Gem Of The Sea | Teen Ink

Gem Of The Sea

October 14, 2022
By Anonymous

     I heard a loud ringing that continually kept buzzing as it landed. I saw a bleary charcoal gray spaceship with a green outline and really bright lights. It looked like a regular U.S spaceship but they weren’t normal humans that walked out.

When they got out of the space ship it seemed like a two eye creature that looked nice but when they got out the spaceship. They floated and they had no nose. As they walked out, I noticed they started  walking towards my house. So as they do they reach my door and knock and I open the door. They have asked “Hello Fellow Earthling we are here for Daniel Cervantes” as they looked studious and they grabbed me and took me in the spaceship. When they grabbed me they felt very chilly and bumpy. For some reason they kept looking at my chain and just kept staring at it . The spaceship ride wasn’t very bumpy or crazy at all. The creatures had it on auto pilot and we just walked around the spaceship. Just with a button we teleported and entered their planet.

Once we entered their planet, their planet seemed blue and a light pink from the outside. As we entered and walked out of the spaceship they showed me around and the surface felt really mushy and a little dusty. They had no legs so they hovered around while my feet kept on getting stuck to the surface. When I looked around they had like bluish looking trees growing.

The two eye creature literally looked like a human but they came about a little brownish. They appeared to have the shape of a human with eyes and fingers but except they didn’t have a nose and they floated instead of walking.  The creatures seem to be about 7 feet tall. The creatures talked like regular humans but they would make random noises sometimes.


The creatures seemed very caring about their land and their other people that lived in their land. Their land wasn’t  dead at all; their population was enormous. Some problems that they had  on their planet, that their plants and all of their food did not grow because they had no water and their planet began to die due to the lack of water. Back then their land had life and seemed very full of water because the creatures' land needed a green Gem in their ocean in order for water to be there. Somehow the creatures had found my location and knew that I had the green gem connected to my chain when my dad had given it to me because he had found it . To me the gem  appeared to me like a regular chain with the pendet that my dad gave to me but the gem to them made everything .

The creatures had shown me around their world and they just kept their eyes looking at my chain. They had asked me where I found that chain and gem and I had said my dad had given it to me. Then they said take it off we need it and I looked at them and I said I'm not taking this off so a whole gang of them came up to me and I took off. I wanted to hop into their spaceship and leave back to earth but I had forgotten the spaceship’s location. Before they had chased me, they showed me around the garden and their garden had many plants like the most plants I have ever seen in my life. As they chased me I looked back and saw more than 40 of them chasing me , their garden seemed to be shaped like a maze and I had gotten lost many times. I noticed I started to go around in the maze and it felt like a marathon but it seemed to me like I felt trapped in the maze. As I ran, I looked up at the sky and I noticed a skinny green outline of something . So I started to go towards the shiny green thing but I felt really tired because they didn’t have to run like me in their mushy surface they just floated around.

I noticed that the green flashy thing is the spaceship. It felt less than a mile away. I tripped and got stuck over the floor and when I fell my eyes blurred. When I opened my eyes and got up I felt trapped surrounded by all of them in a circle. And they just all pointed at my chain and I felt really confused because I didn’t know why my gem seemed so important to them. When I glanced  and looked they didn’t look interested in eating me. All the creatures wanted was my chain.. As I got up, the creatures parted in half and made a walkway.  Once  they made a walkway the top G of the planet walked through the walkway with a crown on his head. I seemed flabbergasted how they honored their leader of the planet, as he walked up to me he pointed to my necklace.

He asked me where I got it from and I responded that my dad gave it to me. Then he asked where my dad got it from and I had no idea where he got it from. So then he demanded I'm going to need it and then he walked up to me. As he reached in front of me he put his hand under the chain and snatched it from my neck. As I got really mad I threw a punch at him but my punch went straight through his body but it was strange to me because he appeared as a regular human but his body was like a ghost. So then all his people grab me and make a portal and they throw me in the portal and once I enter the portal .

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