Warps through time | Teen Ink

Warps through time

December 13, 2022
By Anonymous

Have you ever wanted the money, fame, and recognition? As a kid that's all I wanted was to be really rich and famous. There were many careers that could fulfill my desire to be this rich famous mogul. Some of the ideas I was thinking of were athletes, actors, business owners, and the list goes on and on with all the big money jobs in the world. The one job I stumbled upon that seemed to fit this list the best though was an inventor. This was the career I chose because I wanted to help people but thats not how my talents were entirely used. 

Inventing just seems to be a cool never ending process of trial and failure. The first thing I invented was the time machine. I had to keep this project under the radar because I didn’t want people to steal my idea or try to do anything to it. I was working alone doing what I truly wanted to do for 5 whole years until I finally got all of the details figured out to create the world's first working time machine. 

With this invention I was able to go back in time and fix all of my mistakes and past. This comes with some consequences and responsibilities as well. One time I accidentally sent the world to almost complete extinction with one of my other inventions but I quickly hopped in my time travel machine and fixed all of my mistakes.

The reason I decided to become an inventor was originally for the money and fame but as life went on and I had all the money and all the fame I turned to helping the world. 

One thing that I did was I partnered with a bunch of hospitals and scientists to bring them back form the future and help them find cures sooner and I would bring technology back to the past to help our country to build a bigger future. Another big thing that I helped with was bringing vital military information and really good military equipment. 

I faced a lot of big struggles because the government was trying to overmind me and make me do things for them. A lot of that is stuff I did because I didn’t have a choice. They threatened me and tried to have me locked up for life if I didn’t listen to them and do exactly what they told me to. I then had to try and invent things to protect myself but it didn’t work and as I sit here in my federal cell I am writing back to you.

You will probably be reading this in your creative writing class in high school because I sent it back in time to your teacher to give to you and I just want you to know that this invention of the time machine is not something you want to come up with. I have already reversed everything in your past so it doesn’t exist until you make it in the future. I just want you to know that this is where you will end up if you try to make this invention.

The author's comments:

Done for school

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