Un-Normal | Teen Ink


March 17, 2024
By Anonymous

“Hi, I'm Madisyn. You're probably wondering what’s going on… just read on, then you will understand!” 

One cool summer day, I was going for a nice walk with my dog  around my neighborhood. Then all of the sudden the neighborhood crazy lady came up to me screaming… “ WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!” I was so confused, I carried on with my walk. Until…a floating car came crashing down right before my feet. I jumped back in shock. I was looking for my dog, next thing I know there was a UFO above my head! There was a green light coming down from the sky, MY DOG WAS IN IT! I was so scared I ran back home without even trying to save my dog. I made my mom come see what happened, but when we got back… it was gone. 

I have been known before this incident to tell a few white lies. So of course she won’t believe me now. I don’t blame her, why would she? Before the whole thing happened everything started to seem off. The sky started to sync with my moms moods. Everytime my dog would go outside, she would start to act differently. My dog would bark at random things. My mom started to stock up on the basics needs to have a healthy life. I started to notice this about a few weeks ago. Today explains why they were acting that way.  

I let the situation settle for a few days, but it started to bother me. I needed to say something.. So I did. I had to lie or else she wouldn’t believe me at all. I mixed up the story a little but not too much. At that point she was slightly on board with the situation.  I had to break it down a little more, then she was finally on board. Then we realized that we wanted the dog back, so we decided to make a plan. After that dinner was ready. It was a silent and awkward.I ate a few bites, then about three bites later


 I realized I had homework. I quickly ate my dinner then walked upstairs. I heard a little creak but just thought it was the floor so I carried on. I opened my computer, put in my password then a news interruption came across my screen. “Tonight, we interrupt with breaking news. An alien outbreak is hap-” then my computer shut down.

“great “ I whispered to myself. I just decided to go to bed after that. My mom came in shortly after and tucked me in. “sweet dreams' ' my mom said, when she said the word dreams it sent a chill down my spine. I dozed off about 20 minutes after that.  I had a very weird dream. Me and my mom were going to save my dog, then somehow we got teleported into some weird place that's hard to explain. There were people with weird shaped heads, almost like an alien mixed with a beluga whale. I was getting weirded out so I tried to wake myself up from that weird dream. I didn’t wake up. I start to panic. Next thing I know I heard my mom screaming louder than a lion. I immediately woke up. I didn’t get to finish that dream. I’m glad. I ran downstairs to see what had happened to my mom. When I got downstairs I almost heard whispering, but I left it. I just thought I was tired. 

I had got downstairs and my mom was still yelling. Everytime I took a step it got louder. As soon as I had reached her room I prepared myself for top notch screaming. Once I opened the door, the screaming was not in her room. But outside her window. I woke my mom up immediately after that. She woke up with a big gasp. My mother looked as pale as a ghost. I looked at the window to see something crawling away. I yelled for my mom to look but I was too late. The thing had run into the woods. My mom fell right back asleep, I was too scared to go back upstairs. About twenty minutes after I fell asleep I woke up to a weird tapping sound on the window right beside me. I woke up and looked at the windows, there it was. One of the creatures from my dream. I tapped my mom under the blanket, I didn’t want the thing to be scared and run away again. My mom woke up and looked at me. I slightly tilted my head so she would look at the window. She saw the creature, it ran for the woods. She got out of bed and put on her hard bottom slippers and ran out the back door. On the patio a weird green ooze was left behind. I had remembered that the year before that I got a microscope for christmas. I grabbed a spoon and put a little ooze on it and put it in a sandwich bag. I ran after my mom. I stopped after she had disappeared into the woods. 

I went back inside, I had turned on every light and banged pots and pans. I was hoping whatever it was didn’t like loud noises. Next thing I know I see a big black circle of clouds start going in circles in the sky. I yelled for my mom. No response, I grabbed my running shoes and my rain coat and took off to the woods. I heard muffled screams. Next thing I know I was knocked out cold. When I woke up, I was in the place I had seen in my dream. I had asked my mom if she’s ever been here before. She said yes. At first I was confused, then I noticed that wasn’t my mom. But it was a clone of her. I never saw my mom after that moment. Or even myself. 

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