The Game | Teen Ink

The Game

April 12, 2022
By Anonymous


I woke up this morning feeling odd or something was wrong. I got up to wake my 19 year old brother David. I went up to David's door and knocked three times and then said “David get up it's time for breakfast” But not answer. So I opened his door and noone was there. I just thought he was already up so I went into the kitchen and there was a strange note on the kitchen table. The note said “I moved away to college for 5 years, take of  yourself, Love David. There was a 50.00$ bill on the table as well as David's favorite red pen.But then I realized,the note was written with Blue ink and David's pen was red ink. Then it hit me. My brother did not write this note.

So I sat and thought who would have written the note and where was my brother? So then I thought to call him “DUHH’’. So I called David,but when I hit the call button I heard ring, ring,ring.So i went to look where the ringing was coming from.Then there was only one place i haven't looked.Brains bedroom.I opened the door and the ringing got louder and louder and then i pulled the blanket off and boom.Brains phone! He never leaves without his phone, I thought.But then i heard a thud coming from the attic.So i just thought it was a squirrel or a bird.But then THud,thud,thud.So i just went to see what it was because the noise started getting annoying.When i pulled down the latter and peeked m head up in the attic and there was a strange box out of the corner of my eye.I opened the box and there was a little paper that said you play you win, you see David.The note sounded very cheesy,So i thought it was David pranking me.So i just kept on calling davids name.But no answer.When i got down from the attic there was a strange black glove on the floor.I thought it was davids so i picked it up and went to throw it in the closet and when i picked it up a little piece of paper fell out of the glove.I then looked at the piece of paper and there were coordinates. I have my driver's license so wherever the coordinates take me i can drive myself to the location.So i put the coordinates in my phone and it was 5 minutes away so i went. Maybe David was there I thought. When I got into my car there was a weird beeping noise.It started getting annoying so I looked around to see where the beeping was coming from.Then i looked under my chair and there was a strange red light i grabbed and it was a tracking device!I threw it out of my car window and went to follow where the coordinates were taking me.

The coordinates led me to a really freaky old house.I walked very slowly and sneaking to the door.The door was already open so i stepped inside.I whispered my brothers name David,david.But no answer.I was just about to go outside of the house then i stepped on a paper.Picked up the paper and there was a phone number on it.I ran to my car and put the phone number in my phone and it started to ring.Then someone or something answered the phone. It was a very deep creepy voice that said “play the game open the box, gm”. 

I thought about what box?But then I saw a cardboard box sitting on the porch of the creepy house.I got out of my car and I opened the the box there was a N,E,S,W sign.anda note that said the sun shines north.But then i thought maybe….put the north sign towards the sun. I put the north towards the sun.then when i did it the garage opened.i went into the garage and David!! He was dancing next to the closest.I  grabbed David and drove home. When I got home David started saying wake up! Wake up! Then I woke up in my bed and David woke me up for breakfast. I said it was a dream. I wonder if it is still a dream till this day.

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