I Dreamt | Teen Ink

I Dreamt

September 27, 2023
By DrgoDmz GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
DrgoDmz GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt that I was alone at sea.

I dreamt of a crumbling castle, alone as I, it stood over the waves, sage green ivy growing around it. 

I dreamt a sudden chill came over me as the ice cold waves drenched and drowned anything they touched. 

I dreamt of George Washington as he stood alone in his glory and vision, intent on making it reality. 

I dreamt of the time I had stood over Lake Superior. 

I dreamt I had seen Neymar succeed with his career. 

I dreamt of 36 coral snakes streaming through the sea before me. 

I dreamt he would have said mi amore one last time. 

I dreamt of a cold storm oh so vain. 

I dreamt of an artist exclaiming their arrival in class. 

I dreamt that I was 6 feet underground. 

I dreamt that I was free.

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