The Tale of the Ignorant Knight | Teen Ink

The Tale of the Ignorant Knight

March 1, 2023
By DerpWolf111 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
DerpWolf111 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time in England there lived a King by the name of King Ronan, and his lovely wife Queen Andromeda. There lived a huge fierce Red Dragon in the mountains, North of the kingdom of Luxington. The King and Queen wanted the dragon gone because at any time he could come down to the village and cause so much pain and suffering. So the King and Queen requested for the bravest knight in all the lands, Luther of Naughtingham. He was a praised war hero. So when Luther arrived at the castle, he went in and met with the King and Queen. They requested that when he go on his adventure he take Lofty with him. Lofty was a faithful bard to the kingdom. He had mastered 4 instruments: Flute, Clarinet, Lute and Trumpet. Luther instantly refused saying,
“Why would I need a bard?! I can handle this journey on my own.” To which the king then replied,
“ The adventure will be treacherous and the terrain is new to you. Lofty knows these woods and mountains like the back of his hand. Take him with you or you shall not proceed with the quest.” Luther then accepted to take Lofty with him and they set out to slay the beast.
They enter the North forest and Luther cried out
To which Lofty replied very softly,
“Because Sir the king insisted that you take me with you.” Luther then yelled,
Then they both stopped, they had wandered further than they thought. They heard a low grumble from under the bridge and it called out,
“Who dares awake my slumber?”
Luther called out,
“It is I, Luther of Naughtingham that has awoken you from your slumber.”
Luther then told Lofty to introduce himself. Lofty said,
“I am Lofty of Luxington.”
The troll then appeared from under the bridge. He said,
“To pass you must answer a riddle. What color are the sky and the ocean?”
Luther then said,
“Why would I know that? That is not common knowledge.”
Then Luther stabbed the troll in the gut with the longsword that he had with him, and the troll screamed in anguish. Then the troll started trying to kill Luther and Lofty, swinging his club about the forest knocking down trees and scaring animals. Then Lofty shouts,
“Stop! You have no need to kill us! We have nothing to harm you!” Then Lofty realizes that there is a hole in the troll’s stomach. He then whipped out his Flute and started playing a super lyrical piece. The troll paused and listened, and then the troll started to wander towards his home under the bridge. Then he went right to sleep. Luther stood in stunned silence. He was amazed at the fact that the one little tiny instrument was able to put that big beast of a troll to sleep. Lofty then triumphantly stated,
“ Hooray for I have done it! I took out that nasty troll with one little melody.” Luther still says nothing. Finally he hastily says,
“Let's continue, no time to waste.”
They continued over the bridge into the part of the forest. It was getting close to dark and they needed to get some rest. So Luther states,
“I am tired and my feet hurt. Let's stop here for the night.” Lofty then responds with,
“Great! I am tired and extremely hungry. I’ll call dinner.” Lofty then takes out his Flute and begins to play a simple melody. As he plays the melody becomes more complex, louder, and faster. Then when he is finished there are 2 rabbits and 3 birds that have come to be eaten. Luther then says,
“Wow, that was so much easier than hunting. I will get the meat ready to eat if you will please go collect some firewood to use.” Lofty says,
“Alright, I'll be back in no time at all.” They meet back in 30 minutes. They light the fire and then they eat the rabbits and the birds. After they were done eating they went to bed. They woke up and packed up to continue moving on. They got to a stream and decided to drink. Luther said,
“Stop here, for I am thirsty and in need of drink.” To which Lofty then replied,
“Fine by me, we didn't eat breakfast so I am not only thirsty but hungry as well.”
Then Lofty got out his Clarinet and began to do the same thing that he did with his Flute when catching dinner last night. As the melody got faster the water also got faster. 2 fish flew out of the water. They cut up the fish and ate them while they sat by the stream. After they were done Luther asked Lofty if he could part the stream for them to walk through. Lofty then replied
“Yes, but I can’t hold it for long.” Lofty then fetched the Lute out of his bag. He played 3 chords, a C Major, c minor, and D Major. The stream then parted and they passed through. Right as Lofty got all the way through the stream returned to its normal self. Then they start to hear this rattling. The rattling filled the whole forest. They saw a 6 feet long King Cobra. The Cobra had chameleon-like scales. Luther freaks out and whips out his sword to cut off its head. He was successful but little did he know that for every one head you cut off it grows back 2 more. The body of the snake hissed back to life as it grew back 2 more heads. Luther cuts off its heads again. The snake hissed to life once more as it grew back 4 more heads. Lofty finally steps it and tells Luther,
“Stop, don't you know that this is a hydra cobra. For every one head you cut off it grows back 2 more.” Luther goes,
“Oh, I didn't know that. Well then you handle this.” Lofty whips out his clarinet and begins to play a beautiful melody. He starts to get faster. The snake begins to look confused, wondering where the sound is coming from. Then Lofty gets louder and the snake becomes even more confused. Then the snake slithers away to get away from the sound. Lofty jumps for joy because he did not get eaten and he was able to take care of the snake without violence. Luther congratulates Lofty on knowing what the creature was and how to take care of it. Luther was thrilled that he didn’t die either. He said to Lofty,
“Great job! Now I understand why the King and Queen forced you down my throat, and made me bring you along.” Lofty then replies with,
“I am very good at what I do now if we could please move along. They continued on their grand adventure. They wandered for miles and miles not knowing quite exactly where they were. Luther pipes up and says,
“So Lofty, where were you born?” Lofty responds,
“I don’t really know where I was born. When bards are born our mothers pass away due to the loss of magic in their systems. Then typically our fathers stick around long enough to get us safe. They tend to leave at about the age of five, maybe six. I have been at the castle in Lexington for as long as I can remember.” Luther says,
“Oh… I forgot that…that not all people have a happy childhood.” Lofty the cheerily states,
“ Don’t feel sad for me Luther, it is fine the King and Queen have been very lovely to me. They treated me like I was their own son.” Luther says,
“Okay, I am starting to get hungry again. Would you mind?” Lofty says,
“Not at all!” Lofty then begins to play the Flute. He starts by playing a slow somber melody. Then as he progresses through the song it becomes faster, louder, and more intense. He continues with this beautiful melody. Luther stood in stunned silence. After Lofty had finished Luther clapped. The rabbits came to be eaten once more. This time they got 4 rabbits. Lofty can control what he summons based on how fast or slow, high or low, loud, or soft that he plays. Luther skinned them and Lofty collected the fire wood again. They ate and Luther shared his life story with Lofty. Then they kicked out the fire and continued on their journey. They walked and talked some more. Luther asks,
“Have you known how to play all these instruments your entire life or did you have to learn?” Lofty replies,
“I did have to learn them. It took me a little while to master using them with my magic too. I masted most of the instruments right from the start. But after that I had to learn how to push my magic through my fingers and into the keys or strings and then into the sound.” Luther asks,
“What all instruments do you play, Lofty?” Lofty says,
“I can play Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, and Lute. Those are the ones that I can play with my magic. I am still learning how to play Saxophones, Oboe, Bassoon, Baritone, and Sousaphone with my magic. So I can play quite a few different instruments. Luther, do you play any instruments?” Luther says,
“ Well I can’t really play anything but I am really good with a sword.” Lofty laughs so loud. Luther then gets embarrassed. Luther says,
“Hey, if I gave you a sword you wouldn't do all that well either.” Lofty says,
“Let us see!” Luther then hands Lofty the sword. He almost sabs Luther because the sword is so gargantuan compared to him. Once he regains his balance he can successfully swing the sword. Then he almost kills a deer that was running by but he missed a little bit. Lofty then says,
“Ha! I can swing the sword! Let's see if you can play an instrument as well as I can. What instrument do you want to try first? You can’t try the Lute!” Luther says,
“ I would like to try the Flute first.” Luther takes the assembled Flute and tries to play it. He kinda makes a sound, but it then almost immediately fades away. He tries again and the same thing happens. He actually summoned a spirit. Lofty had never been able to do such a thing. It was the spirit of Luther's dead grandfather coming back to congratulate him on his quest. He said,
“Luther, I am very proud of you. You became a knight following in my footsteps. I wanted to know something that no one ever knew. I am of bard descent, as is your grandmother. Your father never inherited the abilities that we had so I assumed that it was lost from the family bloodline. It would appear that you still have some of our magic left. Your mother was also part bard but you as I’m sure you know, never made it past your birth. She never got to meet you but she could do anything. I can sense that there is another bard here. He is an all around bard like your mother was. This means that they could do anything with their music. They just have to imbue it with his magic. Luther, you on the other hand are a spirit bard. You have the ability to call back previously dead spirits to speak to them. You are the only one who sees me. I love you, my grandson. If you need my guidance once more just play the same tune and I will return.”
Luther stood in stunned silence. He said nothing and could not think clearly. He then looked at Lofty, who was also stunned. Lofty could tell that something had happened, but couldn’t quite tell what it was. Luther then started to explain to Lofty what happened. As Luther talked Lofty played some very soft background music on the Flute to keep Luther calm. Then Lofty played a high note and attempted to do exactly what Luther did, it worked. Lofty summoned his mother from beyond the grave. She said,
“Lofty, why have you summoned me? I am not that important to you am I? Why do you disturb my slumber?”
Lofty immediately grabbed his Clarinet to play a low note to return his mother to the grave. It worked as soon as he played that note she was gone. He instantly regretted the decision of calling his mother back. It was then that he realized that he was glad he had no contact with his past. He wished he had never done that in the first place. So after that small mishap they continued on their way. They just kept walking toward the mountain. They then got into the darker part of the woods. Little to no light, and little did they know that there were many very bad creatures that lived in that neck of the woods. They journeyed on not knowing when they would reach the base of the mountain. Then they decided to stop for the night. They laid down on beds of leaves, neither of them hungry enough to eat. The day came but they had no idea. They both slept the whole day. Then Luther awoke in the middle of the night to a raccoon trying to eat their beds of leaves, Luther stabbed it with his dagger that he keeps with him at all times. He then proceeded to get up and get Lofty up so they could continue their journey Luther knowing that they slept a whole day away. Once Lofty was awake he called breakfast, 5 birds. They started to move, after a little while they ran into a critter, they thought it was another raccoon, but just turned out to be a mouse. They wandered in circles not realizing that they were wandering in circles. Lofty heard a wing beat and he grabbed his Lute. He heard it again, and he looked up to see the dragon flying overhead, he was headed to the village to eat people and steal their gold. Lofty strummed the Lute to try and get the dragon to stop but it was too late. The dragon had already made it to the village and began his path of terror. Lofty cried out,
“Oh no! The people are going to be eaten and slaughtered, there will be mothers without daughters and daughters without mothers! This is a horrible tragedy!” Luther looked up confused, he was wrapped up in his thoughts about what had happened the other day. When Luther snapped out of his trance he asked Lofty what happened. Lofty told him about the dragon. Luther agreed that that was horrible. They then continued on their journey. They wandered about the woods aimlessly trying to find some sense of direction. Then they heard a wing beat again, not as loud this time. They turned around and there was a Vampire standing there. He attempted to bite one of them but Luther grabbed his dagger too quickly. Luther shouted,
“Stay back! We want nothing to do with you foul beast!” Lofty then grabbed his Lute and began to play. He played chord after chord, progressing through all of the chords he knew. He then settled on playing the song in D Major. He began to play louder, the louder he played the faster he got. The vampire became very distraught. When Lofty played the last note it was 3 octaves higher than the human ear can perceive. The vampire then screamed and bursted into flames because the note was so high. Lofty then said,
“Wow I am surprised that that actually worked. I am also very disturbed because there is a burnt to a crisp vampire body laying over there on the ground.” Luther agreed with Lofty in that seeing the body just lay there it was disturbing. Luther was still pondering the fact that he was part bard. He had been so against them that he had never considered why he could do strange things when he played music at his house. He thought to himself, ‘When I tried to play instruments at home I would feel a weird presence. I never knew what it was until now. This is crazy. I am still just going crazy.’ Luther said,
“Lofty, when we met did you know I was part bard?” Lofty answered,
“No, I had no idea. Why do you ask?” Luther said,
“I was just wondering because I think I have known that I was part bard without really knowing I was part bard. I might have lied to you just a little bit, when I told you that I had both of my parents but I actually never had a mom. My mother died after my birth because she lost all of the magic she had left just like your mom did Lofty. My dad told me that it meant something. I just never knew what exactly it meant. I wish I had told you sooner.” Lofty screamed,
“ HOW! HOW COULD YOU JUST WILLING LIE TO ME LIKE THAT?!?!?!? I THOUGHT THAT WE WERE ACTUALLY STARTING TO BECOME FRIENDS. I GUESS THAT ISN’T HAPPENING ANYMORE.” Luther stood there in stunned silence. He knew that Lofty had a temper but not that much of one. He grabbed Lofty and walked him over to a tree stump to sit him down so he could calm down. Lofty just played the Flute and put Luther to sleep. When Luther awoke he had a headache and Lofty was gone. Luther called out for him but he was nowhere to be found. Luther then decided that Lofty had started the journey back to the kingdom. The kingdom needed Lofty’s help more than Luther did. Lofty didn’t realize that he was going to need help to make his way back to the kingdom. He had to turn around and go back to Luther. When Luther saw Lofty he got so excited. Lofty said,
“ I am not here to mend our friendship, I am here to finish my quest so you can help me back to my kingdom.” Luther said nothing but motioned for them to move on. They continued to travel through the woods. It then began to get colder. They had traveled far enough North that they were almost at the base of the mountain. The dragon lived at the top of the mountain. They began to shiver as it got colder. Then they reached the base of the mountain. Lofty went to pull out 2 sets of climbing equipment and heard a flapping overhead. They looked up and saw the dragon flying back up to its den. Luther was able to grab ahold of the dragon as it went to shoot up the side of the mountain. Lofty grabbed his Flute and played a simple melody to create a cloud underfoot. He then continued to play to lift the cloud up and fly him up the side of the mountain. He stopped in the same spot that Luther had jumped off the dragon at. I plateau that sticks out of the side of the mountain. He asks Luther where the cave entrance is, Luther says that it is a couple miles that way. They start walking and Lofty plays a melody that he is just making up as he is waking because he wants nothing to do with Luther. They reach the entrance and Luther instantly attempts to remove the stone that is blocking the entrance, he fails seeing as the stone is twice his size. He then turns to Lofty. Lofty gets out his Trumpet and plays a super high note. He blasts the stone into pieces. As soon as the stone is gone out comes fire, it is spewing from everywhere. Lofty plays a melody to put the fire out. They run in and Lofty says,
“Here Luther, take the Flute, I want you to play whatever you can. Something to distract the Dragon so I can go rescue the King and Queen from their fiery deaths. Luther complies. He plays as fast as he can without cracking a note and the Dragon becomes distracted. Lofty is able to summon a cloud to send the King and Queen back down to the kingdom. Then he plays a high note on the Trumpet again to get the dragon’s attention. Once he does that Luther is able to jump on his back and climb up to his head. This of course scares the dragon and he starts breathing fire again. Lofty then starts to play a soothing melody on the Clarinet and Luther joins in on the Flute. Together they are playing in perfect harmony. They then put the dragon to sleep. Luther and Lofty work together to cut off the dragon’s head. They then had to carry it back to the kingdom. Lofty said,
“ I have a way better idea, neither of us will have to carry the head, I'll send it back on a cloud.” So that is what he did, he summoned a cloud and told it to carry the dragon head back to the kingdom. They played it off together. Lofty then said to Luther,
“ I am sorry that I yelled at you the way I did back there, that wasn’t right.” Luther said,
“ It is fine. I thank you for recognizing that you stepped out of line. Now I am sorry that I lied to you. I should have told you sooner and then you could have told me I am part bard.” Lofty said,
“ Don't sweat it man. I will get over it eventually. You are forgiven. I say let's start the journey home.” They began to climb down the mountain. Lofty couldn’t summon another cloud because he was using all of them that he could summon to keep the Dragon head and the King and Queen from falling. The journey back would be harder than the journey there. They had to climb back down the mountain, go back through the woods, and face the King and Queen when they returned. As they scaled down the side of the mountain, Lofty asked Luther,
“So Luther, do you think that you could learn how to do other types of bard magic?” Luther said,
“If I have the right teacher I think that I could do just about anything.” Lofty then said.
“What if instead of you going back home you stay with me in Luxington? I could train you and you can just live in my quarters with me at the castle, seeing as I have a whole wing to myself.” Luther kindly accepted Lofty’s offer to stay with him. Then continued their journey down the mountain. They had to stop to take a breather on a ledge half way down. They talked and drank water. They then continued to finish their journey down the side of the mountain. Once they were on the ground they started to walk back toward the kingdom. They passed the vampire that they had burnt to a crisp. Then another one appeared. Lofty quickly strummed his Lute to stop the foul creature, the same thing that happened last time happened again. They just walked past the body. They just kept on walking, they got caught walking in a circle again, this time something felt different though. Lofty and Luther were talking to each other. They had become like the best of friends just through the duration of this quest. Lofty wanted to know more about the training it took to become a knight. Luther wanted to know more about how bard magic works. Luther asked,
“Lofty, my grandfather said that I could only summon spirits from beyond the grave, how will I be able to do the other kinds of bard magic?” Lofty answered,
“ You can learn them because all of the root bard magic is the same. So really all I have to do is teach you how to use it. There will be a learning curve but it will be worth it. You will also have to pick your main instrument, this is the one you will progress the fastest on.” Luther said,
“Okay, I think I might choose either Oboe or one of the 4 saxophones. I have to try them out when we get back because you have all of them.” Lofty said,
“Sounds great! I do have all of those options and you didn’t pick my main instrument which is Flute. I chose it thinking it would be easy, it was not. I now love it and think it is the best instrument on the face of the planet. I especially love my open holed Flute that I play now.” Luther said,
“Is Oboe very hard?” Lofty replied,
“It can be. It depends on how willing you are to practice and take the time to learn how to play it. When you first get the instrument it can be tricky to learn how to do. The double reed can throw you for a whim. It got me when I first started. I figured it out after a couple of months. I need you to know Luther, this is not as easy as you may think. You will have to be willing to put in the work and take the time to learn. Understand that if you get frustrated that is normal. You can’t just give up on it. You must keep up with it and never give up.” Luther said,
“I fully understand. I will do whatever it takes to learn how to do this. I want to be able to help people as a knight and as a bard. I want to learn how to use my magic in so many different ways that it is crazy. I wish to be able to save lives like all of the other bards with my music.” Lofty was still in agreement that he will teach Luther especially now. Luther was super pumped to get to learn how to be a bard. He couldn’t wait to get back to the castle to learn. The Lofty said,
“ Let's stop here for the night. I am hungry and tired after slaying that Dragon.” Luther said,
“I agree. I am super ready to eat.” Lofty asked Luther if he wanted to try to summon the food, he said no because he did not want to summon another spirit. So Lofty got out his Flute and started to play a very lyrical piece that started slow and then got faster. As he got faster he also got louder and higher. He reached his peak and then dropped down to a triple piano and then they had ten rabbits to eat. So Luther skinned them and they each had five rabbits for dinner. After they awoke in the morning they had realized that the King and Queen had made it home safe so they had the ability to use another cloud, but chose not to. They have enjoyed walking together. They have also enjoyed getting to know each other while they are walking. They reached the river where they had the run in with the King Cobra. They knew that it was still under control. Lofty then grabbed his Lute and parted the water so that they could walk through. They were on the other side and they just conversed as they walked. Luther told Lofty what it takes to become a knight and Lofty told Luther how long it took him to learn how to do magic. They both expressed how they felt without their mothers. They hated their childhoods because they had no mother-like figure. Lofty expressed how the Queen had taken over in some senses for him but not all of them. She could never fully take the place of his mother. She had done well raising him but could not help him learn how to control his magic. He would make the plants come to life in his sleep and make them walk around the castle. He had no idea what he was doing or how he was doing it. They both talked about how their dads did awful jobs raising them. Luther told Lofty about how his dad only wanted him to focus on learning how to become a knight and follow in his grandfather’s footsteps. He forced Luther to train for many hours a day not allowing him any time to make friends or be a child. He had to become a knight or otherwise he would fail his family. Lofty talked about how hard life was without a dad. He had to fend for food. There were some nights that he did not eat because he was unable to find food. Then he wandered to the King and Queen’s castle. The King and Queen heard a strange knocking sound on the door. They both came and let him in. They took him in because they could tell that he was without parents and they had not had a child of their own because they could not. They raised Lofty like he was their own. They gave him everything that a small child could want. Luther said,
“Lofty, why did you still not feel at home at the castle?” Lofty said,
“I did not feel at home because I was without my birth parents. I knew this and that made it harder for me to accept the King and Queen as my parents, especially considering that they did not name me, my birth parents did.” Luther said,
“Wow. The name of a child is one of the most important parts of their childhood. I can not believe that they are not the ones that named you.” Lofty said,
“Yeah, I know it kind of hurt me that they chose not to rename me, especially because I had never heard my name before they said it out loud to me the first time I met them.” At this point they had sat down somewhere in the woods because the conversation got so intense. Luther asked Lofty tons of questions. They talked until night fell and they could no longer walk. So Lofty called up dinner, with the Trumpet this time. He played a super loud forte and then a super soft piano. It took a minute to get the food to arrive. Lofty had called four deer for them to eat. They both got to eat 2 whole deer. They were hungry and both ready for dinner. After dinner they went to sleep and did not wake up for a whole three days. They did not awake because they were so full from the deer that they had enough energy to go into a three day hibernation. When they awoke they had no idea what day it was or where they were. They talked to each other some more. Then they decided to keep walking back toward the castle. They arrived at the bridge with the troll. Luther was sure to be quiet this time so they would not awaken the troll. Once they were over the bridge they could see the kingdom of Luxington where they were headed to spend the rest of their days. They arrived in the kingdom and the people of Lexington praised them as they paraded into town. The people knew what they had gone through and that they had slain the dragon and saved the kingdom. The kingdom was still in reconstruction from the dragon attack but they were almost done rebuilding. Luther and Lofty shook hands and kissed babies, and then they went and met with King Ronan and Queen Andromeda. Once they entered the throne room King Ronan gave them many praises. He hugged the both of them and said,
“Sir Luther and Sir Lofty, I would like to thank both of you for slaying the dragon! You have made our kingdom ever so much safer now that we do not have the looming threat of attack every night when we go to bed. Sir Luther, we would like to reward you handsomely for your efforts to slay the beast! We want to give you 3 Million pounds a year for all of your hard work. Sir Lofty, we would like to give you the same treatment! You will receive 2 Million pounds each year in addition to our purchasing of your food!” Queen Andromeda said,
“Yes! We would like to give you our riches. Please do not feel like you have to accept.” Luther said,
“I thank you for the offer but we have a proposal. Would you be willing to allow me to live here for the rest of my life with Lofty and allow him to teach me how to do all kinds of bard magic as I am part bard myself.” Lofty said,
“Yes, I would like to let Luther live here with me in my room and I will teach him how to do all kinds of bard magic. I think he can be a very good student and I have the living space.” Luther then said,
“If you allow me to live here I will need none of the riches promised. I would just need the promise of food and a place to sleep.” Queen Andromeda said,
“Luther, we would be more than happy to allow you to stay here. You may stay in the room with Lofty or we can give you your own room.” Luther said,
“Thank you! I will stay in the room with Lofty because he and I have become very close friends over the course of this quest. I can not wait to start learning how to do bard magic! I am so very excited! Lofty, can we go start right now?” Lofty said,
“Sure! Why not!” Luther and Lofty ran off to their room so Luther could start learning how to play the Oboe. King Ronan looked at Queen Andromeda and said,
“Well I guess we got another son. I am so glad that this quest brought the two of them together. Lofty needed a true friend in his life.” Queen Andromeda said,
“Yes, Lofty was starting to mope around the castle and seemed to be bored all the time with nothing to do.” Then they heard a very loud squeak that sounded like a dying cat on the side of the road. Queen Andromeda said,
“Well I guess Luther has started to learn.” Indeed he had for Lofty started to teach Luther how to play the Oboe. At first it goes okay. Luther was struggling a good bit, so Lofty had Luther learn how to play the Clarinet super well and then he was able to add magic into his playing he could not yet switch back to the Oboe. Luther then had to be taught how to just expel magic out of his fingers. Once he masted that he played the Clarinet while he was expelling the magic out of his fingers. He was able to make some things come to life with just a few notes. Then Luther started to learn how to control what his magic was doing and where it was going. After he had mastered all of that he went back to Oboe and he just excelled. He was able to control where the magic was going and what it was doing. He could do anything from rebuilding a building to summoning a rabbit to be able to eat it. Luther and Lofty worked together to help rebuild the kingdom from the dragon attack. There was more work than they had thought when they first got back. There were 30 houses and 40 little shops that needed to be rebuilt. They were able to play their instruments and fix everything to a brand new state. After they had completed the rebuilding process they started to use their magic to be able to restock the shops. They could make anything they wanted with their magic because, well it was magic. It was just that simple. They could make bread and pastries for bakeries, they could help to speed up the sewing process of making clothes, and they could make the dye needed to turn white yarn into colorful yarn. It took them all day to complete these tasks, so they were hungry when they finished. Luther says,
“Hey Lofty, what do you think about going to the woods for dinner tonight? I’ll do the hunting.” Lofty said,
“Sure! Why not! Just let me tell the King and Queen that we are going out.” Lofty then played a beautiful melody from right outside the castle walls that informed the King and Queen that they were going to be headed out into the woods. Queen Andromeda hollered out the window,
“Be safe! Do not get attacked by a bear!” Lofty played back to her saying that they would not and that they would be home around nine. Then Lofty said,
“Let’s go!”
Luther asked Lofty,
“Do you want to learn how to hunt and kill a deer?” Lofty said,
“Like with a sword or bow?” Luther responded,
“Yes, it is quite fun and I thought because you are teaching me how to do something I would teach you how to do something.” Lofty kindly accepted. So Luther and Lofty hunted a deer. Luther played his Oboe to summon the deer. He played a slow melody and then half way through Lofty joined in to play a harmony part with Luther’s melody. They were able to summon 2 deer with their tune. So Luther started to teach Lofty how to hunt. So Luther allowed Lofty to pick whether he would hunt with the sword or the bow. Lofty chose the bow. He got down low and took his first shot. Lofty was very nervous. He shook with anxiety and fear, his palms were sweaty. He could not get the arrow to stop shaking so without Luther noticing he embedded the arrow with some of his magic. After he released the arrow he started to whistle and the arrow flew straight into one of the deer’s hearts. Then Lofty grabbed the sword and ran up to the other deer and he stabbed it with the sword. So then Luther exclaimed,
“WOW! Lofty, that was great! I am super impressed! It took me so long to learn how to do that! I can not believe that you did that with your first try!” Lofty said,
“Thanks Luther! I am super excited that I did that without much training or practice.” Luther then showed Lofty how to skin the deer. Once Luther was finished showing Lofty how to skin, Lofty skinned the second deer while Luther collected firewood. Once Luther returned he had Lofty light the fire. Once Lofty had the fire going they cooked the deer and ate up. They walked around for a little while in the woods, then they headed home for the night. When they got home the King and Queen told them that dinner was in the kitchen and Lofty replied,
“We already ate. We had dinner in the woods, that is why we went into the woods. Luther wanted to show me how to hunt. I shot a deer without any help! I just knew what to do!” The Queen said,
“Wow Lofty! I am very impressed! It is very excellent that you were able to shoot and kill the deer without any problem!” Lofty thanked the Queen and then he and Luther went off to bed. They sat and played their instruments in their room. They caused the shirts to come to life. Then they made the plants come to life and talk to them. They finally were so tired that they went to bed. Their quest was over. They started this journey as almost enemies and now they ended the story as best of friends. The best things can happen when you take the time to get to know someone.
The End

The author's comments:

I wrote this for a writing project at Shawnee High School. I am a Sophomore and I am 16. I have wanted to write a story like this for a long time but never had the motvation. I know that it is long, but if you love adventure and magic please take a read!

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