Unveiling the Realm of Psyche | Teen Ink

Unveiling the Realm of Psyche

March 8, 2024
By ari_paige GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ari_paige GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Who am I? 

A child brought into the universe, no age, no gender, no race. Just a being. Everyday was a saunter of nothingness. But one day upon dawn, said saunter led the child into a gallery. 

Covered in dark and infecting ash, with craters sized to a meteorite, they were not alone…

This gallery held creations of cosmic chaos, bringing order and insight to the human mind. No beings that will ever be seen to the human eye. They were translucent, different colors with a radiance glisten.These creations indulges them and follows like a stalking shadow. 

Once touched, the child began to transform. A hand held out upon the cold with grief and sorrow, one atom of a touch changed it all. The child fell blue, of only melancholy thoughts now running upon its cerebral matter. 

What is this?

Who did this?

Why am I like this?

All questions brought upon by the creation who ever so lightly, patted their back. They didn't feel safe, the power house of their body, uncontrollably beating— made them all rush to help.

Too many feelings, too many emotions come rushing in. With a rising suspicion to the child, a huge ball of light came down upon this child. 

This profound legend created our new founding god. 

Psymepheus, the God of Psychology, is a bewildering immortal who governs the intricate realms of the mind and soul. Depicted with a golden cloak adorned with the intricate patterns of empathic networks and crowned with a golden brain, Psymepheus is the guardian of self-discovery, mental well-being, and the exploration of the human psyche. Psymepheus granted the gift of introversion to mortals, enabling them to understand their thoughts, emotions, and motivations. In times of crisis or emotional disturbance, believers invoke Psymepheus for consolation and understanding. It is said that the god communicates through dreams, offering mystifying messages that guide individuals on their journey towards self-discovery and mental symmetry.

Psymepheus' influence extends beyond individuals to the cumulative consciousness of societies whilst inspiring the development of psychology as a science and stimulating a culture of empathy and understanding. The god's teachings emphasize the importance of mental well-being, empathy, and compassion as essential elements for a rhythmic existence.

Whether in moments of introspection or in the pursuit of knowledge about the human mind, Psymepheus, the God of Psychology, remains an esteemed and mysterious figure, presenting the tapestry of human consciousness.

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