The Real Life of the Girls | Teen Ink

The Real Life of the Girls

February 11, 2022
By Anonymous

I stare at the way that she is dancing at the club, living her life. She has a drink in her hand and no problems that worry her. 

She looks at me and invites me over. 

I think to myself, "Why is she inviting me over? She looks oddly familiar. " 

I go and dance with her.

She says to me, "hey, are you new here?" 

I think to myself for a slight second and do not respond. 

Yes, I just moved here a few days ago. My name is Melissa. How about you? " I say. 

She looks at me like she knows me, but I think that she is too drunk to even realize it. 

My name is Ellie. "Nice to meet you," she says.

I left and let her dance by herself. Walking towards the bathroom, I kept thinking about what an awkward encounter that was. I get to the bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror while realizing a shadow is behind me. 

I see her and realize that she needs help. 

"What's wrong?" I ask. 

"Nothing. I just got out of jail and this club was the closest thing I could find to try to get money, "she says.

For some reason, I had a deep feeling that she was going to kidnap me, but then again, maybe not.

I suddenly got a very strong feeling that she wasn’t feeling too well, or even doing well.

"I mean, it is a club. How are you going to get money from here?" I say. 

She stares at me in such a disappointing way, and takes a deep breath. 

I am so embarrassed, but I am just going to have to ask someone for some. I just need enough to get a taxi home; I have no one and I don’t even know where my daughter is, "she says."

I felt so bad for her, so I offered to help her get home. 

Well, if you want, we can leave right now. I have a car and I was about to be on my way home. I could drop you off, "I say."

Her face lights up and she looks very excited to have run into me. 

"Thank you so much. I am willing to take the offer. Only because I am worried about my child. "My name is Georgina," she says. 

I'm overjoyed to be able to help her and make her feel better.We then leave the bathroom and look at the way that Ellie is still dancing. I am worried about her and decided to invite her to leave with us. I just want her to get home safely. 

Hey Ellie, it's me again. This is my friend Georgina. I am going to be taking her home. You should come with me. It will be great fun. " I say. 

She looks at me and thinks about it for a second.

"You know what, sure, I was starting to get bored either way." Ellie says to me while she is titling over. 

It didn't look like she was bored, but who am I to judge? 

We all start walking towards the car and notice a lot of things. 

We see guys throwing up and girls dancing in the parking lot.

Couples even make out.

We were all having a hard time. 

"Georgina," Ellie says.

"What happened?" Georgina replies.

We aren't even that close to the car yet, and I already have a feeling that she is about to say something odd, or even bad.

I don’t feel that good. I feel like I am going to throw up or even pa-pa-pa. " 

Ellie suddenly falls to the floor.

"Ellie, Elle, wake up! "What is wrong?" I say

Ellie is just on the floor passing out. Georgina goes to check her pulse. 

"Someone call the ambulance. She is not breathing. Georgina screams at the top of her lungs.

I started shaking. I don’t know what to do or even how to react. I feel like I just came here and all of this is happening.

(Sounds of sirens) 

As Georgina and I hear the sirens of the ambulance approaching, we start to calm down. Not much, just a small amount. 

They scream at us "MOVE MOVE MOVE!" 

We both move and watch as they take care of her. She started to open her eyes, and it was such a relief in my heart.

I felt this connection to both Georgina and Ellie that I don’t think I have felt for anyone else before. 

They were like my soul sisters, and I know that may sound crazy, but they remind me of other versions of myself. 

Ellie starts to wake up.

The ambulance person came up to us and told us that she was okay. It must've been from all the alcohol that she had tonight. 

She needs to go home and rest. Have any of you been drinking tonight? He asks. 

I have not been drinking tonight. I will be able to drive her home tonight and make sure that she is all good. I say 

You ladies need to be safe tonight. Make sure that you guys are going to get home safely. Just to be safe, I am going to need her to go to her doctor tomorrow so he can make sure it is nothing too serious. Have a goodnight ladies, "he says to us. 

Georgina, Ellie, and I get into the car and start driving Ellie home. 

"Ellie, how are you feeling?" asks Georgina. 

"I am okay. It was just a little scary." Ellie replies.

We arrive at Ellie’s home and drop her off.

You guys should stay the night. It is important that you guys are with me. What if something happens? I am scared, "Ellie says." " formalized paraphrase

Georgina and I both look at each other with a stare of agreement.

Yeah, let's do it. It can be like a fun sleepover, "I say."

Georgina agrees, and we get all ready to go to sleep.

"I appreciate you guys so much. My other friends would never have done this for me." 

I smile at her and get ready for bed.

I then realized something while my eyes were closed. 

They are me, the different stages that I once had in my life.

I always knew that I needed an Ellie and a Georgina in my life. 

I hear "Wake up, wake up, get out of this dream."

What is going on? I am so confused at this point. I looked up at the ceiling and I saw stars. Right beside me was my therapist. I hated going to see my therapist because every time I went to sleep I got so many episodes. Mentally, I felt like I had relief in my mind about what I was going to become, or even the versions that might have been me. 

I don’t want that for myself, I want more. I need to start focusing on myself and what I actually want, not my parents or peers. Just MYSELF. " I say. 

I said it out loud, and I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and all I could hear was a calming silence.

The author's comments:

I realize that it is about going out into the real world and how you aren't safe from everything. 

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