The Day of a Swirl | Teen Ink

The Day of a Swirl

September 12, 2022
By Val_920 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Val_920 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
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The Day of a Swirl  

My name is Patricia;17-year-old,about to be 18 soon.This is my life,when I was little,I remember that my parents were talking as usual,just that this time,it was not a friendly talk.There was shouting and arguing,and after all of that happened,my mom(Felicia),was devastated after my dad(Patrick) requested a divorce.Of course mom ended up having full custody of me,and became more austere and didn’t want me having communication with my father.After the divorce,my dad moved to the state of Arizona.He sent me a letter from that time,saying how amazing his trip was and how on his way to the state of Arizona,he found the new love of his life.In that letter,he continued by stating that he would never forget me no matter what happened,I would always be a great part of his life along with my step mom (Jennifer).He also wrote that I could always go live with him and with Jennifer.That is where my pet dog comes in,Henry, a beautiful golden retriever,my mom thought it would be a good idea to adopt a dog since she thought that I would miss my father’s presence at home.Henry is an amazing companion,a close friend,better at keeping company than my father ever did.

 Now in the present day,I be having constant arguments about how my mother raises me and how it is her fault we are living the way we are today,separated,tormented,and alone.My mother attempts to start a conversation by saying,”hey honey”,but i totally despise her.I was just in my room for a moment,until I decided to be nice and come out of my dready bedroom and onto the living room,went to sit next to her on the couch along with my dog Henry.As she was changing the channels with the remote,she stops at the news channel as she watches and listens to the weather forecast of the state.”Experts are warning that there would be a category 5 hurricane hitting tonight at the state of Texas near the south east,whatever you folks got to do,stay safe and eva-”.My mother turns off the tv,I was surprised that mother turns off the tv and she ends it off by saying,”as if that will ever be happening here.The news just wants to brainwash everyone and make us tremble in fear.There is nothing to worry about,it’s clearly fake”.Then I said under my breath,”just as fake as you were with my father”.My mother turned to my end of where I was sitting,”How could you be saying that about me?!”Then I decide to say,”well maybe if you wouldn’t have been so nosy about what my father was doing outside of home,then none of this would have happened!!”.It got to mother,she got upset and continued to argue with me,”I was doing it for the good of everyone in this house,I was doing for you sweetie…”.I was too stunned to speak,but I continued to my point,”I insist that you did too much on trying to keep the family together,I see no point on trying to argue with you,I think it is an amazing idea to go live with my father once I turn 18!!”.Mother got even more upset,”Keep dreaming,because that won’t be happening while I am alive!!”.”There is times that I hate you,this time I really do!,this is all your fault,I don’t care what you say anymore! You can’t keep me here for long,i’m going to live with my father to Arizona,you like it or not,I totally thing that Jennifer would do a WAY BETTER job of a mother than you ever would!”.

This time I really broke my mother’s heart in pieces,I ran to my room,a swirl of thoughts went through my mind,I hurried to the end on the hallway where my bedroom is located,slammed the door shut.I heard my mom sobbing from my room,she did not do the effort to come talk to me this time.I jumped straight to my bed,grabbed a pillow,hugged it real tight,let a few tears go down through my face cheeks,after a moment,I decided to take a look through my window and noticed it was dark.I checked my flip phone that was on my desk,next to my bed,11:00 pm,I thought to myself,”Oh it's late,should change my clothes and go to bed,it's not like mother wants to talk to talk to me after what I told her…”.I changed into my pajamas,a few minutes later,I heard some rough scratching on my door,it was Henry.He must of been concerned after hearing the whole argument,also heard whimpering coming from him,I opened my door and he came with a droopy face and wanted to be with me and cheer me up,he came close to me.”I’m sorry I got you scared Henry,you shouldn’t be hearing me argue with mother so often”.I was petting Henry on the head and rubbing its stomach.I decided to lay down on my bed,I waved at my dog to come over,”come on Henry,don’t stand there,come join me!”.Henry decides to jump on the bed and started to lick my face,he made me forget everything,after that I don’t remember falling asleep.Furthermore,it started pouring outside while I was asleep,I felt the intense winds from outside and decided to ignore it,I heard little drops of water dripping down.It was like the sound of a pool getting filled with water.Just that I didn’t think that pool that was getting filled up with water would be my house.

I woke up and saw that my dog was not next to me,I checked my flip phone,8:00 am,I did not check my surroundings and decided to get up from beed.I put my feet down to the floor,and felt like I was getting my feet wet,SPLASH!!,I did not notice there was water in the house.Decided to hurry and check outside and saw that it was still pouring outside ,clouds dark as midnight,along with intense winds.I thought to myself,”there is no way this is happening,how did I not know this was going to happen?!”.Flashbacks from yesterday were coming back,it was mother’s fault,”she turned off the tv in the middle of the forecast…”,”I was too busy arguing with her that I forgot about the hurricane coming…I won’t forgive her for this”.I did not think twice and I left my bedroom to look for mother,where ever she could be,I saw Henry in the hallway,he was trying to save himself from the water.There was 5 inches worth of water in the house.I went near the main entrance of the house and there she was,mother was securing the the main entrance of the house,she told me,”help me!...please Patricia…”.As there was intense winds banging against the door,I was just standing there,I was still pissed at her,”I thought the news was fake and that there was nothing to worry about’’.She proceeds to say,”I’m sorry,but this time I need your help…I need you…”.As the door was wanting to force itself to open,I decided to not help her because I was too angry to even want to look at her after she put everyone in this situation after refusing to listen to the news.Henry comes over and starts whimpering,it gave me the feeling that Henry knew there was something bad about to happen.I never did the effort to help mother,as Henry got quiet,all of a sudden,the door opens,mother gets knocked down to the ground for trying to secure the door.A whole rush of water comes down to the entrance,taking mother and Henry,I try to save myself from getting taken by the water,grabbed myself onto the kitchen counter.A swirl of water of weather formed near the entrance,I saw mother and Henry in that swirl.Mother was screaming in pain for my assistance,her head was peaking out,and so was her right hand.”Patricia!,please help me!!,’’oh no mother!”,”i’m coming to help!”.As my mother was washed away to outside the house,so was Henry, he was whimpering,trying to swim to my direction,which ended up being a useless effort as it was taking him further away from me.I went after them outside the house.”Help me,Patricia!!”,I tried to hurry up as the crying for help and howling were fading away.The water was up to my waist,so it was getting more difficult to look for mother and Henry.By the time I was outside,there was nobody,it started to rain again,and no sign of life.All I could do was to save myself,I started crying,”what am I going to do now…?”,”could I ever forgive myself for letting this happen?”.I was just in the body of water,I did not know what to do,lost my family so it was making it more difficult to save myself,I saw a light coming towards my direction,it was the life guards on a rescue boat,they came towards my direction and took me onto the boat.I was thinking about the truth about losing my family to a storm,I was just remembering mother and Henry like they would’ve wanted me to.This time I do regret not helping mother,and not wanting to understand her in the most difficult times.All I can do is sob the pain away and remember the family I once had.Now there is nothing stopping me from living with my father…

The author's comments:

This is a story that I created,I hope whoever reads it enjoys it.

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