A Siren's Song | Teen Ink

A Siren's Song

March 2, 2023
By camdrake137 SILVER, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
camdrake137 SILVER, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hear the rippling waves, waiting for me to explore them. The last thing I have to pack is my cassette tape. There’s nothing better than relaxing next to the ocean with your favorite music. 

“Rhea! You're going to be late!” Brayden yells. Brrrring. Brrrring. Oh, I’m going to be so late. Thirty minutes until my cruise leaves. The wheels roll loudly across the floor. Stuffing my feet into my crocs doesn’t work when you’re in a hurry. I try to rush out of the door but arms wrap around my waist to stop me. “Leaving without saying goodbye?” Brayden asked.

“Right. I’m sorry,” I give him a peck on the cheek but he doesn’t let me go. At last, I finally do what he wants. I give him a passionate kiss and I enjoy it.

“Have fun ok. I’ll miss you,” he says.

“I love you,”.

“I love you too,”. I rush out the door, running towards the ocean breeze flowing through my hair.

“And it starts up north from Hollywood, water on the driving side.  Concrete mountains rearing up, throwing shadows just about five” The message of this trip. There isn’t a better lyric to describe the scenery here. Well, there probably is, but this song always resonates with me. I knew there was a reason I’ve always loved Lake Shore Drive. 

My skin is ready to peel. I’m no longer pale, just red. Pain is needed if you want beauty. I’m ready for my tan. I wish I could stay here for the rest of my life. It’s so relaxing.

Crash! My tea spills all over my chest. Aw man, I wanted that.  I  didn’t even know what happened. All of a sudden, chatter arose. Sound from every side. I couldn’t hear my music anymore.

I joined the crowd, curious as to what happened. That’s when I realized the ship had stopped moving. The current was coming from the people, not the waves. I pushed my way through the crowd to the front of the ship, but I couldn’t see anything. The ship was stuck on nothing. There was nothing there.

My hands started shaking. My legs, my feet, everything was shaking. I felt like I was going to pass out. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. It’s a normal process. But not when it’s as fast as my breath right now. 

Spinning on my heels, I booked it for my room. The wind in my hair. The blur I see as I run. Nothing is clear, not even my thoughts. I had to stop. I couldn’t make it. I clutched my stomach as I curled over, about to vomit. I couldn’t even do that. I was in excruciating pain.

Then, everything just stopped. The world was black, my skin was numb. There was nothing left.

And I woke up like nothing ever happened. I knew I passed out and I knew the time had passed, but I don’t know how much. The ship was silent. Not even any waves crashed into the ship. 

The current was calling to me. As if it was telling me to come there. I did as it told me. On the way, I didn’t see a single person. Not a single worker or a single passenger. Just me and the ocean.

Until I heard women chanting. No, it’s not chanting. They’re singing. They’re singing beautifully, but the lyrics don’t sit right with me.

Hear my voice beneath the sea

Sleeping now so peacefully

At the bottom of the sea

Sleep for all eternity

They sing that over and over. It goes on so long that I can’t bear to listen anymore. I feel my right foot leave the ground. Just floating there in the air, until I place it down and pick up my right foot. My head is empty and I’m walking toward the ship's edge. But yet, I’m relaxed. I want to go overboard. So I do. 

I step up onto the edge, preparing myself for the ocean breeze as I fall. I think to myself how excitingly chilly the water will feel. I dive. I dive head-first into the ocean.

“Look at her gorgeous hair”

“Her soft lips”

“Her hazel eyes”

“Let’s help her”

“Peel off her skin”

“Make her pretty again”

My eyes flicker open. My skin is soft. I can’t feel it peeling anymore. My vision isn’t clear. It’s like I’m looking through a magnifying glass. 

“Oh! She’s awake!”

“Ladies! Let’s welcome our guest into our home”

“Wh-Whats happening?” I ask the three teal-skinned women in front of me. They have beautiful long flowing hair. Their eyes changed color from every perspective. They’re what I wish I was.

“Hello, welcome to our home! I’m Peisinoe, and these are my sisters Aglaope and Thelziepeia.”



“What is your name?” Peisinoe asked.

“I’m, um, Rhea. I’m Rhea” I responded.

“Oh, you must see our kingdom! Would you like to see our kingdom?” Thexiepeia asked. She acted so animated and dramatic.  At least she was being kind.

“Um, sure. May I ask where I am?” I asked.

“The sunken kingdom! Or as we like to call it, Atlantis!” Thexiepeia answered.

“Hold on, am I underwater right now? I asked.

“Yes, you are! Isn’t it beautiful!” Thexiepeia answered.

“How am I breathing?”

“Well, we used our magic, of course!” Aglaope started.

“We cast a spell to make sure you had a permanent air bubble down here” Peisinoe finished.

“Oh, thank you,” 

“Why, of course! Now we must give you a tour of our kingdom,” Thexiepeia insisted.

“Yes, now you may,” Peisinoe allowed.

Thexiepeia took my hand in hers and we swam off. I’ve never swum this fast before. Algaope followed along, but Peisinoe stayed behind. I can’t imagine why.

There were astounding sights everywhere. I couldn’t stop staring at the palace. It was a beautiful light blue. The spotlights shining on it added the perfect white highlights where they needed to be. According to Algaope, the palace was built in the ways of ancient Greek. Everything else in the kingdom was inspired by Ancient Greek because of that. The many white pillars around the palace acted like a gate. It gave protection to everyone inside. Everyone in the kingdom lived there, so everyone could be perfectly safe at all times.

The decorations everywhere hit the spot. The algae were rough, adding texture to the surrounding areas. It gave the kingdom more depth. Many different colors of coral were able to be found everywhere. It’s as if they were placed there for utter perfection. 

The kingdom wasn’t very big. I saw the whole thing in a matter of minutes. But it was a wonder. It should be added to the Seven Wonders of the World. The smoothness underneath my thighs distracts me as Algaope and Thelxiepeia go to get Peisinoe. I guess there's a special ceremony for new guests.

As I wait, I think about the kingdom. The more I think, the more I realize how wrong this feels. The coral is too perfect. Everyone inside one building is impossible. The beauty of the palace fades away. It’s completely gone when Peisinoe gets back.

“How was the tour?” she asked.

“It was wonderful. May I ask when I can eat though?” I tried.

“Dinner is happening just this second,” Algaope states.

“Oh great! I’m starving”

“We never said it was dinner time for you” Peisinoe remarks. I see something that looks like a glitch in the corner of my eye. It’s not just in the corner of my eye, it’s everywhere. The whole palace. It was an illusion.

“Oh, we’re going to enjoy dinner so very much! It’s always better when you soften them up a bit. Just a little sugar, spice, and everything nice!” Thexiepeia exclaimed. It finally clicked. They didn’t invite me down here. They hypnotized me to come down here. That’s the singing I heard before. They aren’t just beautiful women. They’re sirens just looking for their next meal.

I dash upwards, trying to get to the surface. If I get there, maybe I can make it back to the ship and call for help.

“You can try to swim, but you can’t get away! You’ll never make it!” I hear Peisinose yell. Then, she makes a noise I didn’t even know she could make. A loud, maniacal laugh comes from deep in her lungs. She’s right. Even if I do make it to the ship, they can just hypnotize me.

I struggle against the g-force and look back. The sirens aren’t there anymore. I feel my heart drop. Where could they be? I drift as I take a break from swimming. Sighing, I try to think of a plan. More importantly, I try to calm myself down. I have to find a place to hide.

That’s when I found it. A little cavernous hole in the rubble of what could have been the beautiful palace. It’s a tight fit, but if the sirens don’t know about it, it’s a perfect hiding spot. It’s not far away either.

The stone digs into my skin and the blood floats away in the ocean. A few scrapes are easy to heal. Being dead isn’t. This is worth it. I manage to squeeze myself through the hole. I just stop and take deep breaths. If I can contain myself, I can make it out of here.

I think about Brayden. About my mom and dad. About how much I love them and want to see them again. I have to survive for them. And for myself. I just want to go home.

Smash! The protection I had around me in the little hole is gone. Aglaope completely abolished the safe haven I had found myself. She grabs me by the neck and pins me to a wall. Her grip tightens and tightens until I can’t move. I’m stuck here and I’m not going home.

Thelziepeia and Peisinoe gather around. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.  Blood is floating away again. I screech in pain. Thelxiepeia stabbed me with her sharp tale. Then, a feeling of even more pain. Peisinoe dug her claws deep into my skin. She didn’t stop.

“I told you you couldn’t get away,” Peisinoe remarked.

Final images flash in my brain. I see me and Brayden getting married. Being a happy couple. Me giving birth. Us raising a beautiful child and having a happy family. That’s what I want. That’s what I could've had. But it was taken from me too soon.

My vision starts to blur and all color is drained from the world. It’s time. Breathe in, breathe out.

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