Em | Teen Ink


September 12, 2023
By Adam2610 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Adam2610 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


“I know I know. I’m almost there I’m in a cab right now” said Elizabeth 

“Well hurry. There’s a lot I want to tell you and I want to do with you these next few days.” said terra.

“Okay well I’m about to get there. I’ll call you when I get there ok?” said Elizabeth.

“Alright I’ll be waiting. Bye.” saud Terra.

“Bye,” said Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Then hangs up the phone, placing it in her lap, and begins gazing outside the window of the cab drawn and mesmerized by the big bright beaming lights of billboards and stores that she would pass by. Still looking out the window, Elizabeth hears the sound of an engine revving as she looks to her right seeing a giant white eighteen-wheeler truck charging towards her direction. “BAM”.

  It had been 5 days since Elizabeth's death and now right in front of her casket sobbing was Terra Holding onto the casket, with a tight hold, as if she would never let go. That night Terra was waiting all night for Elizabeth to show up, but only to receive a call that her sister had got into an accident which completely froze her in place. It felt as if someone had punched a hole straight through her chest.

The shock was so much, completely petrified, that it had taken her a few minutes to recollect herself before making her way to the hospital hoping that all of this was just some Nefarious delusion she was going through. But now here she was watching as her sister’s casket was getting lowered into the ground to get buried for her to stay there forever, alone . . . cold. Thoughts rushed to Terra’s head which made it hurt it was all just so -.

“Unfair,” said Terra.

Two weeks had passed since the funeral and throughout that whole time Terra spent her days locked inside her room, isolated away from any social interaction, only coming out when she needed to eat. Sometimes her mom would try and convince  her to come out of her room, but everytime time she did it would end up with a door to her face.

“Terra honey, you need to come out already. It's been two weeks,” said Lily. “ It's not good nor healthy to stay cooped up in your room all day”.

“Leave me alone, quit nagging me” said Terra. “ don't you have better things to be doing”.

“I’m just worried about you,” says Lily. “ever since Eli you’ve been nowhere to be found”.

“Well I’m perfectly fine ; thanks for stopping by” says Terra, as she begins closing the door.

“I just thought maybe you could-” says Lily, as the door closes in her face.

One morning, Terra was at the table eating cereal while scrolling through social media on her phone when she suddenly hears the doorbell ring. She then gets up to go answer the door and when she does she sees her friend Emily standing right in the doorway.

“Em what are you doing here?”, says Terra 

“What do you mean it’s only normal that I come to check on my friend who’s going through a tough time”, says Emily “Plus I heard you've been imprisoned in your room for weeks”.

“I’m sorry did my mom start bothering you?  I swear all she does is bother me”, says Terra 

“She’s only worried about you Terra”, says Emily “ plus I also came cause I  thought maybe you could use a little fresh air”.

“What do you mean?/”, says Terra.

“Me, Jay, and Alexa were thinking about going to this open market place to hangout and look around”, says Emily 

“ I don’t know Em I’m not really in the mood” , says Terra 

“Well I wasn’t asking you’re coming with us”, says Emily, as she pushes Terra towards her room. “ Now hurry and get dressed, we'll be waiting in Alexa’s car”.

After Terra gets dressed and ready her and her friends make their way to the marketplace. When they arrive they all decide to split into groups and just look around

“Alright meet back here around noon to go eat together.”, says Emily 

“Alright”, says Alexa as she walks off with Jay.

As Emily and Terra walk around there is nothing but utter silence between them until Emily tries to start a conversation to get Terra to lighten up. 

“C’mon Terra look around lighten up”, says Emily 

“ I don't know Em”, says Terra “I don’t see anything that interesting”

“Well keep trying”, says Emily 

 Terra then spots this board displayed behind a glass window. on the board it said “Ouija”. Terra had always known about these types of things but never really believed in them, but now could be her only chance to communicate with her sister.

“Hey Em, what about this?”, says Terra 

Emily walks over, giving a worried face.

“Look Terra I know it's har-”, says Emily but is interrupted halfway through by Terra

“Em, please you know better than anyone how much she meant to me” says Terra, while staring at Emily who had a dubious expression on her face before answering her.

“Fine, but you need to be careful with stuff like this, you have to follow directions carefully”says Emily.

“Of course” said Terra 

Emily then calls out to the market owner for help and purchases the board. Afterwards, they meet up with their friends to go out to eat before heading back to Terra’s home.

Once they arrive back they all sit at the table, tired and exhausted, and start talking about their time at the market.

“Did y'all get anything” says Emily 

“No, we didn't find anything that looked interesting” says Alexa 

“What about y'all” says jay 

“Well Terra bought this while we were there” says Emily, as she points at the board that Terra was holding.

“Terra though maybe she could try to communicate with her sister using this” says Emily 

“Sure, why not I think it would be nice if she could speak to her again” says Alex 

As they all come to an agreement, Jay starts setting the table and turning off the lights and everybody then puts their hands on the triangle piece that Terra places on the board.Then they all start chanting” As friends we gather hearts are true spirits near we call to you”.

“Eli are you there” says Terra 

They sit there for a moment when suddenly the wooden piece on the board moves over magnifying the word yes. Terra’s eyes then widen in surprise and shock.

“OH MY GOD ELI I CAN'T-” says Terra, almost sounding like she's gonna cry.

“Eli I- I  miss you so much, I'm so sorry you had to go this way’ says Terra  “ Em it’s hard with you not here I can’t go on without you”

Suddenly the piece moves again spelling out a sentence  “ you have to, you need to be strong”

“I know sis but I just don't want to go on alone” says terra 

The piece moves again “ i will always be with you through everything”

“I love you sis” says terra 

Then the piece spells a sentence one last time before they end “I love you too”

Then Terra says her goodbyes and ends the ritual. After that her friends say goodbye while walking out the door.

“Hey Terra you’re not alone you know, you have us and we will always be here for you” says Emily

“Thanks guys y’all mean a lot to me, I dont know what I would ever do without y’all” says Terra as she closes the door.

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