Genesis | Teen Ink


December 29, 2022
By Anonymous

The year is 30XX, earth is on the breach of decay. For the sake of humanity, mankind has placed a gamble on their lives. In the span of 10 years, 65 spacecrafts were created worldwide with the mission to find a new suitable planet for humanity. After 35 years into the missions, only 1 remained. The Genesis, a small AI-generated spacecraft fitted with the capacity of one.
“I miss the ocean." Thea suddenly blurted out breaking the silence in the pod millions of kilometres away from earth.
I'm sorry, but I’m unable to comprehend what you mean by miss. Would you like me to find you a picture of the sea?” Replied Genesis with a rocket-speed reply as always.
“Thank you, Genesis, but I’m ok I don’t want to just look at the sea I want to feel it!” Thea shouts passionately.
“I’m sorry; please define what you mean by feel.” Asked Genesis in a very automatic tone.
“You know like when you’re heading to the beach when you’re suddenly hit with the cool scent of seawater that tickles your nose, and you have intuitively known that you’ve arrived at your destination. You can feel the hot warm sand and your toes as you quickly run into the blue mysterious seawater. "Thea explains with her eyes shut tight visualizing the very scene she described; while a warm smile appears on her face.
“To answer your question the earth is 71 percent of water.” Genesis says proudly.
“Haha sorry Genesis, I must have burnt you out, what I’m trying to get at is that I miss feeling free.” Thea says with her face slowly modifying from a smile that made her soul shine out, to a look that showed that internally her soul was slowly dying.
“I’ve scanned your health for your daily health check, and it seems that you are upset. Is there any way that I can assist you?” Says Genesis which Thea imagined him saying in a concerned tone even with his monotone voice.
“I think, I regret my choice of wasting my life away in this tin can. I miss the freedom I had on land; I miss having to make a choice for every little I do which would cause a butterfly effect to other problems I would have to get through, I miss the feelings of love, stress, and anxiousness because now all I feel is loneliness and regret.” Thea says after understanding that she had finally made her childhood dream a reality.
“I apologize, I’m unable to be of useful service to you. Due to my lack of understanding of these so-called feelings.” Genesis replies.
“It’s fine Genesis it’s just what it means to be human, we live to compete; to strive for a meaning to keep on living.” Thea says still partially depressed but with the realization of what obstacles she’s overcome, how fulfilling her life has been and how her story doesn’t end here.
“I’ve still got a long road ahead of me.”

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on Jan. 23 2023 at 2:28 pm
BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
116 articles 15 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the pen is stronger than the sword, what am I supposed to do when the pen declares a war?

I hope that you continue this story! It's really good! :D