Story | Teen Ink


September 12, 2023
By Anonymous

The reality

My story started a few years ago, when I was 10 years old when I watched a show  about Aliens. A lot of people thought everything was false, but not me.  Many people think we are alone in the universe, but being honest the universe is bigger than we  think. So is’t when I wanted to show them they were wrong. Many people wanted to change my opinion, they almost  got it, so it all started out of a simple curiosity.

I decided go to the forest, on that way I heard rumors about it, so I went there,

I made a little picnic and I wait for hours then I saw it , I saw a plate flaying near where I was, it looks as a Frisby,  I was afraid because it would be the first time I saw one in front of me, and then it happened I had an alien in front of me, I feel pleasure, he was looking at me and walking slowly I didn’t know what to do, Then he gave me his hand, his hand looked as an iguana's leg. At the moment i gave him my hand i saw many things in my mind, I knew the true, why they have been looking us for a long time many things that the people should know, I feel luxury, even if I would like to say or to do something for the humanity nobody will believe me there was nothing I could to do, I just decided gave the reason and just keep living my life anyways people thinks we are alone in the universe.

The author's comments:

Hi my name is Edwin I'm the writer of the story I'm from Mexico and I moved here, I've been living here for 2 years, at first was hard because I had no idea about the language.

All people could be saying something to me and I had no idea what were they talking, after months I was understanding some work and sentences it take to long to know more and being able to have a conversation without blocking me.

I'm still learning, but now it is easer.

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