Moore in the Woods | Teen Ink

Moore in the Woods

March 18, 2022
By RAEM BRONZE, Santa Ana, California
RAEM BRONZE, Santa Ana, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The tree branches and spiky leaves are scratching their face and ripping into their brown coat. Moore is too busy crying to notice the tree roots on the forest floor. They trip and fall to the ground scraping their pale knees. Moore gasps and cries. A bird watches them on a tree branch, she flies towards them.

The bird lands on a rock near Moore “Hello there.”

“AH!” Moore scrambles away from the bird

“Calm down, I won't harm you.”

Moore stays on the tree they were backed up against catching their breath. They look at the bird admiring the way her blue feathers shine in the sunlight.

Moore wipes the snot and tears off their face “What are you?”

“I’m a bird silly.”

“I knew that and don’t call me silly.”

“Get up now silly.”

“Stop calling me silly.” Moore winces as they get up

The bird flies next to Moore “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I just scraped my knees, it's no big deal.”

“Alright if you say so.”

Moore looks around and sees giant green trees with beautiful flowers on them. They also see an abundance of foliage littered with so many colours. Moore starts walking with no destination in mind the bird follows.

“So what type of bird can talk?”

“Every type does your kind just can’t understand us.”

Moore picks some flowers off a bush and throws them in the air “But how can I understand you?”

The bird dodges the flowers “Well this forest is special. If the forest allows you in here you will be able to understand the creatures here.”


“I don’t know how that works myself. The other birds that I’m migrating with told me that the forest has been letting our flock rest here for years but not other migrating birds.”

“Do you have a name?”

“Yes, my name is Ophelia.”

“Ophelia, that’s a pretty name.”

“Thank you. What’s yours?”

“My name is Moore.”

“That’s a pretty name as well.”


Moore and Ophelia walk into a small clearing. In the clearing Moore and Ophelia hear grunting. They look around and see someone trapped in the leaves and branches of a tree. They go towards the person and start pulling the branches and leaves to get them out. Moore flinches when they see it. The upper body of the creature is like theirs except it’s got green hair and ears like an animal. Its lower body is also different. It’s got the lower body of what seems to be a deer but its fur is also green and it’s got flowers and mushrooms growing on them.

“Are you alright?” Ophelia asked

“Yes, I just got some scrapes and bruises.” The creature stumbles

Moore calms themself and helps the creature stand “Well, you’re clearly not okay. You're tripping over your weird amount of legs.”

“I’m fine. I've just been there a while. I need to get used to standing again.”

The three of them stay there for a bit until the creature can stand on its own. Ophelia sits on Moores messy brown hair while they wait.

“You can let me go now.” 

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

Moore lets go of their body. It stumbles at first but then it stands sturdy.

The creature smiles “Thanks for helping me.”

“It was no problem.”

Ophelia stands on Moores head “What’s your name? Mine's Ophelia and theirs is Moore.”

“My name is Toulouse.”

Moore starts laughing “What kind of name is Toulouse.”

“What?” Toulouse frowns

Ophelia pecks at Moores head “Don’t be rude Moore what if someone said your name was funny. Apologize to Toulouse.”

Moore scoffs “I’m sorry your name is stupid.” 


“Fine, I’m sorry I laughed at your name n said it was stupid.”

Toulouse chuckles “It’s alright just please don’t make fun of my name again.”

“Okay, I won’t.”

The trio makes their way out of the clearing careful to avoid the trees. 



The moon is up now and the three of them are in a new area of the forest. They have trouble seeing in the dark. Toulouse and Moore are holding hands so they don’t get separated and Ophelia is laying on Toulouses back. Toulouse tells the others that it’s tired, Ophelia suggests that they should rest. Toulouse and Moore let their hands go and they sit down. The two don’t notice when Moore gets up and starts to wander off.

 Moore falls into a hole they land on a hard rocky surface. They get up and see that they’re in a cave. Moore goes deeper into the cave, they look around and they see glowing plants growing on the walls, ceiling, and floor of the cave. Moore sees an opening in the cave, they walk into it and they’re hit with a rancid smell. Moores eyes squint with tears, rotting meat is what they recognize it to be. Moore opens their green eyes and sees a corpse. Its abdomen is torn open with its guts spilling out. Maggots and a variety of bugs are in its body eating the corpse. There are bite wounds and claw marks all over it. Black liquid is dripping out of the corpse, its blood splattered and all dried up on the floor and walls of the cave. Chunks of fur are littered across the floor. 

Moore is frozen in shock, they glance next to the corpse and see what seems to be the corpses assailant. The creature looks like a wolf. Its head is a naked skull with a bloodied jaw, strings of meat between its teeth attached to a black furred body. Its ribcage is exposed, lungs move while it inhales and exhales. The creatures tail is like a lion’s. Moore tries to move quietly but they kick a rock while moving, it makes a noise when it lands on the floor. The creature turns to them and starts growling and walking towards Moore. Moore runs out, the monster chasing them snapping at their feet. Moore turns sharply and the monster slams into a wall. Moores lungs are burning, they slow down to catch their breath.

“What the hell is that.” Moore whispers

Moore hears dragging, they turn around and see the monster limping towards them. 

“Oh no.”

Moore turns and runs. They can hear the monster running after them. The monster, despite its injured leg, is catching up to Moore. Moore stumbles over a patch of plant roots. The monster pounces on Moore, its claws digging painfully into their shoulder, ripping their clothes and piercing their skin. The monster picks up their arm and bites down on it. There was a loud crack, Moore screams. 


The monster lets their arm go, letting it fall to the ground before picking it up again, jaw gripping onto their arm. Moores starts flailing around when the monster tries to tear their arm off. 

Moore kicks the monster in the ribs. The monster drops their arm and stumbles while heaving. Moore gets up and scrambles away. They spot a small opening in one of the walls, they climb into it and crumble to the ground. Moore brings their legs up and hugs them with one arm, the other limp and bleeding. They hear slamming and scratching. The monster is trying to get in.

Tears drip down their face “GO AWAY.”

It doesn’t stop.


“Be quiet.”

Moore stiffens, they shut their mouth.

“Good job.” The voice said

There’s a loud crack. They look at the opening and see that it’s gotten bigger. The monster can fit its jaw in it. Moore scurried away from it and presses up against a wall. They weep and curl up on the floor. Moores vision gets blurry, their eyes fluttering.


Aciel frowns as he listens to Moores heartbeat slow. He lands on the ground and with his scythe, he tears an opening to the cave. Aciel walks in with heavy footsteps, he points the scythes blade to the ground and drags it on the floor making loud noise. 

“Where are you, you dumb dog."

Aciel hears the tapping of claws. He turns and is met with the monster.

Aciel smiles “There you are.”

The monster snarls and starts circling him. Aciel rushes toward the monster and swipes at it with his scythe. The monster dodges and claws at him. Aciel throws his scythe to the ground and lifts the monster, he lifts it high and slams it onto the ground. 

While the monster is stunned, Aciel stomps on the monster’s head. He feels its skull split under him. The monster whimpers as it bleeds, Aciel steps off it and walks towards his scythe. He grabs it and walks back to the monster. He looks down at it, its skull is split and blood is seeping out onto the floor. Aciel raises his scythe and brings it down on its neck, blood sprays onto his face and clothes. 

Aciel wipes the blood off his face “Disgusting.”

Aciel walks away and turns the corner. He sees a small opening, he peers through it and sees Moore. Aciel widens the opening with his scythe, he walks towards Moore and sees them laying in blood. He picks them up into his arms and makes his way out of the cave. 


Moores eyes open. They look around and see nothing but the night sky. 

“You’re finally awake.”

Moores eyes widened. That voice is familiar. Moore looks around but sees no one. 

“Up here.”

Moore looks up and sees a man floating above him holding a scythe. 

“What the f***.” Moore said

The man floats down and sits next to Moore.

“Hello, I’m Aciel and you are?”

“Um…Hi, I’m Moore.”

Moore stares at Aciel. Aciel has white hair, the tips are black. His eyes are a pale blue with white pupils. His skin is grey and freckled. He’s wearing a black sleeveless shirt and grey pants. 

Aciel smiles “You know it’s rude to stare.” 

“Sorry I didn’t mean to. Um…have we met before you sound familiar.” Moore said

“We haven’t met before but I was the one who talked to you when you were in the cave.”

Moore tilts their head “Cave?”

Moore tenses. For a moment they had forgotten what had happened. They remember the monster attacking them. They glance towards their arm and see it wrapped up in white cloth. 

“Don’t worry. I stopped the bleeding but you’ll have to get it checked out by a professional though.” Aciel said

Moore breathes out “Thanks.”

“It’s no problem I couldn’t let a child die.”

Moore stands “Where are we?”

Aciel smiles “Where on top of a mountain. Isn’t the view stunning?” 


Moore looks out and sees thousands of trees and a river running through it. Beyond that, they see their village.

Moore points “That’s where I live.”

“Oh, would you like me to take you there?”


Aciel looks at Moore, surprised at their outburst “I'd think you’d like to go home after what you’ve been through.”

“Well, you thought wrong. I have to get back to my friends.”

“Your friends?”

“Yeah, I met them when I went into the forest.”

Aciel grins “Oh. Well, let’s go find them.”

The author's comments:

This short story is about a young kids who is in the woods accompanied by new companions. 

This story is an assignment for school

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