him. Lucas makes his way to the train station, standing patiently while waiting for a train to get there. A man, who goes by the name Jesse approaches him and asks him what part of the military he was in. Lucas was wearing a green camo jacket and pants that represent he was in the Marines. Lucas wondered why this man was asking him what part of the military he was from considering almost everyone knew just by looking at what he was wearing. Lucas turns around to see this man, Jesse, is disabled. Jesse suffered a disease when he was little that made him go blind over time. Lucas could not imagine what it would be like if he could not see. Lucas takes a minute to think and then says “Marine Core.” Jesse starts to talk about how he wishes that he was able to do something like that. This conversation starts to make Lucas think about what it would be like in his shoes. The thought scared him. He would’ve never been able to see his wife or children. When Jesse finishes talking about how he wishes he could be in the military he told Lucas “I bet you’re wondering how I went blind.” Lucas could not believe this question. He thought “Could  he hear inside my head? No, that is impossible.” Jesse politely introduces himself and tells Lucas that everyone always asks him that. Lucas introduces himself as well and tells Jesse that he was thinking that but he did not want to be rude. As the conversation goes on Jesse explains that when he was very little he got a disease that caused him to go blind over time. Jesse mentioned that the disease was very complicated so he was not going to go into detail. Lucas abruptly asks Jesse what it is like not being able to see anything. Jesse explains that not being able to see opens your eyes to so many things. Lucas laughs at the irony he just experienced. Lucas then asks “How do you open your eyes to new things if you cannot see?” Lucas found that Jesse was not offended by the question but intrigued. Jesse says “When you cannot see it forces you to use your other senses, it forces you to branch out and learn things differently.” Lucas asks “But how does that open up your eyes to new things? Everyone learns things differently.” Jesse explains that learning things differently helps get a whole different perspective of the world around us. When you cannot see it forces you to do things differently. Lucas says “You see, people who can see choose to do things just like their friends or family are doing because that is normal, but I cannot see what people are doing so I have to come up with my own way of doing it.” Jesse explains that being blind shows you to be different and to be yourself because you cannot change who you are or what happens to you. Jesse explains, “When I was little I thought that losing my eyesight was going to be the worst thing that I have ever experienced but I soon learned it was the best thing.” Lucas is amazed about how happy Jesse is to be blind. Lucas could never imagine himself blind and never being able to see his wife or children. Lucas asks “Are you married or have children?” Jesse replies “Both.” Lucas wonders how he could have been able to pick his wife or how he felt about not being able to see his children. Lucas asks “How did you pick your wife? You cannot see.” Jesse explains that it is not about the outside but about the inside. That yes he has never seen what his wife looks like but if he could it would not matter what she looked like because he fell in love with her personality and looks would never change that. Lucas’s mind was blown. He had always made sure the girlfriend he had was pretty even if that meant she had an ugly personality. Lucas starts to wonder if maybe that is why he never could keep a girlfriend. Lucas asks him if he ever felt sad about not being able to see his children. Lucas explains that he pictures them in his mind what they look like and that his wife has given him an amazing description of them. He says that yes it is sad sometimes that he will never be able to see his children but he has accepted it because we cannot change what happens to us. This conversation had gone by so fast. Lucas had learned so much about himself in such little time. They both look to the left and the train finally comes their way. The train stops and the doors open. Lucas gestures at Jesse to go first and Jesse says “This is not my train. Next One.” Lucas is sad to see him go but is happy he got this interaction with him. Jesse thought about how his perspective of the world has now changed in just a little bit of time. As the years go on, it is now five years later. Lucas has still yet to ever run into Jesse again. Lucas was now married to the most perfect woman he could have imagined. He has three beautiful children. Lucas never forgot what the man said, he kept it with everyday. He repeated to himself all things he took from their conversation everyday. Lucas still thinks about how crazy it is that one person can change your entire perspective on life.

The author's comments:


My name is Emoree O'Conor. I am currently a senior in high school and I am graduating a semester early. I have always enjoyed writing stories about a great impact on someone's life. This story is one of my favorites. I think that it really shows someone that it is not about what someone looks like on the outside but who they are on the inside. 

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