Astatine The Assassin | Teen Ink

Astatine The Assassin

May 31, 2022
By sveggalam BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
sveggalam BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Astatine the Assassin a.k.a “The Villain Who Can Do No Harm” is not a villain to fear per-se, but he certainly is interesting. It all started when he was born as the child of Uranium and Thorium. This is a super uncommon occurrence so Astatine was rare. This caused him to have no friends like himself. He shared some similarities with Silver, but Silver didn’t want to be associated with such an inconvenience, so Astatine grew resentful towards the rest of the elements. One day, Astatine found a genie in a bottle. Wanting to take his revenge for his depressing childhood, he wished to become a villain. Astatine isn't the brightest element (as in he wasn’t smart or translucent) so he never realized he had to be specific with his wishes, giving him some pretty useless powers.

Anyways, Astatine is the decay of Uranium and Thorium, two highly reactive nonmetals. Astatine is highly reactive just like its “parents” so it has quite the temper and is always quick to pick a fight. Astatine, as a person, has always been extremely touch-sensitive, and once it became a villain, this just increased. At the moment, this “bad guy” is radioactive, making it incredibly toxic and fatal to touch. This is perhaps the only dangerous thing about the element and villain Astatine.

The next very important thing to note about Astatine, is that he is a coward. He starts fights due to his quick temper, but always runs away and hides. Because Astatine is so dark in color - almost pitch black - it can run away into the shadows and hide from the superheros. The few times this villain is caught, he is easily broken in half because he is very brittle as the most fragile element on the planet. I mean, at least Astatine holds a record? One “advantage” that Astatine kind of has is its magnetism. However, because only 30g of astatine actually exists, the magnetic field isn’t particularly strong, creating yet another weakness for this self-proclaimed villain. The only thing astatine can manage to draw to itself is attention. Astatine also can’t conduct electricity - like he’s seriously useless. In fact, humans are so nonchalant about this Villain Who Can Do No Harm, that they haven’t even bothered to find its number on Mohs Hardness scale or whether it is transparent or not.If you are currently thinking to yourself that Astatine the Assassin isn’t a good villain you’d be absolutely right! As mentioned before, Astatine tends to run away from fights, leaving a trail of a dark purple translucent gas. 

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the full story of Astatine :)

The author's comments:

This is a fantasy story about Astatine, an element on the periodic table of elements. This was created for my 8th grade science class. The assignment was to pick an element and make a superhero based off of it. I picked Astatine, a super rare and fragile element and decided to make it a super villain. Here is the backstory.The personality traits of Astatine are based off of real facts about the element. 

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