Save the Water | Teen Ink

Save the Water

September 25, 2022
By numana8843 BRONZE, San Pedro, California
numana8843 BRONZE, San Pedro, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Save The Water 

While hearing a loud non-stop ringing I start to drift off. I see out of space. The stars shine bright. My body drifts from the earth. I wave goodbye to my home, to my earth  as my body turns to face the spaceship. It reminds me of a large fish, almost like a whale. It seems as if it’s a submarine, large and steel, the color of course a dark smooth gray. The motion acts smooth as if it was swimming in water. I come close to the door as it automatically opens. The door itself appears huge and heavy. But as the door opens, inside appears as a bright, creamy white. I step in and the interior has a 2000s or 70s futuristic theme. The couch white and round and also has a white table in the middle. I sat down and I started to feel sleepy. Then I started to feel a  rocking motion in full swing, just as if I were a baby. I close my eyes and we land. 

Though I’m not aware. I hear the swoosh motion of the door to let me know that it’s open. As I’m starting to wake up I hear chirps and water, crashing and streaming. It calls out to me, hypnotizing me to get up and move towards them. I start to walk out the door and down the stairs. Once I step out,  I feel my foot hit the floor. It feels solid and easily walked on.  As I look up I see the most beautiful scenery. It reminds me of Avatar. Huge and tall forest trees that let in a glimmer of light, several bodies of water from rivers, to lakes, ponds, and tall waterfalls. The waters are a nice deep blue and teal color. It provides a glowing feature. Neon, light green plants that produce alluring flowers, from bright colors of blue, purple, and pink. The more I walk further deep in the forest I come closer to the sound of chirping. It’s heard in a high pitch voice but short and simple. As if it rolls their r’s. 

I hear it louder and louder pulling me to their direction. Then I see a glimpse of the most alluring hazel eyes and bright orange, red fur. The strange creature runs from one tree to another, slowly getting closer. Then it reaches the tree that’s closest to me. I cautiously approach it; not wanting to scare it off. I can only see the head. Her body hides behind the tree. I reach my hand out slowly so she can get comfortable with my smell. She then starts to pop out more till she’s in front of me. I gasps when I saw her entirely,  when I saw her form. She looks like a red fox but, much taller than an average one on Earth.  SHe looks like she can be about 6 feet. Her tail looks much longer as well. It almost reaches her head. She appears to also be able to walk on two feet, much like a kangaroo. I notice that she gets more  comfortable the more she investigates me. The moment I knew that we became friends when she rubs against me just like a cat would. She then starts to communicate with me. 

“ My name is Precious,” she softly states, 

I notice that it’s the high pitched sound calling to me. Then I realize I can understand word for word. I’m utterly confused how I can understand a language that appears so foreign to me. 

Precious continues, “ You must be Nadia. I have been waiting for you.” 

“ Waiting for me ?”, I ask. 

“ Yes, you are the only one that can help save our earth from becoming extinct. You need to fulfill this quest and you are the only that can, ” she confesses.

How did I get chosen? How can I understand her? 

“ You might be wondering how all of this is possible,” She acknowledges, then continues, “ You used to live here with your parents. There were scientists for our planet and helped us grow as one. They had finished their job on our earth so they were sent back home. You were around the age of 1 when you first came and when you left you were 5. But while on this planet you learned our language. Which is why you can understand me.” 

“ You used to play with us when your parents were with us. I would say that we were your comfort zone when you were a kid,” she admits. 

“ The reason I called you was because you're the only one who can communicate with both parties that are involved with the extinction. There is an intruder. The planet is runned by a water crystal. But it was stolen by your kind . This has caused our planet to start to die along with our animals who live with our planet. We are losing our resources and homes. We need you to talk and try to convince them to give it back,” Precious begs. 

“ They are claiming that it belongs to them. That they have the power of it. They are claiming that they need it to restore their planet. But now they have taken the water crystal. It limits our water resources. The water provides life to everyone and everything  you see.” she continues. 

“ I'm guessing that they live here. Where are they hiding?” I ask. 

“ They have taken a piece of our land deep in the forest. Everything surrounding them have died, ” she replies. 

“ Okay! Take me to them,” I state bravely. 

She knew the way and said that she can lead me there but there is one problem. She can not be within a radius of 5 feet from them. She picks me up from her back and we ride away. When first heading off everything is blooming and so full of color. The waters running and the sun hit just right. But the father we got in everything became dull. The forest slowly starts  to lose its color. The flowers and trees look dark and dead. The sun no longer shining; just clouds that cover the sky.  I, too busy analyzing the scenario when we came to an abrupt stop. 

“ This is as far as I can go. If I get too close I start to become more weak and I can’t risk that,” she sighs. 

Now I head to head this journey alone. I jump off and head in a hobbit cover that’s cover in dead tree trunks and vines. Black covers my vision as I enter.The only glimpse of light is in the corner of my eye.  Immediately I knew that that's the water crystal. I slowly walk towards it. It’s isolated alone on a bookshelf. Face to face; I reach towards it till my hand is abruptly grabb. 

I look up to see them with no face. They have all the features one would have but their face looks like a blur. 

They scream, “ DON’T TOUCH IT! THAT IS MINE!” 

“ What makes you think that this belongs to you? You have no right,” I retorted. 

“ I need it. I found it. I claimed it.” they barked. 

“ You can not just claim something that already belongs to someone else,” I demanded. 

“ Yes, I can and I will. I need this. It is the only thing that can save my planet. It is the solution that I have been waiting and searching for and now that I have it I am not letting it go.” they hissed. “ I killed my planet so I must restore it back, '' they continued.

“ Isn’t that every desperate and greedy of you. You will destroy this  planet to save one that you already killed,” I  nagged. 

“ I’m sorry to say this but it’s gone. There is no way you can bring it back to what it once was. You're just going to hurt yourself more by killing another one if you don’t realize that. You can never repay for what you did for your planet but you can help save this one. You can restore this planet and ask for forgiveness. You can live here in peace,” I explained. 

They cried, “ I know you’re right. You think I can ask for forgiveness?” 

“ Yes, I do believe. Just give me the crystal and we can go together. Take my hand.” I persuaded. 

They hand me the crystal and take my hand. We walk to Precious after we came to an agreement. 

“ It’s okay Precious we came to an agreement but they do have something to ask you,” I said leaving Precious in suspense. 

“ Hi Precious, hopefully you can understand me but I am sorry. I wanted to restore something that was already broken. It was wrong of me to believe that I have the right to take away one life when I killed another, ” they cried. 

They continue, “ I am asking for your forgiveness to allow me to live here. I have nowhere else to go and I know that I have done wrong by you but I hope that you can forgive me.” 

“ I forgive you. I understand that you need to fix what you broke but I’m glad that you came to your senses. You can keep your hobbit house, ” Precious answered. 

I translated for her; then gave her the crystal. She picks both of us up and takes us to the tree where they store the water crystal. We speed through the dead areas along our journey.  The water, not running around the trees and through the waterfall over it. At the top of a mountain you can see the living, dead, and in between. We watch as she places the crystal where it rightfully belongs. Then we start to hear the water rushing down. We turn around to see the whole land restored. The sun shining, plants blooming, and the water running. I knew that my time here has come to an end. I need to head back home. Precious gave us a ride to my spaceship. We said our goodbyes. Before Precious gave me an exact replica of the water crystal tree with a tiny crystal in the tree. Everything was living and the water ran around the tree and the waterfall. I thank her for the gift and said goodbye. I get on my ship and go home. When I return home, I stare at my gift,  I’m at peace, I’m happy, and grateful.

The author's comments:

I just started to write due to me being in a creative writing class honestly I didn't think that I would like writing but it is actually relaxing and fun!!

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